Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1960: He fell in love with her 3

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Don't want to talk anymore.

Sometimes, I really can’t understand a man’s thinking.

Forget it, it's almost here anyway, there is no need to tangle these.

When I arrived near the airport, I saw Qi Zhang standing at the gate of the airport from a distance, carrying a small gift box in his hand.

Zhuang Xuejun's eyes lit up, with a little excitement in his tone, "There, park the car on the side of the road and let me go down."

The expression on his entire face lit up, making King Han Da very upset.

Isn’t it just that old friends met, so happy?

Laugh so happy.

Zhuang Xuejun's personality has always been gentle. Although he loves to laugh, he is always a kind of polite smile, which makes people feel gentle.

It was the first time he saw an emotional smile like this.

This made him very upset.

I'm so unhappy that I don't want to go to the root cause of how and why such unhappy emotions are generated.

"This is a section where parking is not allowed, do you think I was fined." In a bad mood, even with a tone of emotion.

Zhuang Xuejun was taken aback, gave him a timid look, and then sat back peacefully.

Han Luoqi also noticed that his tone was too much, but now he was asked to apologize, but he couldn't say it.

Can you blame him? She left him behind when she saw other men.

However, seeing Zhuang Xuejun's grievances with blank eyes, he felt very uncomfortable.

I was very irritable and suddenly wanted to do something to vent.

The irritability became more and more obvious, and it was too big for him to control it, especially when the car was about to drive in front of Qi Zhang.

He suddenly slammed on the accelerator, and the car flew past Qi Zhang with a swish.

The speed was too fast, and it was close to the roadside, almost hitting Qi Zhang.

Qi Zhang took a step back subconsciously. It happened so suddenly that he staggered and almost fell.


Zhuang Xuejun exclaimed in shock.

The heart thumped and thumped, and suddenly looked back at the man on the side of the road behind him. Fortunately, it was all right.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the man who was driving.

I saw Han Luoqi with a cold face, and the stranger approached.

He was angry and on the verge of rage.

She had never seen Han Luoqi like this, and she was a little scared.

His mouth opened, but he dared not ask why he was suddenly angry.

I can only hold on to the seat belt, shrink into the seat, and his face is a little pale.

Han Luoqi's heart hurt, did he scare her?

He didn't know what was going on just now, seeing the joy on her face made him go crazy!

There is only one thought in my mind, I don't want her to meet Qi Zhang!

So, he drove the car away.

Now, regret it.

I settled my mind, and tried to speak in a calm tone, "Sorry, I just thought of something unhappy. Did you scare you?"

"No... it's okay." Zhuang Xuejun's tone was a little quiet, with lingering fears.

Han Luoqi was so upset that he could turn around, and he adjusted back.

Came to the airport gate again, found a place where I could park, and stopped the car.

"You get out of the car first, and I will park the car."

Zhuang Xuejun quickly unfastened his seat belt, then hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car.

Han Luoqi had already unfastened the seat belt and wanted to go down and open the door for her.

But he didn't want to. He just pressed his hand on the car door and she ran out before she could get out of the car.

She was just scared, so scared to run away from him.

Or, can't wait to see Qi Zhang?

The aura on Emperor Han Da's body instantly wilted, like a discouraged ball.

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