Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1971: Forcibly insert ads 1

Xu Jiayang was working, and when he heard the mobile phone prompt, he clicked on it.

Replied one in.

Han Luoqi: Xu Jiayang, ask you a question.

Xu Jiayang raised his eyebrows. When did this guy know he was polite?

Reached out and took a sip of the coffee next to him, and typed with the other hand: Say.

Han Luoqi: How to chase girls?


Xu Jiayang sprayed a sip of coffee on the spot!

After reading that sentence several times, he returned in horror after making sure that he had read it correctly.

Xu Jiayang: Are you chasing girls?

I'm going, did the sun come out from the west, the movie emperor Han, who has always claimed to be a girl killer, will actually have a day to chase women!

Xu Jiayang: Who?

Thinking of Han Luoqi going crazy that night, he said again: Xuejun?

Han Luoqi held the phone with reddish ears.

An awkward answer was.

Xu Jiayang patted the table and laughed three times. Zhuang Xuejun really gave him a face!

Can actually get the Han actor who has always had a heart higher than the sky!

After gloating over misfortune, he leisurely replied: How do I know.

Han Luoqi was angry, she didn't know how much she said!

Holding the phone and typing in: Are you writing so many scripts for nothing? You can't even chase a woman!

Xu Jiayang has a black face. He is writing scripts, not love novels. How does he know how to chase women?

Besides, your surname Han has made so many TV shows, and you don't have any experience at all.

Xu Jiayang: I'm not writing romance novels. Why don't you go find some novels by Mary Su? The safekeeping is here!

Han Luoqi cares about her, Mary Su novel? Is it reliable?

I heard that those novels do have a lot of love and love, maybe they are really useful.

Han Luoqi: Introduce some good-looking books

Xu Jiayang: I haven't seen it yet, how do I know what looks good? Ask others to go

Putting down the phone after speaking, the smile on his face grew thicker, and the actor Han chased his wife and watched a good show.

Han Luoqi pulled her face down, asking someone about such a shameful thing?

He can't afford to lose this person!

After checking the time, there was still half an hour before Zhuang Xuejun finished the inspection. He thought hard about who would be better to ask.

How about Xia Weibao?

The woman is an internet addicted girl, and she doesn't know if she can read novels.

The final decision is to ask his millions of fans for help.

Of course, a face-loving man like Han Da actor would not ask directly.

It’s a very, very, very tactful tweet.

Han Luoqi V: I want to pick up an urban romance drama recently. I want to read some books or comics to understand the style. Do you have any recommendations?

After sending it, I took my phone and looked left and right. I was very satisfied.

In this way, no one should laugh at him, right?

After all, he did it all for acting!

Weibo has just been posted, and the comments below immediately piled up.

Of course, the first batch of people came out to confess without reviewing the questions.

[Mrs. Han]: Ah, ah, ah, my husband has posted a blog, love you! ! !

[Qi up and I down]: Wow, love you ah ah ah ah, compare my heart to my heart...


Han Luoqi glanced, and pulled down directly, until he saw the introductory article, he stopped paying attention.

[Amy]: Recommend the Hello of Wei Girl, Lord God! Looks great! Rich city Su Shuangwen! Push!

[Feifei]: Yes, yes, I have read this one too, and there is a sweet wife on it, so sweet! Great looking, my husband is asking for a flop!

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