Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1975: Another man kneeling on the keyboard 2

He walked to the balcony and shouted at Zhuang Xuejun, "My wife, it's time to go out."

This wife's scream is so angry that the person opposite the phone can hear it!

Zhuang Xuejun held the phone microphone and turned his head, "Go out?"

"Didn't you say that you are going to see Xia Weibao today."


Then I continued talking on the phone, but it didn't take long before I hung up.

Han Luoqi was sitting on the sofa in the room with his hands around his chest.

Seeing her walk in and raise her eyebrows, she hung up so soon?

It seems that Mary Su is also useful!

Little test sledgehammer actually defeated the rival of love!

Very good, he will look back and write down the essence later.

Zhuang Xuejun walked to the closet and took a loose set of clothes.

Han Luoqi asked, "What are you doing with your clothes."

"Change clothes and go out and find the baby."

"I said no, my body is honest."

Zhuang Xuejun was confused by what he suddenly said, what the hell!

She just wanted to change her clothes, so why did she say no, she was very honest?

"What are you talking about?" Sick this man.

"Look at me with this look, fall in love with me?"

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

"Han Luoqi, see a doctor if you are sick."

"Well, I'm sick, lovesickness..." How do you say the last half?

Miserable, forgot.

Han Luoqi thought hard for a long time, and didn't remember what the second half of the novel said, so his brain was hot, "Are you going to accompany me to the doctor."

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Could it be that she hit the ashtray just now too hard and made people a fool?

The speech is incoherent.

This is too much!

She looked sympathetic, "Han Luoqi I'm sorry, I didn't mean to beat you as a fool? Don't worry, when I see the baby, I will ask about the contact information of the mental hospital where she lived.

That psychiatric hospital is still possible. The baby can be cured so severely, and you can definitely return to normal. "

Han Luoqi was dumbfounded, what the hell!

He was talking about the earthy and affectionate words, how could he become a fool in her eyes?

"I'm not a lunatic, what kind of mental hospital live in!"

"No patient will admit to being sick, I understand."

"No, I'm really not sick..." Suddenly remembered another sentence, Han Luoqi scowled, "Woman, don't be too much!"

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

"Who do you think you are? I have many Han Luoqi women, don't think I can challenge my bottom line especially for you, get out!"

Zhuang Xuejun was taken aback, then bit her lower lip aggrievedly, "I'm leaving now."

Han Luoqi is confused again, the plot is wrong.

But he obviously said according to the replies of the fans, why did he leave?

Seeing that Zhuang Xuejun was really going to leave, he couldn't even care about playing the overbearing president, and jumped up hurriedly, "Xuejun, Xuejun, I was wrong, don't go, Xuejun."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, calm down, those words were taught to me by others, not my intention, don't be angry."

Fuck, my eyes are red!

Han Luoqi hugged the person, nodding her head on her shoulder, feeling wronged like a child, "It's my fault, it's my bastard. I'm sorry, don't cry."

I have already scolded his fans all over the place, what kind of bad idea came out of the earthy love words of fart!

Make his wife cry!

Seeing that she was still aggrieved, Han Luoqi had a big head.

Thinking of another plot, he closed his eyes and bit his teeth and knelt down with a thump.

"My wife was wrong."

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