Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 198: At that moment, the backbone left her...

Uncle Fu left her for dinner, but he had no appetite.

In the palace before, she gathered a lot of pets, and the cost of eating and drinking was all the best, and she had never eaten any delicacy.

Although all the foods eaten in Luyuan are top-notch delicacies shipped back by air, in her opinion, it is that way.

Where can I find delicious snacks?

After eating two bites, Xia Weibao put down his chopsticks.

Go back to the room and take a shower.

The whole person feels sad.

Lie on the bed after taking a shower and swipe Weibo with her mobile phone.

The fans have broken 700,000, but she is not happy at all.

What if there are fans, can you take her to eat chicken, can you buy her snacks?

After tossing around for a while, I logged into the chicken-eating page and found that Lu Hualiang was actually online!


Secretly playing games behind her back!

The empress was not calm, she ran to the master bedroom next door with her mobile phone.

Lu Hualiang waited for a long time tonight, thinking that she could really hold back from coming to him, and was upset when she heard a knock on the door.

The bored mood, like a spring in the mountains, washed away all the worries, leaving only the slightest coolness.

The corner of his mouth curled up in a pleasant arc, and he got up to open the door.

Otherwise, with the woman's explosive temper, it is estimated that Fu Bo will find someone to repair the door tomorrow.

When the door opened, I saw Xia Weibao holding a mobile phone, standing at the door somewhat coyly.

Lu Hualiang expressionlessly, "Something?"

Xia Weibao's complexion was reddish, her eyes flashing with guilty conscience, "Um...I haven't eaten enough for dinner, do you have anything to fill your stomach?"

At this moment, the backbone left her...

Lu Hualiang's eyes are full of smiles, this reason is really lame.

"You can ask the chef to make supper."

"No need, no, the chef is asleep, don't disturb others, I can just eat some snacks to cushion my stomach."

After finishing speaking, he nodded seriously, trying to prove that he was thinking about the chef, and he was definitely not greedy.

Lu Hualiang wanted to laugh, "Don't you still have a refrigerator in your room?"

Xia Weibao opened her mouth slightly and made a mistake!

Forget about the refrigerator!

She turned red, and then made an awkward excuse, "The refrigerator...broken."

Lu Hualiang accepts as soon as he sees it.

If the popularity ran away, he would still suffer.

So he turned his body sideways and gave way.

"I also have some snacks here. If you don't dislike it, you can eat some."

"Neither dislike nor dislike, I am not picky eaters, ha ha."

As Xia Weibao said, his legs had walked in uncontrollably and marched directly towards the snacks on the bedside table!

With this impatient look, the corners of Lu Hua's mouth were raised.

She is not picky eaters?

The white truffles transported back by air from Italy can't make it into her eyes for tens of thousands of dollars a catty. The dishes made by the three-Michelin-star chefs are so mediocre. Is this still picky?

Lu Hualiang shook his head with a fond look, and closed the door.

When I entered, I saw Xia Weibao standing in front of the bedside table, constantly flipping through the two big bags of snacks.

Picking here, picking there, hesitating which one to eat.

Then turned to look at him a little embarrassed.

Those eyes seemed to say, I want to eat, what should I do.

With a little coquettish look in his eyes, Lu Hualiang's heart melted, "All for you."

It was originally bought for her.

Xia Weibao was happy when he heard it.

The eyebrows curled, and layers of smiles burst from the bottom of his eyes.

At that moment, Lu Hualiang was stunned.

Suddenly, his heartbeat was two beats fast. This was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.

For her smile, he would not hesitate to make him pay any price!

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