Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1990: King Han is miserable

——Zhuang Xuejun? Just the little star who was tepid before? She is also worthy? !

——Really, Zhuang Gou, go to death!

—— Spicy Chicken Zhuang Xuejun, she became pregnant after she was unmarried, and used her child to force my Luo brother to marry, so shameless! ! !

Of course there are many blessings.

[Lou Yongke]: Some people pay attention, why are they so dirty? Hiring your idols? Thank you, civilization chasing stars rationally, I think the two are very good together and support.

[Hao Keke]: That is, being together is a matter of two people. Do you want to chill Luo Ge by saying that? What's wrong with Zhuang Xuejun? Is it bothering you?

[Shuangshuang]: That is, who stipulates that you cannot be pregnant if you are unmarried, and can you not be in a normal relationship without being married? Can't sex?

[Shen Fan]: Support Han Luoqi and Zhuang Xuejun! please be happy!

Han Luoqi is checking Weibo to browse comments.

When he saw the shameless remarks against Zhuang Xuejun in the front, his face was completely black, and he recorded them one by one, and then contacted the Weibo backstage to block their accounts.

And he went directly to the tuba to find it, without concealing his identity.

He is not afraid that others will know that he is doing these things, he just wants everyone to know that Zhuang Xuejun is his wife, and with his backing, who would dare to bully her in the future!

It wasn't until the sound of blessings came back that his face improved.

Not long after Weibo was posted, it was topped by hot searches.

He also picked up those blessing comments and replies in a very good mood, and slowly, more and more blessing voices.

As soon as Xia Weibao went on Weibo, he saw Han Luoqi's Weibo, and it turned in seconds!

Xia Weibao V: Pull the knife! Love rival! @韩洛麒V

Zhong Shixia also turned as soon as he saw it.

Zhong Shixia V: Xuejun wants to be happy, we are your "maiden family"!

Xu Jiayang V: 999999*10086

... all friends forwarded it one after another and expressed their blessings.

Although Zhuang Xuejun is low-key and tepid in the entertainment industry, he has many friends.

It shows how good the popularity is.

The most surprising thing is that Lu Hualiang, who hasn't been blogging for ten thousand years, also reposted Weibo...

Mr. Lu said that this Weibo must be reposted!

After all, there is one less rival in love!

Lu Hualiang V: A wise choice.

Everyone is dumbfounded, what does this mean?

Only our queen empress saw through the essence of this man and looked at him gloomily, "Don't you think I have a leg with Han Luoqi?"

Mr. Lu was full of excitement, "Wife, wronged!"

"Humph!" Xia Weibao snorted coldly, turning his back to ignore him.

Lu Hualiang fingered the blue sky and white sun, "My wife, I can swear that you have absolutely no misunderstanding that you have a leg with Han Luoqi!"

He just suspected that she had a leg with Zhuang Xuejun...

Zhuang Xuejun hid in the room and didn't dare to come out. She couldn't believe it. She actually did it with Han Luoqi in a muddle, and she was still on the sofa in the living room...

She doesn't even know how it happened...

The more I thought about it, the more I reddened my face, I buried my face in the quilt, and I lost my face to see people.

At this moment, she frowned when she heard the prompt sound of Dididi on Weibo and clicked on it.

I found that it was all @ her news, and there were many private messages.

Then I saw the Weibo sent by Han Luoqi.

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Good...vulgar public way.

However, feeling sweet in my heart, the corners of his mouth bend unconsciously.

Maybe it's not bad to fall in love after marriage or something.

At this moment, a message popped up on WeChat, which was from Qi Zhang.

"Junior sister, be careful of Han Luoqi, the child in your stomach is my rumor, and he told the media."

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