Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1993: Han Actor's Head Green Oil 1

Yesterday, the fans gave me a lot of dishes. I made a large table of dishes. I put the rest in the refrigerator. It is estimated that it will be enough for her one day.

Han Luoqi was a little worried. He was afraid that he would stay here, whether Zhuang Xuejun would rather starve to death than go out.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he was. He could use bitterness to decide whether to eat or drink, but she couldn't.

Not to mention there is one in her belly, even if it doesn't, her body can't stand it.

After hesitating, he pulled out the phone from a bunch of salutes and sent it to Zhuang Xuejun.

"Xuejun, I'll go back to my side first, you remember to come out to eat."

After sending it, turn around and leave.

Zhuang Xuejun looked at the information on the mobile phone and adjusted the surveillance at the door.

After confirming that Han Luoqi really left, he changed his clothes and went out.

Han Luoqi was hiding in the corner, looking at her leaving behind, feeling very uncomfortable.

She really would rather starve to death in order not to see him.

It seems that this incident really annoyed her.

He knows this method is a bit jerk, he is very guilty, but he does not regret it.

If not, how can we marry her in the shortest time?

Seeing her driving away by herself, Han Luoqi wanted to catch up.

But she is upright now, if he goes out, will it irritate her?

She can't be stimulated now, if something happens when she gets excited, it turns out that he can't afford it.

Can only stand in front of her house and wait.

Zhuang Xuejun went out for a meal, then bought some things and came back. He saw Han Luoqi at the door of the house, his eyes condensed, as if he was a transparent person.

Han Luoqi was overjoyed, and when she met her cold eyes, she was a little timid.

Following her aggrievedly.

"Mr. Xue, is it heavy? Let me take it for you."

"Xuejun, listen to me. I'm just afraid that you will be taken away. I want to marry you back soon. There is no malice."

"Wife, please forgive me this time. You can fight or punish you. Don't be angry with me."

Zhuang Xuejun opened the door without saying a word and entered the room, then turned and stopped the man who wanted to follow up at the door.

"If you dare to step into this house, I will move out overnight."

Han Luoqi stretched half of his foot in, and hurriedly retracted it in fright.

But I can't let her move away, because it's not safe to toss, and secondly, as long as people are still here, he can slowly coax.

With a bang, the door was slammed again.

Han Luoqi went back to his villa dejectedly, and threw his body onto the sofa.

Reaching out and touching the sofa under him, he thought of yesterday noon, he and Zhuang Xuejun were also on the sofa...

The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, the skin is better than snow, softly groaning, entwining the neck, how beautiful.

How did it become like this in just one day.

The injury on his body has long since healed, and the shooting schedule has been delayed for too long, so he had to go back to film first.

Although the wife is the most important, but I have already taken the scene and filmed most of it, so I can't throw it aside so irresponsibly.

Give each other some time to calm down.

When her anger subsides, maybe coax her to get better.

So he picked up the phone and said, "Xuejun, I'll go filming first, you can find me if you have anything."

Zhuang Xuejun glanced at his text message and deleted it casually.

Take clothes and take a bath.

When I was undressing, I looked at myself in the mirror. Although the hickeys and pinches were much lighter on the white and tender skin, they were still visible.

The scene of the two being entangled on the sofa at noon yesterday came to mind again.

She turned red, and then turned to take a bath irritably.

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