Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1997: The person he likes is you 3

"That..." Han Luoqi suddenly became nervous.

Is it what he thinks? I want to say it, but I am afraid that he will be affectionate.

Zhuang Xuejun has a calm temperament, and has always been indifferent in terms of feelings, and has never expressed any liking to him.

Qi Zhang took a sip of wine and was silent for a while before speaking, "Do you know why Xue Jun has never liked strangers at home."

Han Luoqi shook his head and did not speak, waiting for his next words.

"Because her parents broke up, it was because her father cheated on the young nanny at home and was hit by her mother on the spot. Her father and mother fought on the spot and drove her mother out of the house in anger.

In that conservative era, when women were kicked out of their homes, they would be regarded as not observing women's ways. Her mother was surrounded by a group of neighbors and pointed, pushed and pushed her mother down accidentally.

At that time everyone knew that her mother was pregnant and the child was gone.

Her mother could not accept the fact that she drove and died with her father.

At that time, she was still very young and witnessed this tragedy with her own eyes. You said she had expectations for marriage? She dare to ask a nanny to her home?

And what about you, what did you do? You actually created a scandal deliberately to force her to marry you, so that she had a big belly and was watched by people. This was sprinkling salt on her wounds. "

Han Luoqi was completely shocked. He never thought that she would have such a past.

Thinking of her flustered expression when she was besieged by reporters at the entrance of the teahouse that day, he felt heartache that he could not breathe.

No wonder, she would be so angry.

He was too selfish to consider her feelings.

In fact, because he was afraid of her being injured, he had already arrived near the teahouse very early, but he didn't come out because he was afraid of her being suspicious.

Waited until she was forced to the corner before appearing.

Looking back at that time, Han Luoqi wanted to slap herself!

What **** did he do!

How scared she was at that time!

Qi Zhang glanced at him faintly, "I have looked for her many times, as long as she wants to go, I can take her away anytime, but she refused.

She has been waiting for your explanation, but what is your response, she won't go home for a week.

Marriage is not a trifle, nor is it a tool to quell rumors. If she doesn't have you in her heart, how could she marry you, and how could she have children for you.

Xuejun has always been indifferent to feelings and does not know how to express, but it does not mean that she has no feelings.

As her husband, if you cannot understand her, let her go. "

After speaking, he got up and looked at Han Luoqi at last, "I will let go this time. If you dare to hurt her again, even if she doesn't want to, I will take her away."

Qi Zhang left, Han Luoqi sat in the private room, staring at the front in a daze.

He always thought that Zhuang Xuejun didn't like him and was forced to marry him.

Only now I found out that he didn't understand her.

I remembered what happened on the sofa in the living room that day, and suddenly, yeah, if she didn't have him in her heart, how could she let him do whatever she wanted?

If he doesn't have him in his heart, how can he let him live in her house, live in her bedroom, and sleep in her bed?

She just doesn't know how to express.

And he doesn't understand.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at the news during this period. They all said that she fell out of favor on the second day of her wedding, her relationship broke up, and her marriage deteriorated.

What's more, she said that the child in her stomach belonged to Qi Zhang, so she was abandoned.

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