Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 200: Steal

Sleeping Xia Weibao was very quiet, with her head tilted slightly, and a few strands of hair hanging down smoothly, covering half of her face.

Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand and gently lifted her hair behind his ears.

Showing a plain white face.

Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand to help her get rid of the cake, and there was still some crumbs on the corner of his mouth.

Rulan's breath sprayed between his fingers, making his body stiff.

Some reluctant to take it away.

Looking at her pink lips, if she was cold and crystal clear, his throat was a little tight.

Her heart throbbed at this moment, her eyes locked tightly on her pink lips.

Slowly lowered his head.

Xia Weibao leaned on his arm, and with such a move, he inevitably pulled his shoulder.

Xia Weibao's long eyelashes quivered twice, as if to wake up.

Lu Hualiang was startled and sat up straight.

The scene where I just wanted to do something bad was just an illusion.

Xia Weibao woke up sleepy and looked around blankly, not her room.

He yawned, and looked at the man with a serious face a little dull.

Blinking, blinking again, then I remembered that she came to see him playing games, and then fell asleep.

"Mr. Lu, have you finished the game?"

"Yeah." Lu Hualiang nodded solemnly.

In my heart, I was strangled.

Almost kissed...

Xia Weibao got up, "Then I will go to my room and sleep first."

Before leaving, he took the two big bags of snacks away.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Is this the purpose of her coming tonight?

When I went to film the next day, everyone in the crew found that the spirit of their heroine Xiaoqiang was back!

She has done all the filming. She has good acting skills and is very good at bringing newcomers and can bring people's emotions into emotions.

So the scenes of other people are almost once.

The whole day of filming was finished at four o'clock in the afternoon.

With joy, Xu Jiayang's entire face smiled like a chrysanthemum, and he patted Xia Weibao's shoulder comfortingly, "Good job, keep it up."

Xia Weibao happily responded, then quickly changed costumes and left.

Looking at her raging back, Xu Jiayang felt again that she must be going on a date.

Who is the man behind Xia Weibao?

After leaving the set, Xia Weibao did not go home immediately, but went to Yin Mulan.

See her doctor.

She gave Yin Mulan a comprehensive examination and then worked out a treatment plan.

Xia Weibao took out the medicine collected in the primeval forest that day and grind it.

"Teacher Yin, I will stay here for these medicines. You grind them up like I did, and put them on your feet with gauze. Change them every three days. I will treat you again in a month."

Yin Mulan took a look, but didn't understand what medicine it was.

But she believes in Xia Weibao.

So nodded, "I will apply it on time, thank you."

Xia Weibao looked up and smiled, "It's okay, it's easy."

The bright smile is like a hundred flowers blooming, especially those eyes, the streamer is bright, full of stars.

Yin Mulan looked a little dazed.

She is so beautiful.

Even a woman of her was teased.

Turning her head unnaturally, Yin Mulan's face was reddish, a little embarrassed.

And Xia Weibao, who was concentrating on applying the medicine, did not notice her abnormality at all.

After applying the medicine, Yin Mulan wanted to stay with Xia Weibao for dinner, but was refused.

Xia Weibao checked the time, and at half past five, Lu Hua came back coolly, and she had to go back quickly.

Can't let him go to bed early tonight!

Seeing her in a hurry to leave, Yin Mulan teased, "So anxious, go on a date with her boyfriend?"

Xia Weibao was taken aback, and his face suddenly blushed.

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