Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 347: Another one who was pitted on the King

Thump thump.

Several people went straight into the street with weak legs.

The empress only cares about dressing to force her sister, she doesn't know how shocking her casually exposed hand is!

They all tried to practice arrows, but it was so difficult that they couldn't even hit the target.

But now there is a person who was still despised by them at the beginning, who actually shoots arrows like a game.

Is there anything more shocking than this.

I was too scared to stand still!

It's ridiculous that they are even higher than the sky and want to compete with her. This is just looking for abuse!

And it's still bloody.

Seeing someone falling down, Xia Weibao was a little confused, "What's wrong with you? Has heat stroke?"

"The baby is amazing!"

Yin Guo jumped up and hugged Xia Weibao's neck and shook it violently.

As a result, the empress's mind was hooked away, and the soldiers who had been hit by the Three Views were thrown aside.

"If you have beautiful women, you can't lose face."

The scornful smile instantly made Zhuang Xuejun's Yin Guo and Qiao Li's complexion reddish.

I want to marry.

Over there, Meng Hai was the first to react and rushed in front of Xia Weibao, "Goddess, are you short of apprentices, the kind that can bear hardships and stand hard work!"

Afterwards, other people reacted, and Chen Chuang dragged his lame leg to her feet, "Master, you can accept me as a disciple. I want to learn martial arts from you."

"Master, I want to learn shooting..."

"And I……"

"And I……"

Xia Weibao, who was hugged by two legs in the middle, "..."

Looking at the extra leg pendants, she was speechless, "I don't accept disciples..."

Her ancient martial arts really wanted to pass on, but she didn't want to accept disciples now.

Moreover, watching fate, I haven't met the person she wants to teach.

"Master, you can't be so cruel, Master."

"Master, you can't start chaos and give up at the end."

"Master, you can't abandon your wife and son..."

Xia Weibao, "..."

These words don’t seem to be used like this, right?

Don't bully me by seeing that I traveled through ancient times, I'm very smart!

She really didn't know how to reject these people, and she was also helpless.

"I really don't want to accept disciples now, but I can take you to play games. Will the king play? I am very good."

"Play, Master, I'm Xing Yao."

"Master, I am the king."

"I am also the king..."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Fuck, they are all great gods.

"Well, I haven't played the king account yet, who can lend me to play?"

Meng Hai was the first to rush up, "Master, my king is already over 20 stars, you can play whatever you want."

"That's a good boy, if I have the opportunity to teach you how to shoot arrows, I'll go eat first."

It’s noon now, and I’m still filming in the afternoon.

Finally he was willing to teach him, and Meng Hai was so happy that he flew up, "Master, you can play whatever you want."

Poor child, if he knew that his king would never return, I wonder if he would be so happy.

"Thank you, but how can I return the phone to you."

"We will be punished for running here at night. Master, you can bring it. It's okay to play for a long time. I rarely use my mobile phone and I don't have much privacy."

"Punished?" Xia Weibao was puzzled.

Meng Hai was a little embarrassed, "That... private combat is forbidden in the military camp."

They just couldn't swallow that breath, so they came to singles out.

Will willingly accept punishment.

This is the pride of their soldiers!

Just after Xia Weibao left, a group of people walked towards the training ground.

Fang Lilin's face sank, "What are the crowds around over there?"

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