Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 412: Amazing my baby!

Oh shit!

When a woman becomes handsome, a man can be bent.

It's strange to say that when Xia Weibao was wearing women's clothing, he didn't feel anything even if she was a goddess.

But if she dresses more handsomely, his blood boils!

If it weren't for the strength of concentration, it might have been a fan.

Hold steady, absolutely can't be fanned by enemies who pit him Xingyao!

Xu Jiayang thought for a while, "Can you let those soldiers come forward to testify?"

Since this matter is false, as long as the person concerned comes forward, everything is easy to say.

"It should be possible. I have a good relationship with them.

And they are very enthusiastic, knowing that I like to play games, and they all bring the king number to me to play. "

Leng Yan's expression changed, "The King?"

Xu Jiayang swallowed, "Is it all bronze?"

"Yeah, how did you know, Director Xu is so smart."

Leng Yan, "..."

Xu Jiayang, "..."

This is not smart, this is common sense.

"However, soldiers are strictly disciplined and cannot come forward casually, and it is a bit embarrassing to let them admit that they were picked by a group of women.

I don’t know if I’m willing, let me ask first. "Xia Weibao said.

Xia Shi thought for a while, "Actually, you don't have to admit that they lost. Anyway, there is no sound in the video. It can be said that you are studying or playing."

Several people are discussing how to resolve this matter.

Sitting behind his desk, Leng Yan used the computer to flip through the video secretly.

I have to admit that Xia Weibao is really handsome!

No, little JJ seems to be unable to straighten it this time.

At this moment, the pop-up window in the lower right corner of Weibo pushed a message.

Leng Yan saw that the little JJ who had just stabilized, fell down with a click!

He slapped the table with both hands, "Xia Weibao, see what you do!"

Xia Weibao was startled by the sudden roar, "Boss, are you here again?"

"You, see for yourself!"

Leng Yan was so angry that he couldn't speak, he had never seen such a female star who could make trouble!

Heaven, earth, who will tell him what evil he has done in his previous life!

Did you find an artist or an ancestor?

"What happened again."

Xu Jiayang said helplessly, then clicked on Weibo.

All over the world is Xia Weibao's news.

As for the headlines, awesome my baby!

The first five are occupied by her!






The top five, all Xia Weibao, are very neat.

Empress Empress, "..."

There are always people who want to harm this palace!

The development of things is like this.

Last night, an anonymous person published an article on the XX Forum, claiming to be Xia Weibao's diehard fan.

Participated in Xia Weibao's undercover arrest of drug dealers and witnessed how Xia Weibao single-handedly managed ten drug dealers in a house.

The post is not long, but the admiration for Xia Weibao is shown between the lines.

When a star is an undercover agent, this is unprecedented!

So as soon as the post came out, it immediately attracted attention.

Then, the post was transferred to Weibo.

Countless people poured into the posts, praising Xia Weibao for being brave and courageous.

At first glance, it is high-level black.

Many celebrities make headlines, but Xia Weibao is the first to make headlines in this form!

So some people began to wonder whether this was a hype by Hongtu's public relations department, and the purpose was to win Xia Weibao.

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