Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 473: Slap your face!

The background of the video is the utility room.

A man and a woman are embracing each other.

Li Yi and Ruan Jiajia can clearly see the faces of men and women!

The two had flushed faces, their shoulders were bare, and their bodies were covered with clothes.

As long as you are not blind, you can see what you have just experienced.

"Yi, when will you marry Hua Shan?"

"Quickly, she is now devastated to me, but her family will not be able to pass the test. Don't worry, as long as I get married, I have a way!"

"Yi, you can't touch her."

"It's natural, that fat lady looks disgusting, how could I sleep with her, but use her."

"Hehe, it's really pitiful, I can only play a useless fat woman, Li Qingguo's last glory is all mine."

"Don't talk about her, disgusting, there is still half an hour, come, let's have another one."

"Um... good or bad... ah..."

In order to disharmony this video, Lu Huashan turned off the back screen, but the sound could be heard clearly.

It was disgusting to hear.

As soon as this Weibo appeared, it was like a slap in the face of Li Yi and Ruan Jiajia!

The two were instantly dumbfounded.

Then, his complexion changed suddenly!

" could it be like this."

Li Yi's face was completely white, and he looked again tremblingly.

However, no matter how he refused to believe it, the video was true.

The two were completely panicked, why did Hua Shan have a video!

If he remembers correctly, this video was during the filming of "Allure"!

Li Yi's face suddenly became dark.

At that time, Hua Shan already knew about him and Ruan Jiajia!

But always pretending not to know, never mention it!

It's so cruel to watch him kill himself, Hua Shan, you're so cruel!


The more he thought about it, the more angry Li Yi spewed out blood!

Ruan Jiajia also frightened Liushen Wuzhu, with cold hands and feet.

Even Li Yi vomited blood and fainted, she didn't react.

There was only one thought in my mind, it was over.

Her star career is over.

Originally wanted to kill Hua Shan, but didn't want to eventually kill herself.

A question suddenly came to mind. She was replaced by the crew of "Allure", just after the incident in the video.

It turned out to be Hua Shan's ghost!

Just when everyone in the entertainment industry was shocked by the news, Hua Shan posted another blog.

This time it was still a video, but it was a video she recorded herself.

In the video, her face is haggard, and her beautiful face is exhausted and sad.

His eyes were red and swollen, and the tip of his nose was also red. Obviously, I cried for a long time.

"When I first received this video, it felt like the sky was falling.

I love him so much, but he...

(Here choked for a minute)

I don't believe it. He said that he loves me, and he persuaded me to lose weight every day, saying that being too fat is bad for my health. How could a good man who cares about me betray me?

But... But Jiajia's provocations and his maintenance of her again and again made me see the facts clearly.

Here, I am very grateful to Director Xu.

At that time, I really felt... the world was dark, what's the point of being alive, and even thought of committing suicide.

It was Director Xu who saw that something was wrong with me, then comforted me, enlightened me, and stood up for me, regardless of public opinion, and replaced Ruan Jiajia.

Then I broke up with Li Yi.

Maybe he was fed up with me too, and agreed very readily.

It was his relief that irritated me fiercely! "

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