Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 494: The sweetness of the past, the grave today (reward plus more)

"The emperor, the emperor..."

The silent call from the depths of the soul released the thoughts buried in the heart out of the cage, so caught off guard, without warning.

The heart could not bear the sudden flood of thoughts, and was almost torn apart by life!

The scenes of the past appeared in my mind, the sweetness of the past, like two big hands tearing the heart.

The pain of the saw, so clear.

She did not cry, but it was this silent tear that was even more sad.

The TV shows roughly the contents of the ancient tomb.

There are rows of clothes hanging on the wall, all worn by her.

There are all kinds of jewelry on the dressing table, all of which she has used.

That eyebrow pencil was bestowed by him.

Her eyebrows are light, and he will stroke her eyebrows whenever he is free.

Born in an emperor's house, he didn't have so many children's love, but he took the harem for her, and only gave her three thousand favors.

He did everything that ordinary people's couples would do for her.

He dressed her, stroked her eyebrows, changed her clothes, pressed her shoulders, and washed her feet.

There are traces of all this in the tomb.

At this moment, the beautiful host continued to explain.

"Our archaeologists have opened the jade coffin. Now let's see what is inside."

The camera switched, Xia Weibao's body trembled violently when he saw the situation inside the jade coffin.

If there are countless steel needles in the brain at the same time.

There was a touch of fishy sweetness in her throat, which was firmly suppressed by her.

I saw two corpses lying quietly in the jade coffin. Thousands of years have passed and they have long since become a pile of bones.

But it can be seen that men and women hold hands.

The clothes they wore were from the day she married the Dog Emperor.

Eyes full of red.

Time flows backwards at this moment, back to the night a thousand years ago, that is their bridal night.

Everything seems to be in sight, but it has already become a thousand years.

She could even hear him whispering in her ear.

However, the reality is that they are forever separated.

The camera zoomed in, and the close-up was on the man's hand, where he was holding a wooden comb.

Seeing this, Xia Weibao covered her mouth with one hand, tears wantonly, and she couldn't cry.

The wooden comb was carved for her by the emperor himself.

Every morning when he gets up, he will use this comb to comb her hair.

He said, "Xiao Xuan Chuang, is dressing up, holding hands, reaching white heads."

The past scenes all come to mind, so sweet.

But now, it was like a knife piercing her chest, so deep and so painful.


My concubine misses you so much, and really misses you so much.

In the news, the camera changed again and fell on the wall of the jade coffin, where countless portraits were actually carved.

It is the bit by bit that she and the Dog Emperor are together.

From when they met, until they died, it was all there.

Through his dim teary eyes, he looked at the empty and unfamiliar room.

Very lonely, very cold

She is the only one in this world.

That man would never show up in front of her again.

His mouth opened slightly, but his heart was so painful that he couldn't say a word.

The emperor, you said you would stay with me forever, how could you leave me alone.

I'm scared, I'm scared alone in this era, why don't you come to me...

Why did she not die? She obviously drank poisonous wine, why didn't she die with him.

Why let her suffer alive.

Thousands of years later, looking at their corpses, recalling the sweetness of the past, what kind of heartache was this.

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