Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 501: After a thousand years without decay

Something seemed to flash before me.

The room swaying by candlelight, the hollow dragon bed carved with dragons and phoenixes, the men's panting and the women's groans were heard in the red waves.

The yellow and noble dragon robe, the dragon chair on the top of ten thousand...

His head hurts more and more, and there are more and more pictures in front of him. There seems to be a silver bottle in his head that suddenly breaks, and some trapped memories seem to rush out of the cage.

It hurts, as if a steel knife was about to split his head into pieces!

Lu Hualiang held his head with both hands, his eyes were bloodshot from the severe pain.

Just when he was about to be unable to bear the pain, there was a thump next to him.

He suddenly recovered, and saw Xia Weibao fainted on the ground.

Only then did he discover that he was shocked in a cold sweat, and his mind was blank, leaving nothing.

Seeing her fainted, his whole heart was upset.

Pick up the person quickly.

Before leaving, looked at the two people in the jade coffin again.

The feeling in my heart is a little strange, but there is no longer the tingling sensation I just had.

Before he could think about it, he ran to the hospital with someone in his arms.

In the thousand-year-old tomb, there are too many unclean things in the air and must be checked in the hospital.

The woman on the hospital bed was pale as paper, as if she wanted to merge with the snow-white bed sheet.

The tears in the corners of his eyes seemed to have never dried.

The thin body also reveals desolation.

He couldn't figure out why she was so stimulated.

What excites her from that ancient tomb?

Could it be Emperor Xia Liang?

Isn't she a history fan?

Lu Hualiang thought deeply.

There are really too many puzzles in her body, and she has obviously decided not to check her past.

But every time I saw her abnormality, I couldn't help but want to understand.

He took a wooden comb from her hand.

This was just taken out of the thousand-year-old tomb.

It was a national cultural relic and could not be taken away, but she held it tightly and couldn't break it.

Can only be brought out first.

What made him strange was that a few experts just couldn't move her hand, but when he got to the hospital, as long as he reached over, she let go.

Recalling that in the ancient tomb, she was leaning against the jade coffin, crying while combing her hair with a blank expression, it was really a bit crass.

I don't understand her more and more.

And what material is this comb?

It's too scary to be without corruption after a thousand years.

Moreover, for some reason, holding this comb, he felt a sense of familiarity.

The heart seemed to be touched by something, it was a wonderful feeling.

Looking at the woman lying on the bed, the doctor said it would take at least two hours to wake up.

So Lu Hualiang called Yang Li and asked him to take the comb for a test to analyze the material.

As long as it was something related to Xia Weibao, Yang Li didn't dare to neglect and immediately took it for testing.

As a result, this comb is just ordinary peach wood.

How can ordinary mahogany be stored for a thousand years!

He thought it was a wrong test, so he switched to another institution.

As a result, I changed a few, and even got the archaeological expert to do the appraisal, and the final result was peach wood.

And it is the most common kind of peach wood in the forest.

This is amazing!

The archaeologists were overjoyed and were obviously interested in this comb, which has been immortal for thousands of years.

It was originally a historical relic. Now that it has been taken back, it cannot be taken away.

So he was taken away by archaeologists.

When Xia Weibao woke up, she was a little dazed.

She blinked her eyes in a daze.

Turning his head, he saw Lu Hualiang sitting by the bed.

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