Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 504: Dog food, it's hard for a daughter to buy you smile

It's just that the price is very heavy for the tempting cake.


"I want a thousand-year-old tomb in the suburbs of Beishi."

Yan Fei sat up upright, his face Yan Jun.

Is he crazy!

How can an ancient tomb compare with a military base!

And what does he want an ancient tomb for?

"What do you want from the tomb."

"It has nothing to do with you, you just say to change, or not to change."

Yan Fei hesitated for a moment, "I can't do this thing, you also said, it is impossible to give away the national first-class cultural relics."

"I heard that you want to build a large-scale water conservancy project, but the finance department refuses to approve it. I can invest 5 billion yuan."

Yan Fei felt that Lu Hualiang was really crazy!

A military base plus 5 billion to exchange for an ancient tomb is a loss of business!

It's just that he is so persistent, indicating that the ancient tomb is very important to him!

Yan Fei's eyes flashed lightly, "10 billion."

Lu Hualiang's face was cold and treacherous!

Actually sit down and start the price!

"I'll have someone go through the formalities later."

Finished talking and hung up.

Then walked back to the VIP ward.

Xia Weibao was still wandering, and when he heard footsteps, he turned his head slowly.

Lu Hualiang sat down by the bed, stretched out his hand, and gently touched her head.

"It's done, it's in your name. Now that tomb is yours, you can handle it whatever you want."

Xia Weibao was stuck, "Did it cost a lot of money?"

Lu Hualiang curled her lips and gently raised her chin, "It's hard for a daughter to buy you a smile."

When Xia Weibao heard it, she burst into tears.

Pounced into his arms and hugged tightly.

Lu Hualiang hugged her too.

Naturally, his wife was very pleased to throw in her arms.

But I always feel bored.

It doesn't matter if you spend a military base and 10 billion, it's worth the money to please your wife.

Anyway, he makes money for his wife.

But the problem is, he always feels that she buys the tomb because it seems to be related to the man in her heart.

Don't spend a lot of money and then buy yourself a green hat.

Wife, you have to relax.

Yan Fei sat in the office, staring at the phone in a daze.

Ten billion, no matter how rich the Lu Group is, it is impossible to spend so much working capital casually.

Moreover, with such a large sum of money, it is impossible for Lu Hualiang to have the final say alone.

But he gave it as he said.

Did not even hesitate.

There are also military bases, which are not measurable by money.

These should be his private property!

What identity does he... still have?

This man, who is bottomless, is really not easy to mess with.

Yan Fei held the table with two elbows, rubbing his temples constantly.

In fact, he and Lu Hualiang are in politics and the other in business. There is no conflict, but the relationship is not good.

He sighed deeply, alas.

It would be great if Lu Hualiang was on his side.

Originally this man belonged to his cousin, but now he is like an enemy.

In the evening, the assistant called and said that the relationship on the ancient curtain had been set up and all the procedures had been completed.

The military base has also been transferred to his private name, and no third party knows about it.

In other words, he now has his own military power.

He was a little curious, what exactly did Lu Hualiang do with that tomb? Does he want to develop a tourist area?

Sick, can the tourist area make 10 billion? Can it be compared to a corner of a military base?

After asking, I realized that he had transferred the ancient tomb to Xia Weibao's name.

Yan Fei, "..."


It turned out to be to please women! ! !

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