Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 577: Man impulse

Looking at the empty plate on the table, Lu Hualiang's eyes twitched fiercely.

Six steaks, one plate of pasta, dinner for at least seven people!

The cost of raising a wife is really high, and the cost of food is seven times that of someone else's!

It seems to work hard to make money.

After cleaning up the kitchen, I saw Xia Weibao just finished the phone call.

The complexion is very ugly.

There is no happiness and satisfaction when I just ate.

His face sank, and those who made her unhappy should die!

Walked over and sat down beside her.

Reached out to wrap her waist.

Xia Weibao stiffened, hesitated, and leaned in his arms.

Lu Hualiang gently patted her back, soothing like a child.

Xia Weibao closed his eyes and pressed his ears to his chest, listening to his powerful heartbeat, feeling the tranquility of the moment.

In the past, every time she was unhappy, the Dog Emperor would comfort her like this.

"so tired."

Really tired.

It's been a few months since I traveled here, this is the first time she feels so tired.

It's as fragile as a glass, and it will break if you drop it gently.

Lu Hualiang looked distressed.

I kissed her and said, "When you are tired, take a good rest, wife, go home to be a full-time wife, okay."

Xia Weibao didn't respond, and the long silence made Lu Hualiang know that she refused.

Also, she is not the kind of bird in the greenhouse.

How could it be retired for him.

"Take a good night's sleep and leave this to me."

Xia Weibao opened his eyes and hesitated.

Subconsciously, she didn't want to rely on Lu Hualiang.

But, now she is really tired, and things outside are messy and upset.

"it is good."

She told the story again, and the more she said it down, the more gloomy Lu Hualiang's expression became.

As soon as he heard that she had an accident, he rushed to the police station to pick up people, so he didn't have time to check the whole story.

But I don't want to, those people actually combined to bully his woman!

Very good!

"Xuejun is the biggest victim. Don't involve her. The hotel incident last night cannot be exposed."

"it is good."

"I'll go see Xue Jun and Xia Shi sister."

Xia Weibao stood up while talking, but was pulled back by Lu Hualiang.

"Go back tomorrow and have a good sleep tonight."

Looking at her face, she was so haggard that it was distressing.

"I don't worry if I don't go see it."

"I'm even more worried when you go. I see how tired you are. I only know that I love others. Have you ever thought I would love you!"

Lu Hualiang suddenly increased his tone, and Xia Weibao was startled.

Looked at him blankly.

He also looked at her.

After looking at each other for a while, Lu Hualiang softened his tone first.

"Sorry, I shouldn't yell at you, don't go out tonight, take a bath and go to bed."

Seeing her like this, he really feels distressed.

Xia Weibao pursed her lips, her heart warming.

The care that is unintentionally shown is even more touching.

There seemed to be flashes of light in her eyes, and the frequency of her heartbeat was a bit fast.

No one spoke, and the air slowly changed.

A certain affection seemed to flow in such a confrontation, and the ambiguous breath was about to move.

Lu Hualiang's Adam's apple rolled up and down twice, a bit dry.

The impulse of a man sometimes starts from the gaze of the two love each other.

Seeing her delicate face, he was a little bit contemplative.

Staring at the attractive red lips, he slowly lowered his head.

Seeing the handsome face of the man getting closer, Xia Weibao raised her head slightly and blinked in slow motion.

The heart thumped quickly.

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