Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 600: Is it through rebirth?

"Multiple personality disorder?" Lu Hualiang asked with a frown.

"Yes, multiple personality disorder usually refers to a person with two or more separate'sub-personality', each of which has different psychological and physical reactions and can show different personalities. , Even IQ, behaviors and habits will be different, more serious, they will have different reactions to the same drug.

To put it simply, more than one person lives in her body.

In the case of your friend's wife, it is very likely that another person is living in her. "

Lu Hualiang frowned. He had heard of multiple personality disorder and knew something about it, but he felt that Xia Weibao's situation was not the same.

Her sense of autonomy is very strong, and she is always dominated by one consciousness from beginning to end, and her character is not capricious or contradictory.

It shouldn't be multiple personality disorder, but it's like changing individuals.

However, Dr. Hao is an international authority, and what he said is of great reference value.

"Doctor Hao, what are the common reasons that cause multiple personality disorder?"

"There are many reasons. For example, in the eastern part of Country M, there used to be a pair of twin sisters. Once the sister killed her sister by mistake, and then fell into extreme self-blame. Over time, she suffered from depression and later felt that she was living in her body. One person was admitted, her sister.

Another example is that once someone was often abused, then he would split a strong personality to protect himself, and whenever he was bullied, another personality would appear and form self-protection.

Generally speaking, when people are greatly stimulated, they will split into another personality.

Your friend's wife has been mentally ill, is insane and unstable, it is easy to be stimulated and split into a sub-personality.

President Lu, you can check if she has been stimulated during the treatment. "

Lu Hualiang contemplated his eyebrows deeply, "If it is really multiple personality disorder, will it have any impact."

"It depends on the specific situation. Some people's sub-personality can kill each other and do things that harm the body. This situation is very dangerous."

Lu Hualiang thought about it for a while, "This is not true. She treats herself very well and never self-harm, but she likes to beat others."

"Oh, that's also very dangerous. Maybe he will kill his husband someday, so he should receive treatment as soon as possible."

Dr. Hao gently reminded Mr. Lu that he should be treated as soon as possible when his wife is ill, and don't hurt himself.

But Lu Hualiang didn't want to think about it, "It's okay to kill her husband, just don't hurt yourself."

Doctor Hao, "..."

I really want to kick this wicked bowl of dog food!

Give the single dog a way to survive, please.

After asking some specific information, Lu Hualiang hung up.

He still felt that Xia Weibao was not a multiple personality disorder.

On the contrary, it seems to have changed a soul.

Moreover, she seemed to be hiding something from him.

Married, had children...

He has seen her body and almost made it last time. That kind of firmness is definitely not something a woman who has given birth to a child can have!

She doesn't look like a lie, so why is it so.

Could it be that the consciousness of Xia Weibao in her body is dead, thus splitting another complete personality?

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