Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 704: Go home and settle accounts

Lu Hualiang helped her up silently.

Since she jumped in directly, she was in the two seats in front of her, so he lifted it hard and the person sat in his arms.

"What are you doing."


Xia Weibao said as he rolled up the car window.

"Fortunately, I am witty, otherwise I will be caught."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

This is also called wit?

Wife, your brain circuit is really different from ordinary people!

Yan Weiyang stood there.

Lu Hualiang's car was parked just around the corner, so she could see the whole process of Xia Weibao rushing in.

Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand to block her head, lifted her up and hugged her in his arms, as well as the petting in his eyes, it was all clear.

The incomparable look in her eyes made her nails almost snapped!

She should be back sooner.

Originally thinking of breaking into a world abroad, standing at the top of the entertainment circle, and then coming back to look for him.

She didn't want to, she was wrong.

In any case, I can't think of it. In just half a year, Xia Weibao not only successfully whitewashed, but also married Lu Hualiang!

Yan Weiyang's eyes were filled with insidiousness. She should have killed Xia Weibao in Lu Yuan half a year ago!

At that time, she was indeed cruel, but she didn't want the woman to be so dead, so she wouldn't die!

Yan Weiyang took a deep breath, suppressing the jealousy in his eyes.

It doesn't matter, she still has a chance.

The story of Lu Hualiang and Xia Weibao's marriage was not heard at all, and she only knew it from her cousin.

This morning, she went to Lu’s house to check her breath. People over there didn’t know that Lu Hualiang was married.

In other words, they are hidden marriages, completely hidden marriages!

A family like the Lu family would not accept an actress without background.

As long as she crushes Xia Weibao to death, that woman will definitely be swept out by the Lu family!

Thinking of this, Yan Weiyang's mood finally improved.

In the car, Lu Hualiang pinched Xia Weibao's waist, with anger in his eyes.

Xia Weibao giggled, "Leave first."

This is a public place, and someone may come over at any time.

Although there is a reflective film on the car windows, it is not visible from the outside, but it is still a little uncomfortable.

Lu Hualiang glared at her coldly, his eyes seemed to say, go home and settle the accounts!

Frightened Xia Weibao shrank her neck and crawled to the co-pilot to sit down timidly.

The party ended at ten o'clock. When I got home, it was almost eleven o'clock.

The servants are already asleep.

As soon as he entered the room, Lu Hualiang immediately pushed Xia Weibao to the door.

Still holding her firmly in this way.

Xia Weibao thought she wanted a beast again, but she just held it, without taking the next step.

This made her a little puzzled, when did this man become a gentleman?

Is it true? Don't lie to her, it's been a long time since I had a good night's sleep.

After holding it for five full minutes, Lu Hualiang still didn't move, Xia Weibao almost thought he was sleeping.

"Husband, what are you doing."

"Do you feel it?" Lu Hualiang asked.

Xia Weibao looked confused, and then remembered that at the awards ceremony, the host asked her how it felt to be embraced by Lu Hualiang.

She said perfunctorily that it was too fast and did not feel.

Instantly ashamed.

Could it be her words that made him angry? This man really is.

It's just the scene, so it's all true.

It was funny again.

"There are feelings and feelings, very feelings."

When the words fell, Lu Hualiang's eyes deepened, he lifted the person up and walked to the big bed...

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