Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 709: Chaptery, I have prepared the divorce agreement for you

After pitting his sister, Mr. Lu hung up the phone comfortably.

There is no pressure at all.

And Xia Weibao looked inexplicable.

What do you mean?

Just then, Lu Huashan's call came in.

The tone was filled with righteous indignation, "Sister-in-law, have you read the news on the Internet? Although my brother has cheated, don’t be sad. He is not worthy of a scumbag like him. He is not worthy of you at all. He has different opinions. He looks like a person, in fact, in private, he's just a big-hearted radish man, who messes with women everywhere and doesn't know if he has contracted any disease.

He is already married to you and dating Yan Weiyang, and I heard that he has several women in private. He goes to the hotel with other women every night. This kind of man is disgusting!

Don't worry, my mother and I will be on your side in this matter. If you want to get a divorce, just leave, we won't stop you.

I have prepared the divorce agreement for you. I will send it to you later. Don’t worry, he cheated first. This is his fault. I will help you grab all his property and kick him. Go out and wander on the streets hahaha.

After you get divorced, you will move over to live with me..."

Xia Weibao, looking confused...

She seems to understand what Lu Hualiang said just now...

Seeing that Lu Huashan became more and more excited when she talked about it, she was already thinking about the future, and even thinking about the layout of the room they would live together in the future, Xia Weibao hurriedly stopped her delusion.

"Stop, stop, Shanshan, calm down."

"I'm very calm, baby, let me tell you, I have already asked someone to draw a design drawing, and our house will be designed beautifully in the future..."

Xia Weibao, "..."


Sister paper, calm down!

"I have no plans to divorce."

"Ah? No divorce? Why, my brother has cheated on him, baby, you don't have to wrong yourself, and you don't have to think about my mother and me. Although he is my brother, I have decided to exterminate relatives righteously! I will definitely support you to the end!"

Xia Weibao, "..."

Beauty, he is still not your brother. Does anyone actually say this to his own brother, and wants him to go out.

"Your brother didn't cheat. Those photos are all snapped, the angle is wrong."

"Ah? How do you know."

"I was there..."

Lu Huashan, "..."



It seems that next time she has to get a woman to throw her brother on the bed and take a few more pictures.

Xia Weibao was speechless, and as expected, the women who came to the aunt were abnormal.

Changed clothes and went to the company.

Xu Jiayang and others were a little worried about her, and apparently saw the news on the Internet.

Xia Weibao briefly explained it, and everyone was speechless.

Did not care about this matter anymore.

Xia Shi scanned the comments and found that most of them were rumoring that Lu Hualiang and Yan Weiyang were dating.

There was no action on the Di Yu side. Obviously, he wanted to raise Yan Weiyang's popularity by bundling with Lu Hualiang.

Xia Weibao doesn't care about this main room, and she naturally doesn't care about these lace news.

Just about to quit, I found that there were more posts on the hot search.

She clicked and took a look, "Director Xu, you are on a hot search, and someone is **** you."

Xu Jiayang frowned and **** him?

Who is so boring, make him a director.

He came over and took a look. It turned out that the incident of his **** of a female artist was dug up.

You don't need to think about who did it.

"It seems that Vanke finally can't help it..."

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