Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 807: Except for beauty, no bribes are accepted

Lu Hualiang smiled but didn't smile, "You bribe me, this matter will be done for you."

"Let's talk about it, how much does it cost."

Empress Empress waved her hand with pride.

That posture seemed to be supporting a little white face, so please mention as much as you want.

Lu Hualiang laughed, "Do you think I am short of money?"

Xia Weibao, "..."

Her complexion was reddish, and her little money might not even match Lu Hualiang's hair on her legs.

She stared, "Then you let me bribe you."

Lu Hualiang smiled ambiguously, leaning close to her ears and exhaling, "Except for Madam's beauty, I will not accept any bribes."

Xia Weibao's complexion turned red, and then leaned over, dropped a kiss on his cheek, and clicked.

Then he sat upright and looked at him with an expression that I had bribed.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

"My wife, am I so cheap?"

Even if a kiss on the face is a bribe, is there any cheaper labor force than him?

However, to Shang Xia Weibao's clear eyes, what else could he say.

After typing a few times on the keyboard, I searched for the pictures of Xia Weibao wearing casual clothes today, and deleted them all.

There are not many photos. She changed her dress when she attended the event, so she was secretly photographed a few when she got off the nanny car and went backstage.

Far away, it is not clear what I took, I can only vaguely see off-white casual clothes.

It shouldn't be dug out for lovers.

To be on the safe side, Lu Hualiang set permissions to prohibit him from uploading the photo of today and Xia Weibao to the Internet.

Xia Weibao was amazed. Is this the modern hacking technique? It looks amazing.

"My husband, I also want to learn hacking techniques, you teach me."

Lu Hualiang jumped with blue veins on her forehead, thinking of her increasingly scumbag game level and her level of being limited to using her mobile phone to scan the web, take selfies, listen to music, send messages and make calls, even basic computer skills are clumsy.

This kind of IQ is really challenging to learn hacking techniques.

"My wife, I think it's better for you to learn dancing and medicine."

His wife is a bit weird. You don't need to learn those ancient things, but modern things...

Know it, everyone knows it.

Speaking out will be beaten to death.

Xia Weibao pulled her face down, she just wanted to learn.

Once she learns the hacking skills well, she can become the king by playing games.

Lu Hualiang thought for a while and brought her a book on hacking techniques, "This is a basic introduction, first get this book through, and I will teach you."

Xia Weibao took a look, and he wrote very well, just like the celestial script, you can read every word when you disassemble it, and you can't understand a word when you put it together.

She smiled dryly, "I'd better learn to dance."

Lu Hualiang squeezed her face, with little strength, with pampering.

Xia Weibao sighed in relief.

"By the way, why did you open Weibo suddenly?"

"Want to drive." Lu Hua said lightly in cool breeze, without showing that it was for her.

Xia Weibao pursed her lips, suddenly wrapped her hands around her neck, soft lips covering his cold lips.

Lu Hualiang was startled, and then the hand clasped around her waist tightened and took the person to his arms to deepen the kiss.

Xia Weibao responded with rare cooperation, and he was a little excited.

After the kiss, Xia Weibao nestled softly in his arms.

Without speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

She knew that he was for her.

Lu Hualiang suddenly felt that Yang Li was still useful.

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