Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 828: Empress live broadcast

He Xin felt that Yan Weiyang was crazy.

It's just a list, and there are no substantial rewards, not even a trophy.

There is no need to live with Xia Weibao!

Ticket swiping has always been one of the most disgusting behaviors for fans. The reputation is already bad now. If someone finds swiping tickets again, how will they be washed away in the future.

However, she couldn't convince Yan Weiyang.

Yan Weiyang took a deep breath, "Buy that kind of expensive, don't leave evidence, anyway, I am the first sister of Emperor Entertainment, the position can not be taken away by others, the resources can not be taken away, what if the reputation is bad.

Make a few more films, wait a long time, who remembers the scandal. "

The hero does not ask for the source.

How many ancient emperors were clean? No matter how bad the past is, everyone will only see your success!

He Xin had no choice but to swipe the ticket.

The most expensive type of votes are swiped. All the voting numbers are real. The numbers that others used to abandon, lost their passwords or used them later, or were hacked, and were picked up by those brushes.

No matter how you check this number, you can't find any fraud.

The cost is quite high.

Anyway, it was Yan Weiyang's money, so He Xin didn't say more.

In order to look more authentic, Yan Weiyang posted a group of pictures on Weibo to canvass the votes, and the number of votes rose.

On the surface, it was because she sent out to canvass votes, so fans voted for her.

Over 300,000 votes for Xia Weibao in one day!

"Damn! I bet that Yan Weiyang absolutely swiped the ticket!" Leng Yan roared angrily in the form of a fire-breathing dragon.

Xia Shi was expressionless, "It's obvious."

Yan Weiyang had already started canvassing votes long ago, and the votes in her fans' hands had already been cast.

Where is it still here.

In her current situation, the scattered votes in the hands of passersby would never vote for her.

Sending pictures is useless.

Moreover, the pictures she posted were not at all turbulent, there were not many comments, and few reposts.

Who believes it is not brushed.

Someone on the Internet is already saying that she swiped the ticket, but there is no evidence.

"I said Xia Weibao, why don't you worry at all, tomorrow is the last day." Leng Yan was angry.

He found that Xia Weibao was very calm from the beginning, watching Yan Weiyang jump, without any reaction at all.

Xia Weibao snapped his fingers, "What are you afraid of, I have a killer."

Seeing that his votes surpassed Xia Weibao's 300,000 votes, Yan Weiyang was finally relieved.

Although some people on the Internet scolded her for being shameless, it did not cause a storm.

After all, those numbers are real, and no trace of brushing can be found.

Although it is five times more expensive than the ordinary ticket, it is worth it.

Xia Weibao, there is one last day left, let me see how you beat me!

The first thing Xia Weibao did when he returned to the company the next day, he posted a Weibo and started the live broadcast at ten.

The purpose is simple, canvass for votes!

Leng Yan was a little confused, "What are you doing live broadcast."

"Canvass." Xia Weibao rolled his eyes, isn't this nonsense.

"No, you want to get 300,000 votes for a live broadcast?"

This is definitely not a joke?

Celebrities' live broadcasts can indeed attract a bit of traffic. Many actresses have broadcast live broadcasts to canvass votes, and some even broadcast live broadcasts every day.

It was useful at first, but not much later.

After all, those who watch the live broadcast are their own fans.

And the votes in the hands of my fans have long been cast.

It's useless to start the live broadcast now.

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