Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 840: Sweet Pastry

The aging is serious. One year old is over one year old, and there is a successor, Mr. Meng. Is it really good to hurt your department so much?

The vice minister of calligraphy sat aside, smiling awkwardly.

This description is really appropriate.

Isn’t it? Calligraphy is difficult to achieve, and there are fewer and fewer people who like calligraphy. Today, the youngest member of the calligraphy department is 40 years old. It is indeed a serious aging.

In order to save Chinese calligraphy, they also opened calligraphy training courses to teach young calligraphy lovers.

But they have not been able to meet the qualifications to enter the Sinology Association.

The Association of Chinese Studies, which represents the quintessence of China, is very demanding.

It is rare to meet a good seedling, and he does not want to miss it.

So he also cut in, "Meng Lao is right. There are young people in other departments, but our calligraphy department does not. Please don't grab us, Teacher Yang."

Everyone laughed in kindness.

Speaking of which, the calligraphy department is really pitiful.

Practicing calligraphy mood is very important. In this impetuous society, how many people can calm down and study?

Boring and tasteless.

It can be said that the calligraphy department is the fastest behind.

Everyone understands that Meng Songbai is eager for talent.

However, they became interested in this Xia Weibao. No one has ever been able to compete between the two departments of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

A knowledgeable old man sitting next to Meng Songbai suddenly joked, "Old Meng, isn't it just a female doll, it makes you nervous."

Meng Songbai glared at him, "Hey, I don't know who saw someone who plays the guqin really well, so he took them as a disciple without saying anything."

Pei Hong smiled happily, his face was red.

Speaking of Ruan Shushu, his face is full of pride, that girl's Fuxi **** is truly amazing.

It's a pity that she hurt her hand and is still going to school.

He hadn't seen her play Fuxi **** with his own eyes, so he could only watch the video every day.

Thinking of the video, Pei Hong glanced at Meng Songbai's mobile phone and frowned slightly.

Xia Weibao's hands are really like Shushu's hands.

Condensed white sheep jade with ten fingers and green onions, such beautiful hands are rare.

Seeing him staring at his beloved darling, Meng Songbai hurriedly hid the phone and didn't show it. No one was allowed to **** him.

Pei Hong snorted and didn't care about the naive old man.

He has two apprentices Long Xuanye and Ruan Shushu.

Seeing these two old men quarreling disrespectfully, the Minister of the Ancient Martial Arts Department smiled and said, "Hey, I heard that Xia Weibao has martial arts skills, should I recruit her into the Ancient Martial Arts Department?

Speaking of my ancient martial arts department, I'm all big lords, and there are no girls yet. Tsk tsk, if such a delicate beauty Xia Weibao enters, it should be very popular, right? "

Meng Songbai looked wary, "Xia Weibao is my calligraphy department. No one is allowed to grab it!"

Everyone laughed.

When it comes to this, Yang Yilian is naturally not good at refuting Meng Songbai's face on the spot.

Say no more.

What kind of beloved Meng Songbai got, a person over seventy years old, smiled like a child who got candy.

Continue to watch the live broadcast foolishly.

And darling to forward the video, and praised, "The clouds are like flowing water, and the pen is like clouds of smoke."

He wants all calligraphy lovers to come and see, what a beautiful and watery girl, how good calligraphy is.

Let those who ridicule calligraphy at sunset and no one is willing to learn, how motivated this little girl is, how passionate calligraphy is.

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