Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 846: President Lu remembers past life memories

Lu Hualiang watched firmly.

So free and easy, so unfettered, so free and easy.

Chic as the wind, full of pride.

At this moment, he seemed to see the real her.

This was the first time he saw her smiling so happily.

Watching Xia Weibao come and go like wind in the center of the square, spinning and jumping, wild and wild.

He was lost in thought, didn't he, never really understood her.

She looks gentle, has a fairy spirit, has a classical temperament, dances classical dances and sings ancient style songs and can write calligraphy. She is a quiet and ancient woman.

Although she is a little playful occasionally and occasionally gets into trouble, it will not destroy her graceful temperament like Jiangnan flowing water.

Therefore, everyone thought that her personality should be quiet and quiet.

Even he thought so.

But now, it seems, wrong.

He never wanted to think of her as a canary in a cage, but in the end, he seemed to have raised her as a canary.

Xia Weibao still shuttled across the square happily, heroic and heroic.

Occasionally, I look back and smile brightly at him, better than the warm winter sun.

Those eyes are full of stars in the colorful square.

"Husband, come and play."

‘My son, come and play. ’

A woman's voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and Lu Hualiang's expression changed.

A scene seemed to emerge in front of her eyes. The woman in white clothes was sitting on a swing, laughing like a yellow oriole, and suddenly looking back, her smile bloomed.

She seems to see something she likes, her eyes are shining with stars, ‘My son, come and play. ’

A delicate body slammed into his arms, also smashing the picture just now to pieces, leaving no trace.

Lu Hualiang subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the woman who had hit him.

"What are you thinking about." Xia Weibao hugged his waist, smiling still brightly.

"It's nothing."

"Husband, come and play together."

"No, go by yourself."

Lu Hualiang said, a little absent-minded.

Xia Weibao was a little disappointed, but knew that he didn't like lively occasions, so he didn't force it, so he went to play.

Played until ten o'clock, the square was turned off, and then reluctantly returned.

In the car, Lu Hualiang watched the fine beads of sweat pouring out of her forehead.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped it, "Happy?"

"Happy, so fun."

"Take you to ride a horse next time."

Xia Weibao's eyes lit up, "Really."

Then he thought of something, his face froze, "What kind of horse, merry-go-round? I don't like it."

"It's a real horse. Let's go to the horse farm. If you like, you can go to the grassland in the future."

If she likes this kind of reckless and heroic life, he can take her all over the country.

As long as she is happy.

"Husband, you are so kind."

The grassland is good, she likes riding horses galloping on the endless grassland.

When I walked the rivers and lakes before, I played with a nomad people everywhere.

The sky is vast and the wild is boundless, the wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep.

Drinking and eating meat, you can't be more happy in those days.

Since entering the palace, that kind of windy days are gone.

Trapped in the square wall all day, can only look up at the blue sea and blue sky.

One thing she had never mentioned to the Dog Emperor was that whenever an eagle flew over the sky, she yearned for life outside.

Almost left several times.

But in the end, it stayed.

In the palace, there is her lover, her child, and can't leave with care.

I want to go back to the grassland again until I die.

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