Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 848: Queen Empress Killing

Her possessiveness is no lower than Lu Hualiang.

If he dares to betray her, then go to death together.

Looking at her serious face, Lu Hualiang suddenly wanted to laugh.

Take it all as she was joking, "Don't you dare to kill."

Unlike him, she grew up in the dark world of bullets and can kill a gang with a wave of her hand.

A woman who grew up in a normal environment can understand fighting, but let's forget about killing, she doesn't have the guts.

At this time, Lu Hualiang, Xia Weibao was talking angry, but he didn't want to poke a word.

She really dared to kill, and she killed more than one...

"You haven't said yet, when will you take me to the grassland? Don't break your promise again."

"Between words?" Lu Hualiang frowned. When did he break his words to her.

Whatever promised her was never impossible.

Xia Weibao hummed and didn't intend to explain, unless he remembered it himself.

She also believed that one day he would remember.

In the past ten lives had memories, it was impossible not to have them in this life, there was definitely some reason, she could wait slowly.

"Tomorrow I'm going on a business trip, I'll take you when I come back."

"Business trip? How long?"

"About ten days."


Back home, Xia Weibao finished the shower and fished out her mobile phone.

I found a dozen missed calls, all of which were unfamiliar numbers.

The corners of her eyes twitched, and the phone was turned on silent during the live broadcast. As soon as it was over, she just saw Lu Hualiang's call coming in, so she left.

Forgot to turn on the phone sound.

After thinking about it, I'll call you back tomorrow. It's too late and I'm probably asleep.

It was late at night, and Xia Weibao fell asleep.

Lu Hualiang was not drowsy, staring at the peacefully sleeping woman in his arms, his eyebrows were gently raised.

Why is he so abnormal tonight, always hearing a woman's voice.

It's like an echo from far away, not real, but it will make his heart twist involuntarily.

He was pretty sure that there was nothing missing in his memory.

But why does it feel like that.

Sometimes even not just hearing the sound, but also seeing some vague portraits of a woman.

A woman he owes a lot.

Raising his hand, rubbed the eyebrows, but couldn't stretch it out.

He has a wife, so how can he think of other women.

Lowering his head, a soft kiss fell on Xia Weibao's eyebrows, and the hands holding her slowly tightened.

This is his woman, no matter what happens, he will only have her as a woman.


She seemed to be hugged too tightly, and the woman in her arms was uncomfortable, so she whispered softly, struggling, and then drilled into his arms again.

Resting his head on his arm, his little hand is climbing on his chest like a cat's claw.

This made Lu Hualiang feel more guilty.

She relied on him wholeheartedly, no matter who was in her heart, the body was given to him.

But he was thinking of other women, which is too bad.

When Xia Weibao got up the next day, Lu Hualiang had already left.

He walked in a hurry this time and didn't know where he was going on business.

Xia Weibao shrugged and didn't care about him anymore.

She can't help him because he is busy with his career anyway.

After breakfast, I drove back to the company.

Thinking of the phone call last night, she called back while driving.

The call was answered almost immediately after the connection was made.

Xia Weibao, "..."

Who, looking for her in such a hurry.

"Hi, hello, who may I ask."

There was a beautiful female voice on the phone, and Meng Songbai's heart was about to float.

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