Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 850: The first beauty in the entertainment industry!

"Don't think about it."

"Don't answer me first, call me after you think about it."

After hanging up, Xia Weibao was speechless.

Are all liars so weird now?

Actually asked her to call back?

Is it deceived to bring it home.

Just thinking about it, another call came in, it was Yin Mulan.

"Hello, Teacher Yin."

"Baby, I haven't contacted for a long time, have you been busy lately?"

"Not bad." Xia Weibao said as he walked in the direction of the elevator.

In fact, she was not busy at all, and Xia Shi was very lenient with her and did not receive any announcements.

But not necessarily next.

"Teacher Yin, how are you doing recently? Didn't the leg injury occur?"

"No, no, I have fully recovered, and thank you before you have time. By the way, has Elder Meng contacted you already?"

Yin Mulan asked, she wanted to call last night, but thought that Meng Songbai would contact her, and waited until today.

Xia Weibao was startled, "You said Meng Songbai?"

"Yes, it looks like you have been contacted."

Xia Weibao pressed the elevator floor, feeling a little embarrassed. She thought she was a liar, but she didn't expect to be a prestigious calligraphy master.

Director of the Calligraphy Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this identity is broken!

"Did he invite you to join the calligraphy department? How are you thinking about it?"

Xia Weibao touched his nose, "I thought it was a liar, but I refused..."

Yin Mulan, "..."

Khan, the master of the calligraphy world, was actually considered a liar. If Meng Songbai knew about it, he would probably die alive.

"Then you know now, are you interested in joining, or you can join the ancient dance club."

"Ancient Dance Club?"

"Yeah, the minister told me that if you want to join, you are welcome anytime."

"No, I'm not interested."

She is not interested in either the calligraphy department or the ancient dance department.

"Baby, listen to me. With your current situation, joining the Sinology Association is definitely the best choice. No one will dare to hack you in the future."

"Thank you Teacher Yin, but I'm really not interested."

She likes freedom, and those organizations have zero attraction to her.

"Well, I won't force you. If you change your mind anytime, you can find me at any time, and I can help you with the line."

Yin Mulan was disappointed. In fact, she wanted Xia Weibao to join the ancient dance club.

So she has an extra helper.

But she didn't like it, and she didn't force it.

Back in the office, Xia Weibao took out his mobile phone and swiped Weibo.

I went to play with Lu Hualiang last night and didn't have time to follow up.

Today's hotspots are varied.


#夏微宝Calligraphy Live#

#Calligraphy Master Meng Songbai praises Xia Weibao#



Xia Weibao clicked in and watched it one by one. First, it was the No. 1 beauty list. She knew how lethal her live broadcast was, and it was expected that she could get the first place.

However, she did not expect to overtake Yan Weiyang with 200,000 votes!

In other words, she raised 500,000 votes in a live broadcast yesterday!

This is pretty amazing data.

Overwhelming reports are saying that she is the number one beauty in the entertainment industry this year.

——My treasure is indeed the most beautiful!

——That's for sure, my face is invincible, and the first beauty deserves it!

——Three years ago, my baby was the number one beauty in the entertainment industry. Although he faded out of the entertainment industry in the middle three years, his appearance has been slapped hahaha...

——Yan Weiyang, who is a fart, didn't he just rise up after my baby was out of the circle for three years. Now he dares to grab the position of the first beauty with my baby, and he doesn't look at what kind of bear he looks like...

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