Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 864: Get up and become a demon! 5



Another scream rang out, with deaths and injuries.

"Go to hell!"

Behind him suddenly came a fierce and violent curse, and then, the heat in the air suddenly soared.

A feeling of danger came from behind, and Xia Weibao's hair was erected.

This power...

So strong!

It was too late to escape, she turned around abruptly, and saw a ball of fire sweeping towards her, and in the center of the heart of the fire, there was a powerful warhead.

Before she could think about it, her five fingers stretched out, and all her internal strength was transported to her palm, forming a screen in front of her.

The air became distorted under the pressure of the powerful internal force, and countless air molecules were beating anxiously. It was obviously emptiness and ethereal air, but at this time, it was like a liquid squeezed together, constantly surging violently.


Fierce artillery fire hit her internal barrier hard.

The powerful impact and heat wave shook her body violently and took two steps back.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The huge recoil force blows her face like a strong wind, blowing her hair away.

As the heat wave fluctuates, the black hair is frantic like the devil's minions.

It was too hot, the impact was too strong, and the aftermath of the explosion almost shattered her internal strength!

Xia Weibao gritted his teeth, internal force gushing out again, and bounced back the rocket that was still trying to break through the barrier.

The white elephant was so frightened by this scene that he hurriedly hid in the door.


The rocket bombarded the door, blasting the solid steel door out!

"Damn! Monster!"

Can't even kill the rocket launcher!

The white elephant's eyes were splitting, and at the same time, infinite fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

He has been in this way for so many years, and he has only encountered a strong and perverted person, Nan Yi!

That devil!

Who this woman is is simply more terrifying than Nan Yi.

Although Nan Yi is also perverted, his perverted body is strong and fast. He can receive bullets with his bare hands, but he can't receive rocket launchers with his bare hands!

Xia Weibao covered her chest with one hand, panting violently, relieving the sharp pain in her chest cavity.

She suffered internal injuries.

These modern thermal weapons are really scary enough to receive bullets, but the rocket launcher is already her limit.

And only one can be picked up.

The power is too great, and the explosive power is even scary.

A rocket launcher is at least equivalent to the internal force of the ancients for twenty years.

Being slapped face-to-face by a person with twenty years of skill is conceivable.

Once she thought she had internal strength in her hands and was invincible in this world, but now she discovered that she too underestimated these modern weapons.

The rocket launcher is already at her limit. If it is more powerful, she will definitely not be able to pick it up.

Before she could slow down, the white elephant's figure appeared at the door again, holding the rocket launcher at her, with a bang again.

Xia Weibao was shocked. The distance was too close and the power was too strong, and it was impossible to avoid it.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the internal force rushed to his hand again and directly greeted him.


The moment the two collided, a loud noise erupted in the air, the fire surged into the sky, and Yu Wei rushed towards his face.

The hot temperature almost scorched her hair!

Xia Weibao only felt the blood surging in his chest, a bitter sweetness rushed to his throat, and she swallowed it back.

No, it can't be stopped.

His right foot slid forward, his legs pulled apart vertically, and his body was suddenly short.

Her hand drew a semicircular arc in the air like flowing water, guiding the rocket launcher to wipe over her body.

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