Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 877: Mr. Lu did not return overnight

On the way back, Xia Weibao remained silent.

She thought that when the bazooka blasted over that night, it was indeed difficult to catch it.

Now this society is really too dangerous.

However, what is going on with some blood boiling inexplicably.

She seemed to yearn for that world a bit.

There are not so many rules, fighting, fighting, the strong is king!

Like rivers and lakes.

When he got home, Lu Hualiang had already returned from get off work, as usual, terribly cold.

Obviously he was sitting at the same table for dinner, but he didn't even look at her.

Xia Weibao was a little bit lost, he used to arrange dishes for her.

Glancing at him secretly, Xia Weibao was a little guilty and wanted to break the deadlock.

But let her apologize, she can't pull her face down.

After thinking about it, she pointed to the white chicken in front of her unnaturally, "This chicken is so slippery."

Lu Hualiang ate coldly without moving his eyes.

Xia Weibao was a little discouraged and passed the bowl over, "Help me spoon a bowl of soup."

Lu Hualiang glanced at the maid next to him, and the maid came up immediately to help her with the leftover soup.

The empress was a little frustrated, and she took the initiative to show what he wanted.

"I will move to live with my mother tomorrow." She said angrily.

"It's up to you." Lu Hua responded indifferently and got up to go out.

Don't even eat anymore.

Xia Weibao, "..."

I was so angry that I threw away my chopsticks and stopped eating. I have no appetite!

Lu Hualiang left without returning all night.

Xia Weibao lay on the bed, infinitely wronged.

This was the first time that he did not come back for the night.

Where did he go?

Is it going to find another woman?

The thought of this possibility makes the excitement go crazy!

Calm down, the dog emperor loves her, it is impossible to find another woman.

He just got angry, just coax it.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot of peace, but I couldn't fall asleep after tossing around.

Looking forward to his return, it doesn't matter if he is late, however, waiting left and right until he fell asleep in a daze, did not wait for him to come back.

Xia Weibao woke up the next day and ran downstairs to find Uncle Fu before washing, and asked if Lu Hualiang had come back last night.

The result disappointed her.

All day long, I was in a bad mood, and I made frequent mistakes when recording interview shows.

Taking advantage of the break, Xia Shi hurried over to find her, "What's wrong with you, absent-minded."

Xia Weibao lay on the table softly and waved weakly, "I'm fine."

What else? I quarreled with my husband.

"Seriously, stop making mistakes."

The program crew is probably going to be mad.

Xia Weibao nodded, adjusted his mood, and continued shooting in the afternoon.

The queen empress was still very professional, and she did not make any mistakes in the afternoon until the end of the filming.

When she got home, Lu Hualiang still did not come back, she was sitting on the sofa in the living room and playing games.

After playing two games, I heard the sound of a car engine outside and my eyes lit up.

After a while, I saw Lu Hualiang coming back, still with the face of a million-year iceberg.

Xia Weibao groaned, wanted to apologize, but didn't know how to speak.

I struggled until I went to bed at night.

Lu Hualiang didn't know whether he avoided her on purpose or was really busy. After dinner, he went to the study and never came out.

She found that he was really busy. He had various meetings in the company during the day, and he usually had to go to the study to handle official duties when he returned at night.

In the study, Lu Hualiang looked gloomy, staring at the data coming from the computer.

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