Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 879: you are my life

Lifting the quilt on the other side, Lu Hualiang glanced at the woman next to him.

I wanted to hold her in my arms, but finally endured it.

He turned his back and turned off the light, leaving only a small dim lamp.

Suddenly, a calf kicked him.

Lu Hualiang's body tightened instantly.

Come and touch him at this time, do you want to die!

"Hey, you have enough."

Xia Weibao said coldly, the man did not respond.

"If you want me to apologize so much, then I apologize, although I don't think I am at fault."

Lu Hualiang's charming mind was instantly driven away by these words.

Don't think you are at fault?

Until now, there are still people tracking her whereabouts, and they actually say that they are right!

Sure enough, women can't be too spoiled, this temperament can be side by side with the sun!

Lu Hualiang did not move, sulking.

While righteous, a small weak boneless hand stretched out from behind and wrapped it around his waist.

Immediately afterwards, the soft body of the woman pressed up, and the sweet fragrance of the girl came from behind, making Lu Hualiang tight.

The charming thoughts that had just been suppressed, all came up at this time.

I can't press it down, and it's useless to recite the heart-clearing mantra.

Lu Hualiang wanted to be Liu Xiahui, and the woman behind him rubbed his body intentionally or unintentionally. The soft touch made him rush to the top of his head and flow back to his body.

Constantly rolling and roaring.

"Husband, I know I was wrong~"

Lu Hualiang couldn't bear the delicate and soft voice, turning around to press her under him.

Under the dim light, her eyes shone like diamonds.

"Know it's wrong?"

Xia Weibao nodded.

Well, this time she did something wrong, so she apologized.

"What's wrong."

"I shouldn't kill people, shouldn't be so impulsive and reckless, shouldn't cause you trouble."

Lu Hualiang's eyes condensed, and he fixedly looked at her charming face.

After a long time, I sighed, "I'm not afraid that you will cause me trouble. You are my wife and my destiny. I will take care of you no matter what, but I am afraid that something will happen to you. The world is not as simple as you imagined. , When I am always negligent, there are always places out of my hand.

I know you have the ability, you have internal strength, you are very strong, and you have capricious capital, but wife, internal strength is not omnipotent. Now this society is not an ancient world, and the age of swordsmanship has passed.

I don't know why your thinking is out of line with modern times, and I don't want to pursue it. You have a lot of puzzles. It doesn't matter. As long as you stay by my side, I don't care even if you are a monster. I only want you to be safe. "

The man's eyes are focused and affectionate, and in his eyes, there is only her reflection.

Xia Weibao was hot in her heart, her nose was sour, and she had an urge to cry.

She knew, he doubted it.

Who is Lu Hualiang, he is so smart, and there are so many unexplainable things about her. He may not be able to guess her origin, but he can definitely guess that she is not the real Xia Weibao.

But, even so, he doesn't care.

Because the person he likes is her and the person he loves is her, that's enough.

How could this man make her not love him.

Lu Hualiang stroked her face lightly, "No more fights in the future, and don't let anyone know that you have internal strength, let alone let anyone know that you can heal."

Xia Weibao frowned, not letting people know that she was capable of internal strength, that's okay.

But not letting her fight, and not letting her heal others, these two points are very difficult.

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