Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 896: Shudong

The campus is a vibrant and energetic place, with a strong academic atmosphere, tranquility, and peace.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

This place has not been polluted by the world, so pure and clean.

Some people say that college life is the best, and this sentence is not false.

Go to class with someone you like, engage in small moves under the desk together, eat together, walk together, and talk about a pure love.

It's really beautiful.

However, some people don't want to just talk to her about pure love.

Lu Hualiang suddenly took her hand, leaned to the side of the big tree, pushed her behind the thick tree pole, and lowered her head to kiss her lips.

Tree boom.

He just wanted to see her so beautiful in the classroom.

The woman who is so good and talented is his woman and his wife.

It's not enough to love her. Every time he feels that he has loved her to the limit, she always surprises him.

It made him love her even more, so he lost himself, and he couldn't help himself.

Lu Hualiang held her face, slightly let go of her lips, the tip of her nose pressed against her nose, and the breath of the two merged as they spoke.

"What to do, I seem to have been poisoned by you, there is no solution."

There is a poison called Xia Weibao.

He has poisoned his heart and his bones.

No solution, I don't want to.

I just want to be poisoned by her for a lifetime.

Even, life after life.

The corners of Xia Weibao's mouth changed slightly, his chin slightly raised, and his soft lips actively covered.

"Then, don't understand."

She was also poisoned by him, even if she drank poison to quench her thirst, she was as sweet as a sweetheart.

From the moment he knew that he had crossed the millennium for her and was tossed for ten generations, he never thought about defusing this kind of poison called Lu Hualiang.

The warm moments always go by very quickly. The two took a walk on the playground and it was already ten thirty.

Huangcheng University has access control, and Lu Hualiang is leaving.

Xia Weibao is going to film here, six or seven hours back and forth, she definitely can't go every day, she stays at the school.

President Lu reluctantly said, "Wife, you are not here, how can I sleep."

"I'm going to start filming at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, do you have the heart to let me get up at 4 o'clock to catch the crew?"

And now it's half past one when I go back, so don't you want to sleep.

"Then I should stay. It's midnight before going back."

Xia Weibao glared at him. She lived in a school dormitory, a quadruple room.

Take a man back, for fear that others will not know that she is married.

Lu Hualiang meant to open a room.

There is a hotel near the school, and there is also a teacher’s apartment similar to a hotel reservation.

There are many ways to stay.

No matter how bad, he also has eyeliner at Huangcheng University, so he can live there.

Xia Weibao wanted to smoke him.

The man who is dissatisfied with desire is really unlovable, and she is coming to the aunt now, sure he can bear it?

In the end, Lu Hualiang stepped on the door at half past ten and went back, and before leaving, he took her to kiss him fiercely.

It is not good to have a celebrity wife.

If it’s too much for a full-time job, it’s good to put it on your trouser belt every day.

Keke, this sentence is probably only Lu Zong can figure it out, gather less and more divorce?

Mother used to go home every day.

After sending off Lu Hualiang, Xia Weibao did not go back to rest immediately, but went out to blow the hair by herself.

However, Huangcheng University is too big, and the roads extend in all directions. Walking, the empress is gorgeous and lost.

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