Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 905: It's embarrassing

Xia Weibao shrugged, she had tried her best to choose a hidden position.

It is very corner, and there is a bonsai next to it, others can't see this side.

Ruan Shushu's table is the only one that can be seen here.

Xiaoxue and Xiaolan suppressed their excitement, they didn't want others to find out that the two big stars were here.

This is their honor!

Actor Han and Xia Yinghou are so excited!

"Emperor Han is so handsome, much more handsome than on TV!"

"Yes, yeah, Xia Weibao is so beautiful, more than a hundred times more beautiful than under the lens! My heart jumps out when I look at it."

"I really want to sign..."

Xiaoxue was already ready to move, suddenly thinking of something, she looked at Ruan Shushu.

"Shu Shu, aren't you and Xia Weibao good friends? Why don't you say hello?"

Xiao Lan's eyes lit up, "Yeah, Shushu, let's go, let's talk to Xia Weibao, and then take us to eat with her."

Having dinner with the actor and queen, I'm so excited to think about it!

Xiaoxue and Xiaolan couldn't help but rushed over, so nervous and excited!

Ruan Shushu's smile was a little stiff.

If it is normal, she would naturally go up. This is a great opportunity to show off and let everyone know that she is very familiar with Xia Weibao.

But what happened last night...

She didn't know if Xia Weibao heard what they said to run Yan Yuexian.

In addition, she was exceptionally admitted to Huangcheng University because she walked through the back door through Pei Hong's relationship.

At the beginning, she told Xia Weibao that Huangcheng University liked her for her talent...

This embarrassed her.

But to the eager eyes of Xiaoxue and Xiaolan, she didn't know how to refuse.

After all, she just said last night that she and Xia Weibao are very good friends, and she even showed off her photos everywhere.

Thinking of the photos, Ruan Shushu felt ashamed.

He didn't even dare to glance at Xia Weibao's direction.

"Shu Shu, why don't you speak? Are you lying to us? You are not familiar with Xia Weibao at all?"

"of course not!"

Ruan Shushu retorted subconsciously.

The contempt that Xiaoxue and Xiaolan showed inadvertently made her very uncomfortable.

She has become accustomed to the pursuit of these two people, and naturally can't ruin her image.

With the help of these two people, Yan Yuexian is not happy.

He pursed his lips, "The baby is a very low-key person. Once we pass, what if it causes a sensation."

"Don't worry, we will be very low-key, as long as we have a meal and chat together, and then get an autograph."

"Yes, that's right, it would be better if we could take a photo together. We kept silent and won't attract attention."

"All right then." Ruan Shushu gritted his teeth and agreed.

Xiaoxue and Xiaolan were very happy and almost screamed, but they held back.

"Wait a minute, I'll add some makeup first."

The two of them quickly took out their cosmetic bags to touch up their makeup.

When you take a photo with your idol, you have to dress up nicely.

Especially Xia Weibao is still so beautiful, if they are too shabby, it would be embarrassing to be photographed.

After putting on makeup, the three picked up the dinner plate and walked towards the corner.

"Baby, long time no see."

Xia Weibao was talking and laughing with Han Luoqi, and the smile on his face stiffened when he heard Ruan Shushu's words.

She nodded, her smile faded a little, "Long time no see."

Han Luoqi just raised his head and glanced, then retracted his gaze to continue eating.

The relaxed atmosphere here is a bit stiff.

Xiaoxue and Xiaolan are very excited, it turns out that Ruan Shushu really knew Xia Weibao!

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