Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 912: Slap! 2

Ruan Shushu seems to like this song quite a bit, shouldn't the two of them collide?

Xia Weibao shook his head, probably not.

The odds are too small.

Although Ruan Shushu asked her to teach this song, it does not mean that she also used this song to compete.

She looked at Yan Yuexian, "You first play "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud" to me."

Yan Yuexian played it again, and Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, much higher than Ruan Shushu.

There are still three days in the competition and the time is very tight. She doesn't teach new things, and specializes in this song.

Yan Yuexian has a strong comprehension ability, and he has explained it in one night, but he is not familiar with it yet, so he can go back and practice.

Xia Weibao is going to be filming and is very busy. It is impossible to have so much time to teach her.

Thinking that Yan Yuexian might encounter something he didn't understand, the two exchanged WeChat, and you can ask if you don't understand.

Yan Yuexian was very entangled. Xia Weibao was his cousin's rivals, and they were rivals. As a result, they were now not only half a master, but even got the communication method.

Oh, life, why are you so entangled.

After returning home, Xia Weibao didn't care about Yan Yuexian anymore. She was going to be filming and was very busy.

There was no contact for two days, and it was not until the third day, the day of the musical instrument contest finals, that Yan Yuexian struggled for a long time before sending her a WeChat message.

"Will you watch the finals tonight."

After sending it out, I was a little nervous, I wonder if Xia Weibao will come to watch the game.

She wanted her to come. After all, Xia Weibao taught her Fuxi fingering. She wanted Xia Weibao to watch her match with her own eyes.

Acceptance results.

Want to be affirmed by Xia Weibao.

Just like every student wants to be praised by the teacher, Yan Yuexian is in this kind of psychology at this time.

Xia Weibao had just finished taking a shot and was applying makeup. Seeing Yan Yuexian's text messages, she could imagine her tangled expression when typing.

Was it written or deleted?

Today, the director has arranged all the scenes in the daytime, and will give everyone a holiday at night to watch the game.

However, Xia Weibao wanted to tease her, but did not directly agree.

Instead, he asked, "Do you want me to see it."

Yan Yuexian was anxious and entangled in waiting for a reply. She thought that as long as she spoke, Xia Weibao would definitely come.

Unexpectedly, he would ask back.

It was a bit awkward at first, but now it is even more angry.

"If love comes or not, it's up to you."

"Oh, then I'm not going."

Yan Yuexian threw the phone angrily, "If you don't come, you won't come, who is rare!"

He said so, but he was suffocated in his heart.

So that she had a cold face when she ate, as if someone had robbed her of her piano.

"What's wrong, unhappy?" Gong Sirui frowned.

His eyes were slowly narrowed. Could it be that Ruan Shushu was not dying and bullied her again?

"It's okay." Yan Yuexian said with a loud voice, "I'm going to watch the finals tonight."

Gong Sirui was about to say that he was going to prepare for the national academic competition tonight, and he didn't know if he could make it in time.

But at this time, Yan Yuexian held a face that I would break up with you if you dare not come. How dare he say anything.

"Come, definitely come."

I guess I won’t have my girlfriend if I come.

Yan Yuexian's face was better now, "Huh, count you as acquaintance!"

Gong Sirui is funny, this little temper is really awkward, "Who has offended you."

"No one offends me. I never thought about playing the piano for anyone to see, or love or not, who is rare."

Gong Sirui frowned, who was she referring to?

"You mean Xia Weibao?"

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