Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 914: Ruan Shushu's hands are like Xia Weibao!

"My God, it's Master Pei Hong!"

I don't know who made a low cry, and it caused a commotion in the rest room.

"Master Pei Hong."

"Master Pei Hong."

Everyone greeted the old man respectfully, and Pei Hong nodded his head in response.

Then walked to Ruan Shushu's side.

Immediately attracted a burst of envy.

Ruan Shushu was extremely proud, but in front of Master Pei Hong, she would not show it.

Rather, he stood up very condescendingly and smiled obediently, "Master."

Looking at his lover, Pei Hong's expression became more kind, "I heard that you are sick, are you better."

"It's done, thank you Master for your concern."

Ruan Shushu smiled decently and very proudly, especially when he felt all the enviable gazes around him, his heart was even more airy.

At this moment, she felt that she was a princess, the object of envy of everyone, including Yan Yuexian!

What if you Yan Yuexian has a family background? What if you have such a considerate boyfriend? Can you join the Sinology Association? Can you follow Pei Hong as a teacher!

"That's good. The weather is cold. Pay more attention to your body. By the way, you have strained your muscles and bones before, haven't you been okay? Why did you participate in the competition?"

When mentioned this, Ruan Shushu's face became stiff and a little guilty.

At the beginning, she got into Pei Hong's eyes through the light of Xia Weibao's video. Without that strength, she naturally did not dare to play in front of Pei Hong.

So she lied that she injured her hand and couldn't play.

In addition, she is still a student and has a heavy study. Pei Hong asked her to concentrate on studying first, and she does not need to participate in the activities of the Chinese Studies Association for the time being.

She can get away with it.

At that time, her hand was indeed injured, but it was not a strain, but a plastic surgery.

When she decided to pretend to use Xia Weibao's name, she went and did plastic surgery on her hands, making them look like Xia Weibao's hands.

Plastic surgery is a trauma, and it will be healed in one month, but the strain is different.

She was injured for a hundred days, not to mention that she was severely strained, and it is estimated that it will take six months to heal.

Pei Hong had no doubts when she saw that her hands were tightly bandaged.

Now when I mention it, Ruan Shushu can't help but feel guilty.

"It's not all done yet, but it should be fine to play once in a while."

"Naughty!" Pei Hong said with a sullen face, "For a luthier, hands are the most important thing. How can you take this risk? Don't play the piano until your hands are completely better."

This is a hand that can play Fuxi's fingering. If something goes wrong, Fuxi's **** will really be lost, and you won't see it anymore.

Although it was a reprimand, it couldn't hide the love inside.

Ruan Shushu smiled even more, "Master, I'm fine, if my hands are uncomfortable, I will stop and rest."

Thinking that this was his lover, Master Pei Hong couldn't bear to scold him.

"The result of the game is not important. If you lose, you lose. You don't need to sign an entertainment company. The most important thing is to protect your hands and don't force it."

This means that I will take her in the future.

Ruan Shushu was very happy, "I see, thank you Master."

Seeing her good attitude, Pei Hong's complexion improved, grabbing her wrist, and holding her hand up.

Check her injury.

The white and slender hands were flat in the air, and the people in the lounge were very envious, so beautiful hands!

White, thin and long, more beautiful than the hands of a hand model!

If only they had such beautiful hands.

Yan Yuexian frowned. How could Ruan Shushu's hand look like Xia Weibao's?

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