Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 916: Slap! 5

"That's right, the tone is far worse, okay, Duyou Qin 10 million, how much is Yan Yuexian's piano, hundreds of thousands? One million? This kind of piano can dare to compare with Duyou Qin, not afraid of people making jokes!"

"Shu Shu is really amazing. He is not only a direct disciple of Master Pei Hong, but also a good friend of Xia Weibao. It takes ten million pianos. It takes a good relationship to give ten million gifts, envy died……"

There was another round of compliments, Ruan Shushu smiled modestly on his face, already flying in his heart.

Looking at Yan Yuexian's eyes, he was already looking at a defeated man.

She is very confident in "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud".

When Xia Weibao taught her Fuxi fingering, it was the piano music she taught.

There are Fuxi fingering, and the unique tone of Duyou Qin, which is equivalent to two golden fingers!

Coupled with her own strength, if she couldn't beat Yan Yuexian like this, she might as well be killed by a headshot!

Thinking of losing to Yan Yuexian at the musical instrument store, but now winning back upright, Ruan Shushu feels very happy!

There is a sense of exultation.

Body and mind are relaxed.

No longer caring about Yan Yuexian, she turned to talk with other contestants, enjoying others' pursuit.

Yan Yuexian sat aside and sulked, and only the friend who had just spoken to her was beside her, who constantly comforted her and cheered her up.

Soon it was her friend's turn to play, and she was the only one left here.

Looking at Ruan Shushu's crowded side, it seemed that her side was even more pitiful.

Yan Yuexian seemed to be used to this situation, but he didn't care.

Holding her mobile phone, she clicked on the chat page with Xia Weibao, wondering whether to send a message for her to come and see.

She has been practicing for three days and is already very confident in "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud" and wants Xia Weibao to see it.

Otherwise it would be unhappy.

This kind of psychology is like getting a hundred points in the exam, but the teacher doesn't even look at her, really frustrated.

However, because of her relationship with Xia Weibao, she was entangled.

In this entanglement, time slowly flowed away, and the people in the lounge went up to the game and came back.

Finally it was Ruan Shushu's turn to play.

Everyone cheered her up, saying that she would definitely win.

In such a compliment, Ruan Shushu held her Duyouqin and raised his head high, like a proud peacock walking into the passage.

Xiaoxue said loudly, "Shu Shu went up. It must have surprised the audience. Some people will lose face when they wait."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion on the stage. Someone said loudly, oh God, it was Duyouqin.

The sound was so loud that it came to the lounge.

It can be seen how amazing Ruan Shushu is holding Du Youqin.

Xiaolan smiled, and then sneered at Yan Yuexian sarcastically, "Oh, there is no harm if there is no comparison. A beautiful solitary piano is rare in the world. I don't know what it will be like when someone carries an ordinary piano on it. I feel embarrassed when I think about it..."

The string of laughter at the back was extremely disdainful.

Yan Yuexian's expression was cold and angry, and she couldn't help it.

Just about to go crazy, I heard a commotion coming from the door.

"Oh my God, it's Xia Weibao and Han Luoqi!"

"I actually saw the live Xia Weibao and Han Luoqi, why are they here?"

"Ah ah ah ah, my **** and goddess, so handsome and beautiful!"

Since there were not many people in the lounge, Xia Weibao and Han Luoqi took off their masks when they came in.

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