Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 953: A house of vipers

Ruan Shushu was so angry that he wanted to kill those two people!

However, she didn't have the courage to release a poisonous snake to Xia Weibao, so far no news has come out.

She didn't know if it was exposed, and for fear of getting into trouble, she hurriedly packed her things and left the Imperial City University.

When she got home, Tong Jie was already waiting for her.

"Shu Shu, what is going on!"

Sister Tong looked anxious.

She has seen the remarks on the Internet. As an economic man, she knows how much damage such language attacks are!

Xia Weibao was driven mad under such online violence!

"I asked you not to do such a thing in the first place, now it's fine, and the matter is revealed, what will you do in the future? Which school is willing to ask you, and which company is willing to accept you."

Sister Tong said and wiped her tears, doing evil, how could something like this happen.

Her proud daughter is now a bereaved dog.

"Mom." Ruan Shushu was very impatient. On the way back, everyone in the car pointed to her.

When buying a ticket, the conductor didn't even want to sell her the ticket. She was annoying enough!

"You agreed with what I did at the beginning. People don't kill themselves for their own sake, but you taught me!"

After Ruan Shushu finished speaking, he dragged the gift box back to the room, leaving Sister Tong in tears.

Wrong, all wrong.

She has ruined her intestines now, and she shouldn't have agreed that Ruan Shushu used that method to enter Huangcheng University.

If there were no such things, her daughter was also the proud girl of a key university at this time. With her connections in the entertainment industry, she would have a good future for her daughter to sign a good entertainment company.

It's no use saying anything now.

Ruan Shushu looked upset at the rented house.

She hates such a poor life!

What's wrong with trying to climb up? Why is everyone doing this to her!

I pushed open the door of the room irritably, but was frightened by the scene in the room, "Ah----"

With a scream, he gave the Tong Sister who was still regretting her intestines in the living room and ran over in a panic.

"What's wrong, what happened... Ah..."

If he was in a panic, he was shocked when he saw the dense venomous snakes in the room.

Sister Tong let out a scream and pulled Ruan Shushu back outside.

"What's going on, why are there so many snakes in the house!"

And look at the colorful snakes, they are obviously poisonous snakes!

"Go, Shu Shu, go!"

Sister Tong's face was earthy in fright, and she pulled Ruan Shushu, who was already frightened, to run out.

However, as soon as they turned around, a few more snakes fell from the ceiling, right in front of them.



Ruan Shushu and Tong Sister screamed at the same time, then hugged each other and moved back, leaning their backs against the wall.

Both their faces were pale, their eyes were full of horror, and their throats seemed to be strangled by death, in an endless abyss.

At this time, I discovered that the living room was densely packed with snakes.

I don't know where these snakes come from. In a blink of an eye, the whole family are all poisonous snakes.

Sister Tong was so scared that she screamed, picked up the broom on the side, shivered and pushed the snakes away, and then took Ruan Shushu away.

Fortunately, it is winter, and cold-blooded animals like snakes are hibernating. Even if they wake up artificially, their reaction is slow.

Otherwise, the poisonous snakes in the house will undoubtedly die!

The two walked out to the door and slammed the door shut.

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