Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 958: Playground Heart 2

Pass the time by the way.

As he was talking, the pendulum began to move slowly.

She stopped talking, and tightened her seat belt.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the whole person is about to fly, completely weightless.

Some timid people have already begun to scream in harsh voices.

Even the little boy who just said to protect her was screaming at this moment.

Xia Weibao shook his head speechlessly.

This is what he said, don't be afraid, protect her?

I'm scared silly.

In contrast, she seems to be the most calm.

She flew around in the last life, she even jumped over the cliff, that's nothing.

I just asked the staff whether the seat belt will be broken or something like that, which is just pure curiosity.

Because she had read a piece of news before, in an amusement park in a certain area, the roller coaster was cut off and flew out.

Are these modern facilities really safe?

Just thinking about it, I heard a click from the side.

Xia Weibao had good hearing and turned his head subconsciously.

There was screaming all around, and such a slight voice could not be heard.

But she was very sensitive to danger. She just pressed the switch before she even started, and remembered that the sound was to unlock the seat belt and equate the danger.

At this time, I heard it, my heart said fiercely.

I saw the little boy next to her, the seat belt fell off, and now everyone flew out!

This scene happened suddenly, everyone was shocked!




The screams came and went one after another. I was just afraid of this sense of weightlessness and screamed, but now I was screamed by this scene!

The people on the ground were also frightened. No one expected such a scene to happen. Some people even covered their eyes and dared not look.

The time when it was thrown out was when the pendulum rose to its highest point, and both the height and the speed were the most amazing time!

I was thrown out in this case, God!

can not imagine!

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw another figure being thrown out!

After throwing two people off in succession, some timid people have already fainted.

When Xia Weibao heard the clicking sound, his hand had already subconsciously pressed the switch and unfastened his seat belt.

The body was thrown out in an instant, and the powerful throwing force caused her to draw a parabola in midair.

The force of being thrown into the air was so great that she could hardly control her body.


The little boy who was thrown out was already scared and screamed.

Although the situation was critical, Xia Weibao was calm.

She looked at the little boy who was being thrown away in front of her, and the curvature of the two was actually different!

An adult and a child, she weighs more than him, so he throws it farther.

He gritted his teeth suddenly, twisted his waist, jumped in the air, and rushed directly at the little boy.

Although she was a little late to unfasten the seat belt, she was heavy, so she hugged the man before the boy landed.

The bodies of two people are much more difficult to control than one. Xia Weibao felt that fortunately, her light work passed the test.

The impact was a little bit strong, if she landed directly, she would probably be injured even if she worked lightly.

The internal force revolved and slowed down in the air, and then he held the little boy's body and turned a certain somersault.

The place where the two of them fell was beside the road with green trees. She gently stepped on the leaves with her toes to cushion her strength.

Then he held the little boy to the ground lightly.

After putting the person down, he didn't care to comfort him, so he turned his head and ran.

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