Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 966: Xia Weibao, you are a pervert!

Lu Hualiang walked to the bed, pulled her up, and pecked her lips with a light smile.

"Get up and go eat."

Xia Weibao is angry!

You still know that you are going to eat, and I still think that you don’t have to eat anymore because of your colorism.

I'm so angry with her, don't you know how to be more temperate?

"My wife, when will you finish filming?" Lu Hualiang asked.

It's not good to have a celebrity wife, she has to leave home to film.

Xia Weibao glared at him, "I don't know."

Going to change clothes angrily, she will pick up foreign scenes in the future, no, foreign ones!

Let him be a beast!

The two of them were so messy, it was already dark, and it was already eight o'clock after eating.

During this period of time, each was busy and hadn't seen each other for several days. Xia Weibao was also reluctant to go back like this, so the two went to see a movie.

It happened that Lu Huashan had a movie released recently, just to contribute to the box office.

Lu Hualiang wanted to pick the most corner position.

But thinking of Yang Li's love book, be romantic, not always beasts, otherwise Xia Weibao will think he is a beast.

It seems that Mr. Lu is also a person without self-knowledge.

Reluctantly chose the center position.

There are people all around, and Mr. Lu said he was very upset.

Without the interference of a certain animal next to him, Xia Weibao watched the movie very seriously, and sighed sincerely, "Shan Shan played really well."

Lu Huashan was originally a powerful actor. She had no beauty before, so she could only rely on herself to slowly climb up from the bottom, and her acting skills were honed over the years.

Now with the blessing of appearance, it can be described as flying into the sky!

In the current entertainment circle, apart from her and Yan Weiyang, Lu Huashan is the most popular.

Seeing the beautiful woman in the movie, Xia Weibao slapped her lips, "It's so beautiful, the more I watch it, the more I like it."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

I was already thinking about finding a reason to send Lu Huashan to Africa, and it would be able to stop the mouth of the mother.

It was nearly ten o'clock after watching the movie, and there was an entrance guard at Huangcheng University. Although Lu Hualiang was very reluctant, he still sent Xia Weibao back.

When I returned to the dormitory, the other three roommates were still up.

Seeing Xia Weibao's return, everyone greeted her and asked her where she had gone.

When Ruan Shumei replaced her, everyone was worried that she was in a bad mood.

But he didn't want Xia Weibao to be very happy, and the other three were relieved.

From the mouths of these three people, Xia Weibao learned that Pei Hong had come to her again in the afternoon, but he was empty.

Empress Empress has a headache. A Meng Songbai is already difficult enough, but now he adds another Pei Hong.

How can you live this day?

However, when Pei Hongmeng, Songbai and Yang Yilian stood in front of her at the same time the next day, Xia Weibao knew what it meant to be dead...

Yeah, buy one get two free. This is.

The crew members were all dumbfounded when they saw the three national treasure masters parachuting.

What day is it today, how come these big shots who can only be seen on certain occasions all come to the crew?

Could it be that their crew has some treasure that attracted these three people to run over.

Knowing that these three people had come to Xia Weibao, everyone was not calm.

When they knew that they were all going to Laxia Weibao to join the Sinology Association, everyone was dancing wildly!

I rub!

Xia Weibao, you are a pervert! !

The Chinese Studies Association, that is the Chinese Studies Association!

How many people want to squeeze their heads into the Guoxue Association.

China’s 1.3 billion population is still a conservative statistics. At the current population growth rate, plus the missing population in the gray area, can there be 1.4 billion?

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