Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 970: Have you ever thought of marrying me

Yan Yuexian, who was concentrating on piano practice, looked at the man who suddenly landed in front of him, feeling a little confused.

"Brother Rui, why are you here?"

Gong Sirui, "..."

"I'm coming to you."

"Oh, why are you looking for me."

Gong Sirui, "..."

This is very heartbreaking, you are my girlfriend, do I need a reason to come to you?

"Yuexian, we haven't seen each other for a few days. Tell me about it yourself."

When she mentioned this, Yan Yuexian was a little cautious and stuck out her tongue, "I am busy lately. Xia Weibao said that I will check my study progress in a few days, and I must work harder."

She knew very well that with Yan Weiyang's relationship, it would be impossible for her and Xia Weibao to live in peace forever, otherwise, how would they face Yan Weiyang when they go home.

When Xia Weibao leaves this campus, she may never have the opportunity to learn Guqin from her again.

She knows, and Xia Weibao knows too, so even if Xia Weibao is busy filming these days, she will take the time to give her some advice.

In about half a month, Xia Weibao's shooting at Huangcheng University will end. How much she can learn in this half month depends on her own good fortune.

Can you hurry up?

Gong Sirui said seriously, "It seems that I need to put Xia Weibao on the blacklist of rivals."

"Don't." Yan Yuexian was a little nervous, Gong Sirui's background is not simple.

If he targets Xia Weibao, he doesn't know what will happen.

Xia Weibao taught her to play the piano, and she treated her as an enemy. She was already very guilty, but she didn't want to cause Xia Weibao to trouble.

Yan Yuexian laughed suddenly, "Xia Weibao is a female."

Gong Sirui raised her eyebrows and said nothing. If Xia Weibao was not a woman, she might be dead now.

"Are you jealous?" Yan Yuexian asked.

"I shouldn't be jealous. Tell yourself how many times have we met since Xia Weibao came to Huangcheng University to film."

Yan Yuexian thought about it for a while, it seemed that it was quite rare.

"Well, it's a little bit less, so what do you want."

The corners of Gong Sirui's mouth slowly raised, "Tomorrow my birthday."

The smile on Yan Yuexian's face instantly froze, and her heart suddenly lifted.

"I know."

"My parents will come over, Yuexian, let's have a meal together, they would love to see you."

Yan Yuexian's smile froze completely.

"Brother Rui, I...I made an appointment with Xia Weibao to study piano that day, maybe I don't have time..."

Gong Sirui's face darkened slightly, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

"Yuexian, tell me the truth, are you not free or refuse to see my parents."

He discovered this problem long ago.

Every time she mentioned she was going to have dinner with her parents, she made all kinds of dodges.

He proposed to have dinner with her family, and she was also a variety of dodges.

At first, I thought it was because the two talents had just been together not long ago, and the relationship was unstable. She was shy, so she pushed them all the way.

The more times I found something was wrong.

She was not shy at all, but never planned to let the parents meet!

What does this show, Gong Sirui breathed.

"Yuexian, you are with me, are you just going to have fun?"

Yan Yuexian's expression changed, "I don't have one!"

"Have you ever thought of marrying me."

"I..." Yan Yuexian said nothing.

She suddenly became a little flustered, stabbed fiercely, not daring to answer this question.

Gong Sirui's expression changed, "What does it mean to not answer, just fall in love without getting married? Huh?"

Yan Yuexian's face was a little pale, "No, we are all still young, and we haven't graduated from college. It would be a bit early to talk about marriage."

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