Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 972: quarrel

This sudden change made Yan Yuexian and Gong Sirui stunned.

Before they could react, the palace mother's angry voice came on the phone again, "Gong Sirui, you will come back to me right away, there is that woman without me, I want her to come in unless I die!"

After speaking, the phone was hung up.

Yan Yuexian's face turned pale.

His head was blank, and his hands and feet began to become cold.

How could this happen? It was okay a moment ago, but suddenly his face changed.

Could it be...

As soon as he thought of a certain possibility, Yan Yuexian felt a chill on his back. Could anyone know what happened back then?

Do not!

Impossible, my brother has blocked the news and will never be discovered.

She seemed to think of something terrible, and she started to breathe quickly.


Gong Sirui was so scared by her, and hurriedly grabbed her hand.

But she found her hands were frighteningly cold.

"Yuexian, what's wrong with you."

Gong Sirui wanted to hold her face in a hurry, but didn't want Yan Yuexian to be suddenly stimulated, and slapped his hand with a slap.

"Don't touch my face!"

With a snap, the back of Gong Sirui's hand was red.

Yan Yuexian woke up and grabbed Gong Sirui's hand, "Brother Rui, does it hurt?"

"I'm fine, what's wrong with you."

Yan Yuexian's eyes were full of guilt, "I'm sorry."

"Don't think too much, there may be something wrong with my mother, I'll go back and have a look, you wait for my news."

Yan Yuexian pursed her lips and didn't speak. Gong Sirui was afraid of her thinking, so she coaxed for a while, and then turned back.

The palace father and palace mother turned around and went back to the palace.

The father of the palace is a cabinet member, with the shrewdness and sophistication of a politician.

The palace mother is an orthodox Arab, intellectual and beautiful, with the nobility of a royal princess.

When Gong Sirui returned home, the two of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room, their faces sinking like water, and their anger remained unrelenting.

"Mom, why did you lose your temper just now, how can Yuexian offend you so well?"

Gong Sirui's tone was not good, and he felt distressed when he thought of Yan Yuexian's pale face just now.

She didn't do anything wrong, so why was she scolded.

And the words are so harsh.

As soon as the palace mother heard the name Yuexian, she suddenly became angry.

I really want to lose my temper, but when I think of the son who hurts the most in front of me, and not the woman, I can't bear to let it go.

It's just that the anger in my heart can't be lowered, "Si Rui, you were deceived by that woman, the daughter of the presidential palace, I didn't expect to be such a person!

You quickly broke up with her and cut off contact. Fortunately, you haven't married into our palace, otherwise you won't be killed by her! "

When Gong Sirui heard it, his face became even worse.

Yan Yuexian knew who he was. Although he was a little bit savage occasionally, his nature was definitely kind.

But his mother is not an unreasonable person, there must be something wrong.

The palace mother wanted to scold Yan Yuexian very much, but thinking that her son had always defended that woman, she must have moved her true feelings.

She hates Yan Yuexian, but she doesn't want her son to be hurt either.

If you let him know that the kind of woman he has always liked, it would be very sad.

So the palace mother said with a cold face, "Anyway, you listen to your mother and break up with her, such a woman is not worthy to marry into our palace!"

Gong Sirui's expression changed instantly, "Impossible!"

It is impossible for him to break up with Yan Yuexian!

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