Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 976: The initiator!

When I ran outside, I just ran into two middle-aged men walking toward the dormitory, followed by a lot of students.

These two middle-aged people, Yan Yuexian, knew each other and were the parents of the little boy who jumped from the building back then.

The little boy was named Wang Qiangsheng. After jumping off the building, his parents found the school, painted red paint, and pulled up banners to pay the debt.

"She is Yan Yuexian!"

Yan Yuexian and the two middle-aged people happened to have a face-to-face meeting, and no one in the crowd yelled.

Wang Qiangsheng's parents immediately rushed up angrily.

The Queen Mother grabbed Yan Yuexian's hair, then slapped her head with a slap.

"You bitch, **** it, you pay my son's life, and you pay my son's life!"

"Creating evil, I'm just a son who was killed by you, **** you..."

"My son, you died so miserably, poisonous woman! You return my son..."

Yan Yuexian burst into tears as she pulled her hair, scratched her face, punched and kicked, while crying.

She was very scared and helpless. She hugged her head but dared not resist, "I didn't kill, I didn't kill anyone!"

There were many people around, all of them pointed and pointed, but none of them came up to help.

Those people's contemptuous eyes and indifferent eyes made Yan Yuexian unbearable, and suddenly pushed Wang Qiangsheng's parents away like crazy, then turned his head and ran away.

In the dormitory, Ruan Shushu, wearing a mask, walked out, his eyes full of viciousness and pride.

Yan Yuexian, you have ruined me, and I want you to taste this too!

See who is worse than anyone else!

She glanced at the bag in her hand, which contained a pile of dead rats and snakes, and smiled sternly.

I looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that no one recognized him, he followed up secretly.

She is no longer a student of Imperial City University, and she could not come in.

After pressing the ID card, he said that something was left in the school and came back to fetch it. The guard let him go.

See if she doesn't kill Yan Yuexian, a bitch!

That's right, the news on the forum was all released by her, so why Yan Yuexian ruined her and still had a happy life!

She has nothing, she becomes a mouse on the street, she must return it a hundred times!

Five years ago, Yan Yuexian's forced death was indeed suppressed, but she was a classmate of Yan Yuexian's next class at the time, and she naturally knew the ins and outs of the matter.

After that happened, Yan Yuexian underwent a suspension operation and went abroad.

Although Yan Yuexian used his real name to go to school, he concealed his identity at school. No one knew that Yan Yuexian was the daughter of the presidential palace.

She didn't recognize the encounter at the musical instrument store, because Yan Yuexian had a facelift.

When she grew up again, she said that the eighteenth woman has changed, and she has almost no shadow of that year.

The personality has also changed a lot. Yan Yuexian was very well-behaved and educated, and she was like a lady at a young age.

Now he is arrogant and arrogant, and he really can't connect the two people together.

Ruan Shushu was a little proud. All she had to dig out about Yan Yuexian was that she had found a private detective to investigate Yan Yuexian's affairs when she was abroad.

It's a pity that many things were blocked by Yan Fei, only to find out that Yan Yuexian had undergone a plastic surgery, and then there was a photo before the surgery.

It happened that she had met Yan Yuexian back then, so everything was right.

As for Yan Yuexian's inability to get pregnant, I can only say that Tian is helping her!

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