Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 981: The Truth 1

"Are you okay." Xia Weibao asked.

Yan Yuexian did not answer.

Seeing that she didn't mean to speak, Xia Weibao knew that she was in a bad mood and stopped playing games, lest she disturb others' thinking about life.

So she tore another packet of spicy strips and sat and ate silently.

Recently, the Sinology Association sent a lot of spicy noodles, and they were all very delicious.

Yan Yuexian was in a bad mood at first, but as a result, he was still full of spicy taste, and suddenly became angry.

With a twist of his head, it happened to hit Xia Weibao's gaze.

Xia Weibao looked a little angry when he saw the other person, and stretched out the spicy stick in his hand, "Do you want to eat it."

Yan Yuexian, "..."

When she said nothing.

"Where am I." Yan Yuexian asked.


Xia Weibao said lightly, she felt that something like that happened, Yan Yuexian probably didn't want to stay in school, so she brought people out.

Change the environment and mood.

"Why am I here."

"I happened to be passing by and saw you fainted, so I picked you up here."

Yan Yuexian, "..."

Seeing someone fainted, shouldn't it be sent to the hospital? How did it come to the hotel?

Are you not afraid of something wrong with me.

"How did you take me to the hospital?"

"Why should I send you to the hospital?" Xia Weibao asked subconsciously, she is a doctor herself, and can't even handle this situation.

Afterwards, Yan Yuexian didn't know that she could heal.

Outsiders only know that there is a genius doctor named Wei Liang in the imperial city, but they don't know that Wei Liang is her.

"You can't die anyway, you don't need to go to the hospital."

Yan Yuexian didn't want to talk anymore.

She sat up with her legs bent, hugged her knees, and stared at the front blankly.

This is an extremely insecure action.

Xia Weibao didn't know what to say for a while, probably she wouldn't want to mention those things on the Internet.

Yan Yuexian was silent for a while, then suddenly said in a hoarse voice, "You know about the Internet, right?"

Although Xia Weibao said it was passing by, she knew it was not. That section of road was remote. Who would pass there?

Moreover, Xia Weibao's recent scenes are very full, even when she is told to play the piano, she spends an hour at night, where there is so much time to hang out.

On this point, Yan Yuexian was very grateful to Xia Weibao.

At the moment before she passed out, she couldn't believe that Xia Weibao actually took her away.

When she was most helpless, the person who had always been regarded as an enemy unexpectedly extended a helping hand to her.

"I saw it."

Xia Weibao said quietly. Now it has been posted to Weibo, how could he not see it.

"Do you look down on me very much now."

"Why should I look down on you? There are too many letters on the Internet. I was hacked back then. Did you look down on me at that time?"


Xia Weibao, "..."

Heartbroken, old iron!

Yan Yuexian also reacted, speaking too straightforwardly.

So I apologized, "Sorry, I'm relatively straightforward. I usually tell the truth. I don't know how to make a mistake. Don't mind."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Can't talk anymore this day.

Originally looked at Yan Yuexian's cuteness, and wanted to comfort him a few words, but my heart was stabbed a few times!

"That is not what i mean……"

"Okay, I know what you mean."

Xia Weibao waved his hand. Before, she was surrounded by black materials, and few people liked her, not to mention that Yan Yuexian had hatred with her.

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