Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 989: Treatment of infertility

It's just that, no matter how you hear it, you have no confidence.

Well, in fact, deep down in her heart, she really admires Xia Weibao.

That woman is too good and too strong to be unappreciated.

Unfortunately, she is the rival of her cousin.

Yan Yuexian lowered her head and did not speak. She admired Xia Weibao's strength, but she also knew that everyone's personality was different and she would never be Xia Weibao.

For example, this time, it was a great disaster for her.

When this happened, she just wanted to escape.

But such things should be commonplace for Xia Weibao, right?

If this happened to Xia Weibao, she would never run away, but instead would take a bite.

This is where she admires Xia Weibao most.

It's a pity that I will never learn.

"Is my brother very busy now? I'm causing him trouble again."

"He will fix it."

If even this matter can't be resolved, Yan Fei can't climb that position either.

"Don't worry, just take care of yourself, and don't talk about breaking up anymore, do you hear it?"

In the latter words, his tone was serious.

It's hard to say anything about breaking up, if you encounter things in the future, you will always break up once, and you must stop!

Yan Yuexian raised her head and looked at him tearfully, "But I can't get pregnant, don't you mind."

Gong Sirui snapped her forehead, "Fool."

Thinking that she had undergone plastic surgery, it seemed that she couldn't touch her face, so she held it up gently and examined it carefully.

"Is your face okay?"

No wonder she didn't let him pinch her face before, it turned out to be so.

Damn it, he actually pinched her face several times.

Yan Yuexian's body was stiff again, she felt inferior when she thought about her plastic surgery.

"Brother Rui, I have had plastic surgery..."

Most people can’t accept that their girlfriends have a facelift.

Although she is not for beauty.

In fact, her previous face was more beautiful, round and cute.

After moving the knife, he became a little stiff.

Fortunately, she has a lot of flesh on her face and a baby face, so she can't see it.

But it is not purely natural. After all, there is still a difference.

Gong Sirui stared at her face. He could accept that she could not get pregnant. What else could not be accepted?

And he is not the kind of superficial person.

Although she can't pinch her face, there is a lot of fun between lovers.

"I do not mind."

Yan Yuexian breathed a sigh of relief, "Then, what do your parents do?"

Moreover, she feels distressed, the palace family is just a son, Gong Sirui, if they are really together, she will not be at ease for the rest of her life.

Speaking of his parents, Gong Sirui twisted his eyebrows tightly, "I will convince them."

After pondering for a while, he said cautiously, "Yuexian, have you seen a doctor."

For fear of her misunderstanding, he quickly added, "I don't dislike you, but my family's situation is a bit complicated, I..."

For him, it doesn't matter whether he has children or not. It is his wife, not the child, who will accompany him through his life.

However, the background of the Gong family is a bit complicated. Father, mother, grandfather, and grandfather are all big figures.

Even if I persuaded my father and grandfather to not want children, it would not work on my mother's side. The royal family had many rules and it was a monarchy.

There are too many restrictions.

He has sealed the prince over there, and she will be the princess when she marries. The royal family will not accept a barren princess.

This is very difficult to handle.

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