Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 999: The kitchen is heavy, no idlers enter

Yan Yuexian, "..."

I didn't say you, Xia Nuxia, can you first see what era it is now.

Want to go to jail by rolling up a sleeve alone?

This idea is fine.

Xia Weibao reacted, and now it is not the era when force is used in the world.

So he smiled, "I'll just make a joke, and the atmosphere is active."

Yan Yuexian also chuckled.

She agrees, so that the atmosphere is not so embarrassing.

"What the **** is going on, how can Yan Fei and Madam Lingyi be arrested?"

Yan Yuexian hurriedly said the matter again.

Xia Weibao looked solemn, "I'll go to Lu Hualiang for help, you go back and wait for the news."

After speaking, he ran away without looking back.

Yan Yuexian looked at her back quickly leaving, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She did not expect that Xia Weibao would actually help herself.

Looking at the smashed rose garden, he turned to call the butler.

Make the garden up again, Xia Weibao likes to smash, so let her smash enough.

The empress rushed back to the main villa all the way, and met Fu Bo on the way.

Uncle Fu was about to say hello, and Xia Weibao rushed over.

Leave a gust of wind, and a sentence.

"Uncle Fu, the wall of the courtyard was blown down by the wind, so quickly find someone to repair it."

Fu Bo, "..."

Demolish the wall every day, every day, why don’t you demolish the house if so!


Not far away suddenly heard the sound of the house collapsing, and Fober almost jumped up.

Swipingly looking in the direction of the courtyard, he almost burst into tears.

It also has a delay effect!

Young lady, if I am afraid of you, he has to hire a construction worker on standby at any time!

Xia Weibao hurried home. She didn't need to go back to film this morning. Lu Hualiang stayed with her.

After all, the two of them have been busy lately, and meeting each other is not easy.

At this time, he was still holding a video conference in the study room upstairs.

Xia Weibao thought for a while. Since he is asking for help, of course he must have an attitude of asking for help.

So she twisted her head into the kitchen and cooked for him by herself, not believing that he was not moved!

However, as soon as she entered, she scared the chefs to pee.

Please come out respectfully treating her like a Buddha.

Then hang a sign at the door of the kitchen.

As for who the idler is, well, I know.

The fact that Xia Weibao went into the kitchen and then blew up the gas has been widely circulated in Luyuan.

Everyone is on guard at all times, unless he is accompanied by Lu Hualiang, we must not let Xia Weibao step into the kitchen!

Xia Weibao is very depressed. In fact, she is very good at cooking.

The previous time was an accident, and now she knew how to use those rice cookers.

When Lu Hualiang went downstairs, she saw her scratching her little hand outside the kitchen.

Two chefs at the kitchen door held spatulas like two door gods.

"what are you doing."

Xia Weibao twisted her head and slammed into Lu Hualiang's arms like an impact cannon.

"Husband, people want to make love bento for you, but they won't let me into the kitchen~"

Lu Hualiang's goose bumps started to sound like the delicate voice.

Every time he has this kind of reaction, nothing is good.

"Go ahead, what's the matter."

Xia Weibao was stunned, she was still planning to act like a baby again and treat beautiful women as enough.

Unexpectedly, it has been seen through.

"That's it, have you heard about the Yan family."


With such a big event, almost the entire Chinese political arena is in chaos, how could he have not heard of it.

"Then, can you save them."

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