Number of People

Chapter 1023: The Situation Turned Steeply in Zizijuan

  Chapter 1023 The Situation Turns Steeply

  Pacing back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, Zai Sai's face was gloomy, his eyes were calm, and he tapped his fingers on the desk next to him from time to time, as if it would help him enlighten his thinking.

   Unexpectedly, Bilingtu and Zhuangtu brought back such an answer, which made it difficult for him to make a decision.

Bilingtu is Zai Sai's most important person, and Zhuangtu can be regarded as a knowledgeable character in the five parts of Neikalkha. In addition, the Zalutu Department has suffered a serious setback this time, and Bayan Dar Yildun realized this. One point, take the initiative to let Zhuangtu get closer to him.

Zaisai also intends to twist the five tribes of Inner Khalkha into a single rope to strengthen the strength of Inner Khalkha so that they can fight with the Chahar people, Jianzhou Jurchen and the Outer Khalkha tribes in the future. Concentric, so no past suspicions.

   Originally thought that Bilingtu and Zhuangtu went to see Busia Mara, and they could have a good talk, but they didn't expect that the other party asked Bilingtu and Zhuangtu to bring back the conditions.

   "What do you think of the conditions proposed by the other party?"

  Both Bilingtu and Zhuangtu felt that the "opponent" in Zaisai's words did not seem to be referring to Busia Mara or Ye Hebu, but something else, and they were taken aback for a moment.

  Better at understanding Zai Sai’s meaning than Lingtu, he hesitated for a moment: “Za Sai, you mean that this is Feng’s idea to send words through Busia Mara?”

"What qualifications does Busia Mara have to participate in this kind of thing?" Zaisai smiled contemptuously, "It's just that the Yehe tribe can be regarded as our grassland tribe, and the other party wants to use her mouth to avoid suspicion, and fifty thousand taels is fine. Whether it is 80,000 taels or not, as Busia Mara said, it is really not important. Don’t you understand what the other party said? In the future, in Liaodong Town and even in the customs, they can directly deal with our five departments of Nekhka. There is no need for Jianzhou Jurchen or Chahar people to ask."

  The makeup rabbit swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a little unwilling.

   Is fifty-two thousand eighty thousand taels not important?

  How is it not important?

   How much silk, tea, cloth, salt, and iron can I change? It is not a small sum for any tribe.

When Busia Mara said that 50,000 taels of silver would be packaged to buy out 50,000 pawns, both of them almost jumped up, thinking that Busia Mara was crazy. They expected to get money from these 50,000 people. One million taels of silver, the gap is too big.

  But when Busia Mara slowly explained the truth one by one, both Bilingtu and Zhuangtu fell into deep thought.

Can be selected by Zai Sai to contact and negotiate with Busia Mara. Compared with other peers in the five films, the two have much better vision and insight, so I don’t think Busia Mara is talking nonsense. reason.

   These 50,000 people cannot be brought back to the grassland.

   Not to mention that tens of thousands of people have crossed mountains and ridges, and they are unwilling to have resistance.

   Moreover, this group of people is neither valuable nor necessary, and there are daily expenses. I didn't realize it before, but when Busia Mara mentioned it, the two of them understood it.

   It costs hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every day. If you stay on the grassland for a month, tens of thousands of taels of silver will be turned into water. What if you really can’t get the ransom?

"Zai Sai, I think Busia Mara's words make sense. These people are not farmers, they don't know how to farm and raise sheep, they don't know how to make leather and iron, and many of them don't even know how to ride a horse. Ours One soldier can be worth ten of them, but isn't eighty thousand taels of silver too cheap?"

  Besides, I can understand this truth, but the difference from the previous one million ransom is too big, and it is hard for Bi Lingtu to accept it.

"There is a saying in the Han people that those who are content are always happy. We went south to ask for money. We thought it would take November to go back. If we can end the war and return to the grassland now, our livestock and horses can be preserved to the maximum extent. , Didn’t Busia Mara also say that? More than 50,000 people’s armor, weapons, and hundreds of carts pulling luggage are all high-quality goods, and these alone can be worth almost a million taels , strip off a set of clothes for each person, and take them back to the servants of the clan, which can also make them smile with joy, and their horses, which are a bit short, but they are worth a few. After all, it is enough Already..."

Zai Sai smiled proudly, "That's not even counting the hundreds of military generals, most of them are the children of Wu Xun. Don’t even think about going back with one hundred thousand taels of silver, plus those officers who are on the garrison, chief general, chief thousand, and sentry officers, they can at least squeeze out another three hundred thousand taels of silver for me, right?”

What you said in one sentence is even more red than the eyes of the leading rabbit and the makeup rabbit. This is almost a profit of two million taels of silver. so rewarding?

   "In addition, there are one or two thousand craftsmen and farmers inside and outside the town of Santunying. I have ordered the slaughter to lead a team to **** these people back to the grassland. These are urgently needed on our grassland..."

   "Zai Sai, this..." Zhuangtu became anxious.

"Zhuangtu, I told your father that when the time comes, these people can also be used for calculation. If you want these craftsmen, it's no problem. You can use everyone's contribution and loss in the whole harvest. In other words, since I, Zai Sai, is leading the adults south this time, and my uncle also supports me to take over this responsibility, I will not show favoritism, and I can bring up anything and talk about it face to face,..."

  Zai Sai waved his hand, Zhuangtu stabilized his mind.

This craftsman is the most important thing in every tribe, especially the blacksmith who forges weapons, the carpenter who makes vehicles, and the cobbler who makes leather. The place can be cultivated, and it is also very popular.

But the Mongols are not very good at this aspect, and they still have to rely more on the few Han people, but most of the Han people are unwilling to come to the bitter cold grassland, so every time they invade the south, the most important thing is to grab such people, even more than ordinary goods. Tighter.

"Zai Sai, what's Busia Mara's answer?" He was more concerned about this side than Lingtu, although after winning the battle of Santunying, Zai Sai's prestige rose to a very high level. The negative impact of the Battle of Qian'an was wiped out, and Hongji's assassination department might be able to get the biggest profit after returning this time, but he felt that Zaisai didn't seem to value these interests so much, but paid attention to Busia The one surnamed Feng behind Mara was more interested.

  Earlier, he thought that it was because Zaisai still had unresolved love for Busia Mara, but now it seems that this is not the case, and Zaisai has a longer-term plan.

   "I'm going to meet the person surnamed Feng behind Busia Mara." Zai Sai pondered for a while before saying.

  Both Lingtu and Zhuangtu were taken aback, "How can this be done?"

"Is there anything that can't be done?" Zaisai said indifferently: "The other party has drawn the way, don't the warriors on the grassland dare to connect moves? But don't worry, I will have a complete plan and will not be rash Going to throw yourself into the trap, of course, I also believe that the other party will think that a Zaisai who is more appealing on the grassland will be more valuable and meaningful than the Zaisai he captured."


  When Feng Ziying received Zai Sai's reply, she was discussing military affairs with Huang Degong, Zuo Liangyu, and Hou Chengzu.

  The news came from You Shilu, Jizhen.

  The situation is worse than imagined.

   Originally thought it was appalling for the Neikha people to annihilate the Beijing camp in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect the situation in Shuntian Prefecture to be even worse.

The Chahar people broke through from the front of Shuntian Mansion in two ways. Modaoyu Shuiguan was defeated by the main Chahar army led by Lindan Batur. Then the Chahar people broke through several city walls overnight, and the army entered the pass in one fell swoop. Fortunately, You Shigong deployed heavy troops in Zhenluying, and the two sides fought fiercely from Qiangziling to Zhenluying, all the way to the banks of the Wei River.

  Another route of Chahar people intended to break through through Gubeikou, but was resolutely blocked by the Jizhen Army, which suffered heavy losses and was still unable to break through.

  But never expected that the problem was not with Ji Town, but with Xuanfu Town.

  Wai Khalkha and the Chahar allied forces played a trick in Heihanling. They used a feint to attack Mutianyu to Dashuigu line, which attracted the attention of Zhou Jun.

  While the main forces of the Khalkha and Chahar coalition forces quietly broke through from the Thursday ditch in Xuanfu Township, and then crossed the Qingshui River overnight to attack Yongning.

Because they were completely unprepared, the information they got was that the Waikha people were on the line from Mutianyu to Dashuigu, but they did not expect to appear in Zhougou, a hundred miles away, and broke through Yongning in one fell swoop. The entire Yanqing Prefecture and Yanqing Left Wei was thrown into chaos.

   But Niu Jizong, the governor of Xuanda, was still in Yanqingwei, and he didn't know anything. When he got the news, it was too late.

  The Allied Forces of Outer Khalkha and Chahar did not stay in Yanqing Prefecture, but directly crossed the Inner Great Wall and attacked Huairou from Huanghua Town to the east, causing the entire northern defense line to shake.

  Ji Town did not expect that the enemy did not come in from outside the side wall, but attacked from behind. Caught off guard, the battle turned around, and Chahar's feigned attacking army also took the opportunity to break through, and the entire northern defense line was in panic.

The fall of Huairou led to the reunion of the Chahar Right Army and the Waikarkha West Army, which caused a shock in the entire capital, and also led to the battle between the Zhenluying and Qiangziling lines. The Jizhen army, which was fighting fiercely with Er's left army, was in danger of being attacked from both sides.

Now You Shigong can only rely on the front line of Miyun to block the Chahar and Waikha people who joined forces, so that You Shilu's troops can quickly separate from the line of Zhenluying and Qiangziling and retreat southward, relying on Changping, Shunyi, Pinggu established a line of defense.

This news stunned everyone including Feng Ziying, Zuo Liangyu, Huang Degong and Hou Chengzu. It means that Da Zhou voluntarily gave up the two counties of Huairou and Miyun, and the entire northern part of the capital has become a place where people from Chahar and foreigners The hunting grounds of the Khalkhas.

   Keep asking for support!



  (end of this chapter)

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