Number of People

Chapter 1107: Where did the Geng scroll come from?

  Chapter 1107 Where did the Geng scroll come from?

  Feng Ziying didn't know how to respond to Wei Ruolan's topic for a while.

  It was the first time he discovered that Wei Ruolan was so well-born and so mentally retarded under his skin. Han Qi had already reminded him, and he was still talking wildly here. Doesn’t he understand the difference between inside and outside? Or do you really think that this Su Miao is his confidante?

But it’s not good not to respond in this situation. Feng Ziying could only say lightly: “Isn’t it normal for the naval fleet to build ships? Japanese pirates harass, and future contacts with Liaodong will inevitably use ships. What’s the fuss about that? What? Besides, this is not an overnight achievement, with the financial resources of the imperial court, it is not bad to see results after ten or eight years."

   "That's why Wang Ziteng is not happy. He, the governor of Denglai, can still be the governor of Denglai for ten or eight years?" Wei Ruolan said cheerfully, "So you offended Wang Ziteng."

"If you offend, you will offend. I'm not a military officer. Could it be that he won't allow me to be the co-magistrate of Yongping Mansion?" Feng Ziying said flatly: "Okay, Ruolan, today everyone is performing skills for us. Let’s talk about romantic things.”

Su Miao turned her pretty eyes, "Master Feng, I really like to listen to Mr. Wei discussing the national economy, the people's livelihood, and the government's affairs with you. Now our Great Zhou seems to be safe and peaceful, but there are still things happening in many places. Why is this Mongolian so abrupt? The land is coming to the capital, so is the defense of the Nine Frontiers so weak? We, the people in the south of the Yangtze River, bear such a heavy tax every year, and the food and cloth are continuously transported to the border of the northern land, but what happened in exchange for this situation?"

  Su Miao's words made Wei Ruolan and Han Qi a little unhappy, but Feng Ziying felt that there was a deep meaning in it. Did it really represent the public opinion of the people in the south of the Yangtze River, or was it an ulterior motive to provoke? If it is provocation, the problem is that the three of them present are all representatives of the northern officials and gentry, who can they provoke?

   Or just a temptation?

  He really couldn't understand this woman.

It is certain that this woman is not a kabuki with both talent and beauty as outsiders imagined, but the officials and gentry of this era, no one has this awareness, and they will consciously feel that they are just a geisha. What's the big deal?

   But which side will be behind this woman?

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, and felt that there was nothing like it there. Could it really be just a temptation sent by the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, but why is it necessary to do so?

   Quickly went around in her mind, Feng Ziying still couldn't figure out the origin of this woman, either side was possible, but neither side thought it was very likely.

"Master Su, the soldiers on the Nine Borders shouldered the important task of defending from the Mongols to the Jurchens. For decades, our men from the North have fought one after another and paid the price of tens of thousands of lives for this. It is precisely because of their protection , so that places including Jiangnan and Huguang can live and work in peace and contentment, does Jiangnan really hope to return to the Mongol and Yuan era and become the most inferior 'Southern people'?"

  Han Qi's righteous and stern words changed the atmosphere of the entire venue, and even Wei Ruolan's previous smile was restrained a lot.

  Su Miao was also surprised, she didn't expect this topic to arouse their anger, but she didn't expect it.

After coming to the capital for so long, all the officials and gentry she came into contact with were immersed in an arrogant and comfortable life, but when the Mongols broke through the side wall and entered the hinterland of Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion, all of them panicked and frightened. Like quails rustling in the cold wind, many people have even started planning to flee south.

   Fortunately, this little Feng Xiuzhuan's blocking battle under Qian'an City seems to have boosted the spirits of the scholars in the capital city, and they have only begun to regain their energy in the past few days.

Just like the Wei Ruolan and Han Qi in front of me, Su Miao really didn't see anything worth seeing about such a young man after being in touch for so long, he wandered around all day long, failed to study in the Imperial College, neither served as an official, nor People who don't do business and don't do farming can be found everywhere in the capital city.

   It’s no wonder that such a wealthy Dazhou is so stretched when facing foreign enemies such as Mongolia and Jurchen. Which court can afford to support such a large group of idlers who have nothing to do?

Facing Han Qi's displeased reaction, Su Miao immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Han, maybe the concubine is a little bit Meng Lang, you may not know that in our Jiangnan, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Huzhou, these places, every household bears the responsibility. The taxes and labors may be twice to three times that of the northern land. Although the south of the Yangtze River is rich in water and soil, there are still countless people who sell their children and daughters, and countless people are starved of food. Annihilation overnight, but to feed the 80,000 people in the capital camp, how much money the court had to collect from the south of the Yangtze River, and how many men from the north to be recruited, to get such a result, isn't it too unbelievable?"

"Bold!" Wei Ruolan couldn't help but warn. He wandered around and said nervously, "Master Su, how can such words come out of your mouth? If they are heard by outsiders, it will be a disaster." Woe!"

  Pretending, still pretending, Feng Ziying couldn't help but want to give Wei Ruolan an acting award.

  Such words are a bit outrageous, but after the defeat of the Beijing camp, didn’t the tea house and wine shop in the capital city talk like this?

Most of the family members and relatives of the 80,000 people in the Beijing camp are inside and outside the capital city. Of course, they would not scold their children and relatives and friends. Is Beijing Camp preparing for public opinion?

  Even "Today's News" is publishing this kind of news in a very cryptic manner in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Rites?

   Is this bullying someone who doesn't understand the rules in the capital city? But this woman has been in the capital city for a month or two, how can she not know the mystery?

"Young Master Wei, I may speak a little more bluntly, but they are all from the heart of the people in the south of the Yangtze River. There are only a few of us here, and I will not say these words outside, but you three are all able to speak in the capital city. Those who can talk, this concubine's words are also made out of feelings,..."

  The resentment flowing in Su Miao's eyebrows made Wei Ruolan stunned, and coughed dryly before saying: "Hey, the imperial court will definitely have countermeasures. How can such things be silently annihilated? As far as I know..."

  Feng Ziying hadn't said a word yet, Han Qi had already coughed dryly, Wei Ruolan was taken aback, and then said embarrassingly: "The imperial court will definitely have a solution, but it has not yet been decided, that's all..."

  Feng Ziying secretly sighed in the letter that the secrets inside and outside the court are like a sieve, and there is no way to keep them secret.

He didn't know where Wei Ruolan's news came from, but it was probably from those cronies, but who were these cronies, they were either the children of Wu Xun, or the children of the royal family, or Some officials and officials, all in all, the news in this circle is almost faster than the official residence of the imperial court.

   Today's business plan, after going back to sleep at night, everyone in the family will know, and then it will spread in the circle.

Seemingly aware of the embarrassment of the scene, Su Miao smiled and stood up gracefully, "Well, today is a rare meeting for all the heroes of Beijing and China, and I will present another song to congratulate the men around me for defending against the enemy. !"

   "..., lighting up the lamp to look at the sword while drunk, dreaming back to the battalion of blowing horns..., eight hundred li points under the command, fifty strings turning over the wall..."

Contrary to the softness and gentleness before, the sound of the piano suddenly became clear and strong, and the posture of playing the piano was also wide open and closed, very bold and majestic, even the singer was suddenly raised several degrees, piercing the sky, the three The dancers also swirled and danced wildly, with fierce and unrestrained movements, which was more in line with Feng Ziying's preferences than Yan Shu's previous song Butterfly Love Flower.

   "Autumn soldiers on the battlefield..., Lu Feikuai on the horse, bow like a thunderbolt.... Pity, it happened in vain, it happened in vain!"

   "Good!" Even Feng Ziying couldn't help clapping her hands in admiration, she got up and drank a glass of wine, no matter where this woman came from, just this song "Broken Time" by Jia Xuangong is worthy of admiration.

This song can be said to be impassioned but also has deep thoughts and aftertaste. It is not something ordinary people can create this emotional mood, but Su Miao and her team have successfully achieved this, which has to make Feng Ziying heartbroken. Even if the origin of this woman is really suspicious, it does not affect his appreciation of this performance.

  Feng Ziying is not like some people think that some small actions are not enough to shake the overall situation, but the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest. If you don't pay attention to these things, it may cause great trouble to the local area of ​​​​the Great Zhou, and then form a chain reaction.

  Just like the case of Li Yongfang, I just didn't think of this person, which led to the failure of the Fushun prison, which directly led to the abduction of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

   This is undoubtedly a great tonic for Jianzhou Jurchen. It can be said that Nurhachi may not have gained such a huge harvest after several years of war.

  Just buying and recruiting a rebel will bring such a large benefit, which will definitely stimulate Donglu to do this with greater actions and costs.

  But if you think that as long as you take precautions against these, you can solve all the problems, then you will lose everything.

With Da Zhou's size, under normal circumstances, it is true that it is not possible to reverse it by playing these tricks from the outside, but the problem is that Da Zhou is now leaking everywhere, and he is attacked from both inside and outside. Even a paper painter can't win.

"It really is good!" Just as the three of them stood up and were impressed by Su Miao's piano skills, a voice came from a distance, "I said, why didn't I invite Master Su and Master Sun to sing and sing together? Brother Ziying, please go, I still don’t believe it, but I didn’t expect that it was Brother Ziying here,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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