Number of People

Chapter 1118: Gengzi scroll makes money in a good way

  Chapter 1118 The Geng Scroll Makes Money in a Prosperous Way

"Third girl, my girl is in the house. She has been up for a while. She has read a book for a while and is now embroidering." Si Qifu replied after a blessing: "My servant is going to Xiren to ask for some rose nitrate. The face is a little dry every day,..."

   "Oh? Second sister is embroidering again?" Tanchun nodded, "Embroidering Farewell My Concubine again?"

This second elder sister doesn't like to go out very much, and she has a feeling that she has to be invited. Basically, she never takes the initiative to invite her sisters to get together. It is always the sisters who invite her, or she can take the initiative to go to the sisters, even if it is Very rare.

  Among these sisters, in terms of embroidery skills, Yingchun is probably the best. Again, Xichun and Baochai, Tanchun and Xiangyun don't like it. Of course, in terms of embroidery skills, they can't compare with Qingwen.

A few days ago, Yingchun did not know where to get a picture book, and felt that the picture of Farewell My Concubine was very beautiful, so she had been thinking about how to embroider it with a silk scarf. Tanchun saw it two days ago, and asked about it jokingly. This Ji is the second elder sister, but who is the overlord, which made the second elder sister hesitant to say anything, but her face was flushed with shame, she didn't care before, but today, Siqi said that she was embroidering again, Tanchun was a little bit Take care.

   Could it be that the second sister has a sweetheart, could it be that Sun Shaozu? Tanchun subconsciously shook his head, impossible.

  Speaking of the second sister, Sun Shaozu, she frowns. How could she be tempted by that man?

It's just that the appearance of the second sister is clearly a feeling of yearning for spring, and the second sister is not young, but the elder has never said a serious statement, only saying that he will promise to the Sun's family, but there has been no specific movement, the grandson The man from the family has been to the mansion a few times, and the people in the mansion have seen them and they don't have a good impression.

  If it wasn't for the man from the Sun family, who would the second sister fall in love with?

  With the temperament of the second sister who doesn't go out of the door, how can she get acquainted with men from outside? Could it be the boys in the house?

  Although things like this are rare, it is inevitable that there will be such bad things in the big family. The second sister is innocent, if she is coaxed by someone's rhetoric,...

   Thinking of this, Tanchun was also taken aback. If that was the case, I'm afraid the Elder Master knew that he would plan on the second sister's leg.

   "Siqi, did the second sister go out during this time?" Tanchun pretended to be indifferent, and asked casually, "Is there any outsider coming to your Jinlou?"

  Siqi was also tense, could it be that the third girl also noticed something?

Shaking his head, Siqi also looked indifferent, "The girl also knows our girl's temperament. Usually, there are only a few sisters. Second Master Bao also comes less now. When Second Master Lian was still there, Occasionally, I still come and walk around, but now that the second master Lian has gone to the south, there are not many people coming,..."

   Tanchun also slowly calmed down, feeling that his guess might be a bit wrong.

   Besides, the second sister is simple-minded and easily deceived, but there is a chess player by her side at all times. With the temperament of a chess player, how can ordinary people be reliable? I'm afraid that before he even said a few words, he would be typed out by Siqi.

  Who would that be? Tanchun can already be sure that his second sister thinks of spring, and the shy look holding the embroidered stretcher must be like this when she has a sweetheart.

   I'm afraid that if I accidentally saw that young master of your family and became unrequited love, then it would be troublesome.

  For a while, Tanchun was also a little confused, comparing his heart to himself, isn't he the same?

  Seeing that Tanchun seemed to be a little distracted, Siqi didn't dare to disturb him. He subconsciously glanced at Shishu with inquiring eyes. Shishu seemed to realize something, and just shook his head quietly at Siqi.

I have been walking through the stone path at the entrance of Xiaoxiang Pavilion from the Fengyao Bridge, and I am about to go to the Cuiyan Bridge. Only then did Tanchun wake up from his distraction, and stopped: "Siqi, you go first, I will go to Sister Lin's place for a while." meeting."

When Siqi boarded the Cuiyan Bridge, and the figure disappeared into the shade of trees under the bridge, Tanchun asked the servant beside him, "Second sister seems to be restless these days. Siqi is also sneaky and chattering, what exactly are they master and servant doing during this time?"

Although Shishu and Shiqi belong to the four maidservants of Qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting, Siqi and Ruhua are the sons of Jia's family, while Baoqin and Shishu are not, they were bought by Jia's family since childhood, so the two The relationship is not too close.

"When the girl said this, the servant also felt that it was true. This chess player turned out to be a reckless person, and he did things in a hurry. As long as she was there, her voice could be heard from far away in the garden. In the past, she was often seen. But during this period of time, it seems to be much quieter, but the servants can see that she is getting closer with Sister Ping'er."

   Shi Shu is also an astute person, and he knows that the Rongguo Mansion may seem calm, but it is turbulent and treacherous.

  As the girls got older, and Miss Bao and Miss Lin supposedly had a home, but they never moved out of Jia's house. The relationship that should have been regarded as sister-in-law seems to have become a little subtle.

There is also a Grandma Zhu who seems to be indifferent to world affairs, but because Jia Lan worshiped Uncle Feng as a teacher, she suddenly became active. She either went to talk with Miss Bao, or went to sit with Miss Lin, which made Hengwuyuan and Xiaoxiang very angry. The already sensitive relationship between the museum is even more delicate.

And Miss Smith has always lived in the garden, and now there is an eccentric Miaoyu, a Xing Xiuyan who hides needles in the cotton, plus the maids and wives of each girl, the garden seems to be calm , In fact, the wind and thunder are hidden.

   "Ping'er?" Tanchun frowned, "Second sister-in-law's place is much quieter now than before, although she still manages the mansion, but..."

   "Girl, I heard that the Second Mistress Lian didn't want to take care of the affairs of the house, and she said that she recommended Grandma Zhu and the girl to take care of it together." The news of the servant was not blocked.

"Hmph, just listen to what I'm saying. Are the affairs of the mansion so easy to manage?" Tanchun shook his head, "The second sister-in-law is still struggling for so many years, how can I take care of these things in the mansion?" Which of these maids and wives has no relatives in the mansion behind them, they are either talking about the gentlemen or the wives and grandmas, it’s not good to control them, it’s not good to not care about them, why bother to carry a nameless skin?”

   "Isn't there still Grandma Zhu?" asked the servant.

"If sister-in-law Zhu wanted to take care of it, she would have taken care of it a long time ago. Now her mind is on Brother Lang. She didn't see her going to Sister Bao and Sister Lin every day. She just hoped that Brother Feng could do more. Can you put more thought into Lang Ge'er so that Lang Ge'er can also pass the exam like Huan Ge'er in the future and enter Qingtan Academy?"

  Tanchun's eyes were full of resentment. Others could find excuses to talk to Brother Feng, but he was...

   "Uncle Xi, you are fast enough." Feng Ziying frowned slightly, and then relaxed.

Since he made up his mind to ask Jia She to show his face to borrow this job, it is better for Han Xin to send as many soldiers as possible, but Jia She's action is too fast. There are thirty or forty people, and looking at it again, it is a bit exaggerated to even include some sentinels and officials at the general level.

Jia She smiled sarcastically, "Brother Keng, since you have left your words, the fool will naturally do it with all his heart, and you also know that our martial arts are inextricably linked. I didn't join the army again, but I still have some contacts outside, so I asked casually, and they came to the door. They are all distant relatives and neighbors, and I am not easy to push, so I just reluctantly ,..."

  Feng Ziying sneered in her heart, this guy is still reluctant, I'm afraid it's just what he wants.

After a cursory glance, Feng Ziying discovered that Jia Amnesty's connections were not bad. Duke Qi's Chen family had three children, including Chen Ruishi, Jingtian Hou Qiu's family also had three children, including Qiu Bingzhong, and Li Guogong's Liu family included Liu Guoquan. Private, the lowest-level one is actually a sentry officer, probably a little distant branch.

   "Uncle Xi, have you settled with them?" Feng Ziying was curious about how he told the other party.

"It's almost the same, the price is clearly marked, and they all know the market. In fact, they can't hide it from others. The conditions you negotiated with the Mongols have already been passed back, but the Mongols asked for redemption together, so these people are gone. Take it..." Jia Amnesty was a little proud, "The fool just leaked a little bit of rumors, saying that you have contacts with one or two noble chiefs of the Mongols. Maybe you can redeem one or two of them, but there is no guarantee, it depends. The situation, first come, first served, so..."

   This guy played such tricks so smoothly, Feng Ziying didn't bother to ask any more questions, and said bluntly: "Then what do they say about the ransom? Uncle Xi, you can't run away in vain, right?"

"Hey, Uncle Yu also told them that it's not bad if you can redeem a life in advance, so don't expect to save much. Of course, maybe one or two noble chieftains that Brother Keng is familiar with can give some discounts, then It’s just as much as you pick up,…”

Jia She salivated and said, "As for me, it's easy to say, and I've said it too. I'll take half of the ransom. After all, it still needs to be arranged, including finding someone to go to the Mongols as a guarantee. In case the money is handed over, What if the Mongols broke their promise and refused to let them go?"

These half-truths, half-falsities, and tricky discourse methods are familiar to Jia Shen. Jia Shen has also mastered the tricks of coaxing and deceiving, holding high and lightly, and ambiguously. The first son, avoid other people in the family to avoid interference, so he can quickly get so many targets who have already achieved their intentions.

  Even the Chen family and the Liu family were willing to believe in Jia She, probably they really believed in Jia She's words.

  Feng Ziying made a rough estimate, and the ransom amount on this list alone is already as high as a little over one hundred thousand taels, which also means that Jia Amnesty can get more than five thousand taels of commission from it.

  (end of this chapter)

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