Number of People

Chapter 1120: Geng character scroll cut Hu

  Chapter 1120 Geng character scroll cut Hu

   Both the Xing family and Wang Shanbao's family gasped, ten taels of silver? ! The master gave Jiao San? !

  What kind of temperament is Jia She, no one in the whole family knows? If you want to get ten taels of silver from him, I'm afraid Eryatou or Jia Cong can't do it during the festivals. Jiao San, who is driving a car, actually got ten taels of silver?

  Even Xing Shi became a little jealous, the master has rarely been so generous to himself, why is Jiao San so forthright?

   Mrs. Xing realized it immediately. This only shows that what Jiao San and the others saw and heard with the master these few days is too important, so he reluctantly paid ten taels of silver to make a serious statement.

  Xing and Wang Shanbao's family looked at each other, but the curiosity in their hearts was even worse. In the end, Xing still gritted his teeth and said: "Shanbao, tell me, if the master really wants to blame, I will bear it with all my strength."

  Wang Shanbao hesitated for a while before saying: "Madam, why don't you just ask the master about this matter, the younger one doesn't know much about it."

   "You don't know much, so just say you do. I will naturally ask the master later." Mrs. Xing refused to give up.

"Ma'am, I only know that it is related to the generals and military officers who were captured by the Mongols in the Beijing camp. The master seems to be asking Uncle Feng to help redeem a few people..." Forced to nowhere, Wang Shanbao could only grumble. : "I really don't know about the others, my wife must never say it's a small one..."

  Xing's whole body was also shocked, it turned out that it was this business!

It is no secret that tens of thousands of people were captured in the Beijing camp. Even "Today's News" admitted it half-covered. Rumor has it that ordinary soldiers were only redeemed, but the generals and officers refused to let the Mongols go. The asking price was very high.

  Master actually wants to do this business? ! Xing was both surprised and delighted: "Then what the master said, you can do it with Brother Keng?"

"I don't know about this little one. Looking at the master's situation, it should be possible. The master said that Uncle Feng has a connection with the Mongolians..." Wang Shanbao half-covered a general idea, a little worried, and felt that I talk too much, if the master knows it, I'm afraid he won't bypass him.

  Xing's heart moved slightly, but he remained calm: "Okay, I understand, don't say anything more about the master, I will ask him."

   After sending Wang Shanbao away, Mrs. Xing took Wang Shanbao's family back to her room, "Jingui, do you think we can do this business?"

  Wang Shanbao's family was taken aback, "Madam, what shall we do?"

"Let Xing Zhong come, isn't he eating and drinking outside all day long? After so long, there should be some friends in Beijing. I heard that there are hundreds of people in the Beijing camp who were captured by the Mongols. How can the master control so much, but he only cares about those who have status and face, or those who have friendship in the past. Those ordinary generals will definitely not be able to control them. It is better to ask Xing Zhong to investigate and see who else has family in Beijing. People are caught by the Mongols, we can also come to thread the needle,..."

While searching, Xing said: "Master must be here to help make contact, earn some commission from it, let Xing Zhong do what the master doesn't like or don't want to contact, and let Shanbao learn to understand the method. , Professor Xing Zhong, this earns money, naturally you and your wife will have a share,..."

  Wang Shanbao's family was also very moved when they heard it, but they were afraid that if they did this, if the master knew about it, they would really be hated by the master in the future.

   Seemingly seeing through Wang Shanbao's family's worries, Xing said again: "If the master finds out about this, he will blame it on me. I would say that I just overheard what he said on weekdays and figured it out by myself..."

   What Xing said made Wang Shanbao's family feel at ease, "Madam, why don't you let Qin Ming follow Brother Xing..."

  Xing sneered, "You will think about your son-in-law,..."

  Wang Shanbao's family fell silent.

After thinking about it for a while, Xing said: "Forget it, let Qin Ming follow Xing Zhong, let Shanbao pay more attention these few days, find out the way and ask what happened, and then talk about how to do it, I reckon this matter It’s not something that can be done in a day or two,…”

   "Then madam, Uncle Feng's side..." Wang Shanbao's family asked the most urgent question: "I heard that Uncle Feng is going back to Yongping Mansion soon."

   Mrs. Xing pondered for a moment, but this was the most difficult one.

It is easy to inquire about the families of these generals captured by the Mongols in Beijing, but even if they are willing to redeem them, they have to find a way. This way is in Feng Ziying's hands. Now the master has already connected with Feng Ziying , I am going to open another one, how can I tell Feng Ziying? How could Feng Ziying pay attention to herself?

However, the Xing family also has considerations. The master said earlier that the second girl promised to the Sun family. This Feng Ziying is a good one. If you want to get money from the Feng family, Xiuyan can actually be used. I guess The master should also play this card, he can play this card, and when Xing Zhong is used, he can naturally use the name of Xiuyan.

   It's just these things, but there is no need to tell Wang Shanbao's family.

   "I have my own plan." Xing pretended to be confident, and nodded, "Just do these first here."

Xiao Hong searched around Jia She's courtyard, found the right opportunity to enter the courtyard, but soon found that Wang Shanbao was guarding Jia She's study outside, and he had a posture of not getting close to strangers. , I knew something was wrong.

  In the past, when the elder master and the second master were talking with Uncle Feng in the Rongxi Hall, they didn't see this kind of situation. No wonder the second grandma asked herself to find out what Uncle Feng was talking about with the elder.

  There was no chance after going around twice, so Xiaohong had no choice but to leave, but saw Siqi hurriedly coming this way.

Both the Qin family and the Lin family are the sons of some respectable families in the Rongguo Mansion, but the status of Lin Zhixiao and Lin Zhixiao's family is obviously higher. Deng, Yu Xin, Zhang Cai, Dai Liang, Qian Hua, this is the latest ranking of the Lai family among the servants of the Rongguo Mansion after they were "overthrown".

  Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xingdeng are competing for the position of the number one housekeeper, Yu Xin and Zhang Cai are closely behind, while Dai Liang and Qian Hua are at the bottom.

  However, neither Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, nor Wang Xifeng intends to establish a chief housekeeper like Lai Da, but tends to share the management.

For example, the internal and external affairs of the original Lai Datong were divided into two. Lin Zhixiao assisted in managing the farmland and the external business of the shop, Wu Xingdeng assisted in various internal business expenses in the mansion, and Yu Xin took over the original Wu Xindeng's chief banker. Zhang Cai became the head of the warehouse for other things except money, Dai Liang was in charge of purchasing, and Qian Hua was in charge of auditing. Compared with Lai Da's single-handedly covering the sky, this division of responsibilities is much more reasonable.

   "Siqi, where are you going in such a hurry?" Lin Hongyu went forward to meet him.

   "Xiaohong, what are you doing here?" Seeing that it was Lin Hongyu, Si Qi was a little curious, Lian's second grandma and the eldest master were incompatible, everyone in the family knew it, how could Xiaohong come here?

"Sister Ping'er heard that Uncle Feng is here, so she sent me to take a look..." Naturally, Lin Hongyu couldn't carry Wang Xifeng out, and it was most appropriate for Ping'er, who was on good terms with everyone in the house, to do so. .

"Ping'er?" Siqi hummed in her heart, she always wondered if Ping'er's little hoof had an affair with Uncle Feng, the last time Ping'er and herself saw Uncle Feng being intimate with his own girl, they turned their heads and left And Uncle Feng didn't seem to be afraid of Ping'er speaking out. Besides, Ping'er kept his mouth shut, but at least he had to give a few words of advice, but Uncle Feng didn't care about it, which made Siqi a little suspicious.

Considering that the Second Grandma and the Second Master Lian have reconciled now, Ping'er is probably looking for a suitable place to go, maybe he just followed Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er's way, Uncle Feng himself is a romantic seed , I'm afraid that half of Ping'er's plump body will be crisp after seeing Ping'er's plump and jade-like body, naturally it hit it off.

   "Is Ping'er's little hoof also moved by spring?" Siqi said carelessly.

Lin Hongyu was taken aback, but she also knew that Siqi and character had always been on good terms, and these big maids were not shy about meat and vegetables in private, so she smiled and said: "Siqi, you can go to Sister Heping'er to say that. I dare not ask nonsense."

   "Hmph, isn't she afraid of Second Mistress peeling her skin?" Si Qi said casually.

   "I'm afraid that's also Sister Ping'er's business, why are you here?" Hongyu asked.

"I'll come and see my parents." Siqi can find a reason casually. Wang Shanbao and Qin Ming are both in Jia She's yard, so it's normal for her to come, "Why, didn't you see Feng?" uncle?"

"Your grandfather is guarding the door. No one is allowed to enter. It is estimated that the elder is talking to Uncle Feng. Why don't you go and ask for me to see what they are talking about. How long will it take?" Hongyu pretended. .

"That's fine." Siqi rushed in, but came out after a while, and said with a straight face: "My grandfather said that the old man and Uncle Feng are talking about serious things. I'm afraid I don't know when we can talk about it. I said to bring tea in for them, but my grandpa refused, so let me not bother you,..."

   Hongyu knew that Siqi had hit a wall as soon as she heard it. This chess was very popular with Wang Shanbao, but she didn't expect to hit a wall. It seemed that there was indeed something important.

As soon as this news was passed back to Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng became even more curious. What made Jia She and Feng Ziying talk for so long, and also made Wang Shan guard the door, not even allowed to play chess. This is too strange .

  Wang Xifeng had an intuition that with Jia She's temperament, if it had nothing to do with money, he would definitely not be so interested. But if it had something to do with money, then Jia She could intervene, so maybe he couldn't ask.

"Ping'er, go and guard the gate. If Uncle Feng wants to go out, tell him that I have something to see him." Thinking of all kinds of tricks on that day, Wang Xifeng wanted to shoot rouge cheeks in an instant, and a red rose was about to melt. Moved, couldn't help clamping his body.

  (end of this chapter)

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