Number of People

Chapter 1127: The destination of the Geng scroll (ask for a monthly pass for the first update!)

  Chapter 1127 The destination of the Geng scroll (the first update asks for a monthly pass!)

   It should be said that Mrs. You has a good heart, and her thoughts are also very simple.

Now Feng Ziying's status is extraordinary, and her two daughters are already the concubines brought into the mansion by the other party, and their identities have been determined. This is a supreme honor for two girls with Hu blood. Mrs. You showed off a lot, and even Zhang's mother, who followed her, praised her in every possible way for taking care of her daughter so that Uncle Feng could take her into the house as a concubine.

As Mrs. You said, it is also fortunate that she controls her two daughters very strictly. Even if the third sister practiced martial arts since childhood, she also requires the second daughter to be clean and self-respecting, and must not spread gossip outside. , At that time, it will be even more difficult to find a good family.

   Unexpectedly, the third sister met Uncle Feng by coincidence, and Uncle Feng liked the appearance of the second and third sisters quite a bit.

Mrs. You knows very well that traditional rich families will never accept the appearance of the second sister and the third sister who have obvious barbarian blood. Even if they are interested, it is just a whim to try something new. If you don't admit it, you can never take it home.

But Uncle Feng really did what he said, and he really carried the second sister and the third sister back to Feng's mansion. Fortunately, the second sister and the third sister are very precious, their bodies are clean, and they are still yellow flowers Daughter, otherwise the second daughter would not have the chance to enter the mansion.

  Because of this, after she determined that she was not an unmarried woman but a woman, all that remained of You was curiosity and worry.

  Curious about which woman can fascinate Uncle Feng, and worried that Uncle Feng will be hard to escape if she gets caught by these foxy girls who may have practiced kung fu in bed.

  She really regarded Feng Ziying as the future support of herself and her two daughters, and was worried about Feng Ziying, the son-in-law.

The carriage hadn't come out yet, Mrs. You pondered for a while, seeing that it was not early, she slipped quietly into the alley, and carefully returned to the outside of her house, the door was still closed, and the carriage was waiting outside, the driver Aunt You, the youngest member of Guan, knew her well, she was the son of the Feng family, so she didn't dare to get too close.

Fortunately, this alley is not a main street, it is slightly winding, and in front of my house there is a mansion just left unoccupied. Rest in front of the gate of the mansion, and you can see this side by leaning against the gatehouse.

   After resting for another half an hour, the door finally opened.

  Ms. You saw two women following Uncle Feng out slowly. The two women got into the car first, and Uncle Feng looked around before getting into the car.

The carriage slowly passed in front of Mrs. You. Mrs. You felt a little regretful. Although she could see the figures of the two women clearly, both of them wore hoods and curtains, so they couldn't see their faces clearly. In terms of posture, Mrs. You can still tell at a glance that the front is a charming woman, while the one behind is like an inhuman virgin.

The carriage rattled, passed in front of Mrs. You, behind the gatehouse where Mrs. You was, Baoxiang followed on the other side of the carriage, and did not notice Mrs. You, but Mrs. You inadvertently caught a glimpse of a picture from the curtain shaken by the wind on the side of the carriage. The face that has taken off the veil is smiling like a flower, shy and timid, but it's not that Ping'er next to Lian's second grandma in Rongguo Mansion?

   This scene was branded in You Lao Niang's mind, which made You Lao Niang very deep and unforgettable.

   Is it Miss Pinger? Who is that other woman? Could it be...

Mrs. You didn't dare to think about it. There are only a handful of women of the right age in Rongguo Mansion. There is Grandma Zhu and Second Mistress Lian. This old lady You also knows that Ping'er is the personal maid of Lian's Second Grandma. This woman It seems that the identity is self-evident, of course, it may be Grandma Zhu, but that is just as appalling.

One is a woman from Heli, and the other is a widow who has been widowed for many years. They are both in their twenties. They are in their youth. When they meet such a heroic figure as Uncle Feng, I am afraid that they really can't close their legs. That makes sense.

The carriage slowly disappeared at the entrance of the alley, and Mrs. You had mixed feelings in her heart. They all said that Ningguo Mansion was clean except for the pair of stone lions, so everything else was dirty, so Mrs. You was determined not to allow the second and third sisters to go to Ningguo Mansion. What's the matter? If you have anything to do, you can go to talk and handle things by yourself. If the elder sister wants to have two younger sisters, she can also come to Feng's mansion as a guest, but the two daughters are not allowed to go to Ningguo mansion. The reputation of his two daughters.

  Youlao Niang knew very well that her daughter's status as a concubine was no better than that of a concubine. Once her reputation was gone, it would be difficult to gain a foothold in Feng's residence.

   Now it seems that this Rongguo Mansion is similar, full of certain indescribable tones.

Thinking about it, there are almost no serious masters in Rongguo Mansion. The two masters are getting old, and the master of the next generation, Master Zhu, is dead, and Second Master Lian left for Yangzhou. It is said that Second Master Bao is an idiot An idiot who lives ignorantly in the city, Mr. Huan seems to be a master, but he usually studies in colleges outside the city and rarely comes back. Under such circumstances, I'm afraid that seeing a high-spirited man like Uncle Feng who is famous all over the capital, it will be logical for something to happen.

Feng Ziying naturally did not expect that the carriage passed by, and Ping'er, who got in the carriage and took off the hood, was clearly seen by Mrs. You when the wind accidentally raised the curtains. Knowing who it was, or knowing Ping'er, didn't know what happened, but it happened that Mrs. You, who knew everything, saw it, so it was different.

When Ping'er got up to give Feng Ziying a more spacious seat so that the couple could still sit in the car, she got up and probed and was seen by Mrs. You. She was also unaware of what happened. She blushed as she watched the two making love at the other end of the carriage.

  Wang Xifeng, who had settled the business, felt refreshed all over. Even Feng Ziying's hands and feet were only spit by her, but under Feng Ziying's insistence, she turned a blind eye and closed her eyes.

It wasn't until Feng Ziying rubbed her embroidered jacket inside her embroidered jacket to untie the tie of her bellyband that she rolled her eyes at Feng Ziying and said in an annoyed low voice, "Brother Keng, you want to take back all these things on me. home?"

  Feng Ziying salivated proudly: "Giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance in your hands. Well, if you take the roses yourself, the room will be full of fragrance. Uh, if I take them home, the room will naturally be full of fragrance."

  Being defeated by Feng Ziying's rogue, Wang Xifeng put his arm on Feng Ziying's still raging hand, begging: "Brother Keng, don't do this..."

  Feng Ziying smiled leisurely: "Sister Feng, if I leave tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't be back until two or three months later, why don't you let me think about it?"

Hearing Feng Ziying's words, Wang Xifeng's heart softened, and as soon as his arm was loosened, Feng Ziying reached for the bag, took it out from the skirt of the embroidered jacket, put it on the tip of his nose, took a deep breath, and then stuffed it into his house with satisfaction. in the arms.

   "Virtue!" Wang Xifeng helplessly rolled her charming eyes, which made Feng Ziying's heart itch again.

  It's just that it's absolutely impossible under such circumstances. If we say goodbye today, we can only wait until the end of the year to marry Er Xue.

Ping'er was also affected by the two's small movements, so he couldn't close his eyes, nor could he open them, so he could only turn his face away, pretending not to see it, but he never expected that a hand would suddenly grab his waist. Hooked it, and pulled it all at once, so startled that she couldn't help but let out a cry.

Baoxiang outside the carriage had sharp ears, but he pretended not to hear, but the youngest Guan who drove the car glanced at Baoxiang, seeing Baoxiang looking at his nose, nose, nose and heart, walking with his head held high, showing no sign, but he understood and cared for himself. It's time to drive.

The car was full of spring, and Wang Xifeng turned a blind eye to Feng Ziying's actions, leaning on the pillow, with one wrist resting on her cheek, "Brother Keng, Ping'er is still a virgin, I'd better give her some face Fang also has to choose a suitable time, don't be too contemptuous, and I'm sorry for Ping'er's sincerity to you after following me for so many years."

  Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Feng Ziying let go of Qiao Ping'er's waist, but Ping'er didn't move away, just snuggled to one side quietly without making a sound.

   "Sister Feng's words are reasonable, but when is the right time, you have to think about it. I never treat people who are willing to follow me wholeheartedly. No matter what, I have to arrange a good home..."

  Feng Ziying hadn't finished speaking, Wang Xifeng had a half-smile on the corner of her mouth: "Brother Keng, are you implying me?"

   "Sister Feng, it's up to you to understand it. Lu Yao knows horsepower, and he can see people's hearts over time. Feng still has this confidence in himself." Feng Ziying said proudly.

  A touch of emotion flashed across Wang Xifeng's face, but it disappeared in an instant, replaced by teasing indistinctly: "Then if I am willing to die, what kind of destination does Brother Keng plan to give me?"

  It is impossible for her to marry into the Feng family. The Feng family is now the third room, and the two women are her cousins. She also knows that she can't compete with them.

Feng Ziying didn't care, but reached out and patted Wang Xifeng's abdomen: "Where is the destination? It depends on your own belly. If you are fertile and fertile soil, you can give birth to a boy and a half girl for you. How can you still give birth to you?" Is it okay for the two of you to leave it alone?"

Wang Xifeng was startled. Although she had thought about having children for Feng Ziying, it was just thinking about it. After all, it was hard to say whether Feng Ziying was willing or not, and some words might not be taken seriously, but today Feng Ziying was so calm and firm, what? mean?

   "Brother Keng, are you telling the truth?" Wang Xifeng couldn't believe it for a while, she was really afraid that the other party was just being sweet for a while and fooling herself.

   Ask for another 300 monthly tickets, aiming for 1,000!



  (end of this chapter)

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