Number of People

Chapter 1146: Penetration

  Chapter 1146 Penetration of Geng Scroll

  The functions of the Dazhou Household Department are somewhat similar to those of the former Ming Dynasty, but they are improved by combining some characteristics of the former Ming Dynasty.

For example, the Thirteenth Cleaning Department is still retained, but the four departments in the Hongwu period are retained. For example, the headquarters has become the General Affairs Department, the Du Branch has become the Du Zhi Department, the Jin Department has become the Finance Department, and the Cang Department has become the Finance Department. The function of the Warehouse Department is similar to that of the four ministries in the Hongwu era of the pre-Ming Dynasty. With the addition of the Thirteen Qing Officials Department, the Household Department has also become the largest institution among the six ministries.

  Wei Dazhong is Yuanwailang of the Finance Department.

  Wei Dazhong is a Jinshi who was born in Jiashan, Zhejiang.

He is also very clear that if it were not for Feng Ziying's bold strategy of opening up the sea two years ago, the financial situation in the court would have been even worse. Although Feng Ziying is a rising star in the north, he has a close relationship with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, especially those gentry whose families have merchants for a living. They have a good impression of Feng Ziying.

Because of this, Wei Dazhong is still very optimistic about Feng Ziying, so he loves the house and Wu. Jia Yun, who followed Feng Ziying, does not have too much prejudice. There are also tens of thousands of members of the main side, and many of them have been reduced to the same as the poor. It is not surprising no matter what industry they are in.

The background and details of Haitong Yinzhuang are also roughly clear to Wei Dazhong. The royal family in Beijing, high-ranking officials and nobles, and the rich and powerful merchants in the south of the Yangtze River in the north have many shares. However, the storage and lending that Haitong Yinzhuang is engaged in is indeed different from the traditional Banks, in addition to universal deposits and withdrawals, break the convention and give interest to depositors, which is not available in other banks and banks. They also adopt the method of lending, which also makes many banks and banks hesitate to get involved in this industry.

Wei Dazhong also admired Feng Ziying's ability to personally lead and launch the Haitong Yinzhuang. With his three-inch tongue and various favorable policies, he tossed this Yinzhuang on the basis of no foundation, and after After several years of development, it seems to have the feeling of a behemoth.

   "But according to the adults' orders, I will obey everything." Jia Yun said politely.

   "Oh, shopkeeper Jia is so easy to talk to?" Wei Dazhong smiled, "Then I want to say, can it be interest-free?"

  Jia Yun was stunned and dared not answer.

Wei Dazhong laughed out loud, and suddenly he felt much better, "Okay, it's just a joke. How can the court take advantage of the folks by remaking it? Well, the Ministry of Household Affairs intends to transfer 500,000 taels of silver from Haitong Yinzhuang to pay for it. With a one-year period, is there any problem with Haitong Yinzhuang?"

  Jia Yun silently estimated, and then asked: "When will you want it? Will you pay the whole amount in cash in the capital, or can you pay in other places?"

The Jingshi is the place where the entire Haitong Yinzhuang absorbs the most abundant cash, but when the cash comes in, it has to be considered for lending out, and the lending in the North is obviously far behind that of Jiangnan, so most of the cash absorbed by the Jingshi has to be sent to Jiangnan for storage. There are not many in the library of the Jingshi.

  Of course there is not much more, five hundred thousand taels is still available, but if the five hundred thousand taels is transferred this time, the library of the Jingshi will be empty, so Jia Yun wants to ask Wei Dazhong if he can pay in other places.

After Wei Dazhong was stunned for a moment, he thought about it. Among the five hundred thousand taels, apart from the two hundred thousand taels that need to be paid in cash to the Nekalka people, there is another three hundred thousand taels that need to be purchased in Huguang for military supplies. , including food, mules, horse-drawn carriages, medicinal materials and other materials.

  He didn’t know that Zai Sai had already negotiated with Feng Ziying to buy the goods directly in Yongping Mansion, so it was directly counted as cash, "

   "Master Jia,..."

"Master Wei, if you don't give up, just call me Brother Yun." Jia Yun said with a smile: "In the future, my account will deal with the Ministry of Households more and more, and we also hope to provide more services for the court. More thoughtful and high-quality service.”

  Wei Dazhong was taken aback for a moment and then laughed, "Forget it, Brother Yun, more thoughtful and high-quality service, this is interesting, can you explain it?"

"Hehe, this is what Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan mentioned to us before. He said that the main businesses of our banks are now nothing more than a few things, deposit and withdrawal, universal exchange, and lending, but no matter which business, We all hope to win the favor of more high-quality customers. Similarly, if we want to win the favor of high-quality customers, we must naturally provide more thoughtful services, so as to attract more high-quality customers and win the competition with other peers.”

Jia Yun's words made Wei Dazhong a little messy. Jia Yun's series of words made his head go crazy. He understands such words as deposit and withdrawal, currency exchange, and lending, but he knows the words customer, service, and high-quality customer. Combined together, he seems to understand a little bit.

"Uh, Brother Yun, can I understand that the customers you mentioned are merchants who come to your bank to deposit and withdraw money?" Wei Dazhong swallowed hard, and asked slowly: "There are still high-quality customers. What do you mean? Service, um, is probably what your bank does for these customers, right?"

Jia Yun nodded. This Mr. Wei is not that kind of pedantic person, at least he has a good understanding ability. I have said these words to many people, and they either turn a blind eye to it, or find it difficult to understand, or think it is grandstanding, but This Mr. Wei obviously does not belong to this category, and he is very interested.

"Master Wei, the meaning of service is to use our own resources as a bank to help people or companies in need of these aspects. Depositing and withdrawing money is only one aspect, and it is also like loans. Many businesses want to expand their scale, or temporarily need Turnover, for example, he needs us to transfer a sum of money directly to business partners in other places, all of which we can do for them.”

Jia Yun explained patiently: "Customers are not limited to merchants or ordinary people who deposit and withdraw silver, but also people who borrow money from us. Because of their loans, we can collect interest, so that we can pay to those who deposit silver with us. Only by paying interest can our shopkeepers and apprentices have an income,..."

Wei Dazhong nodded when he heard it. It's not that he doesn't know anything about bank accounts, but a natural aversion makes him unwilling to know more about these bank accounts. Jia Yun came to teach him a lesson today, so he can understand .

   "That is to say, if it is universal deposit and withdrawal, you also need to pay the handling fee you mentioned?" Wei Dazhong was quite interested.

"It doesn't have to be. It depends on the situation. It's not necessary for very small amounts. For example, those with less than a hundred taels, or those with particularly large amounts, can also be exempted if they have long-term business transactions with our bank. Only those that are neither in Our bank has long-term contacts, and if the amount of exchange in another place is not large or small, we will charge a handling fee. After all, we need to make special exchange bank notes, which also requires costs. In addition, this kind of exchange in other places also has some risks,..."

  Feeling that Wei Dazhong is interested, Jia Yun is naturally willing to promote it to him. This is what Feng Ziying proposed to everyone in Yinzhuang, to use every opportunity to promote Yinzhuang's various businesses and services to everyone.

  This Wei Dazhong was born as a Jinshi. Although he is only a Yuanwailang now, is it possible that he will be a doctor or even a minister in the future?

It took half an hour to understand the difference between this Haitong Bank and other banks, and even Haitong Bank’s lending model, including object investigation, pledge mortgage, risk control, Jia Yun talked about these things clearly and logically, Wei Dazhong is also a big To his shock, this prototype model of a modern bank was indeed far beyond his imagination. No wonder Haitong Bank developed so rapidly.

"Okay, I have a general understanding of your Haitong Yinzhuang's situation, let's get back to business. In this way, the account department can definitely become your so-called high-quality customer, so can we talk about the loan interest? Also, if we need to exchange money in different places , how about the handling fee?"

Hearing that Wei Dazhong finally talked about this business, Jia Yun was determined and said with a smile: "Master Wei, please rest assured that our Haitong Yinzhuang has special service standards for high-quality customers, including exchange fees and loan interest. Given the most favorable consideration,…”


  When Jia Yun came out of the Hubu office and got back into the carriage, she couldn't suppress the ecstasy in her heart, and waved her hand violently.

This is the first loan to the imperial household department. According to Uncle Feng, this is the number one high-quality customer, and the mortgage is also mortgaged by the sea trade franchise fee, even if the interest is placed at the lowest level. The fee is also taken into account that this is the first half of the payment, but thinking about it, it is 500,000 taels, and the profit is quite considerable.

  The most important thing is that as long as this news is spread, it will undoubtedly improve the reputation of Yinzhuang, and the most important asset of Yinzhuang is reputation, which is what Uncle Feng has repeatedly emphasized.

  He needs to report this situation to Feng Ziying immediately.

Feng Ziying had explained to him a long time ago that business dealings with the Ministry of Household Affairs would come sooner or later. The financial situation of the imperial court and various accidents that are constantly erupting now make it difficult for the imperial court to continue to eat their own food. In the end, it may come through private banks and banks. Turnover, then Haitong Yinzhuang will be the first choice.

  While Jia Yun was ecstatic to get the first loan business from the Ministry of Household Affairs, Wang Xifeng was also actively preparing to start her redemption business.

   This will be the most important gain before she leaves Jia's house, and there is no room for loss, even if she loses face, she must get it.

She has already delineated the targets in the circle that she can touch, but this is far from enough. Except for many who have been taken away by Jia She, there are not many remaining targets in this circle, and more targets need to be passed. Jia Rong and Jia Rui came to finish.

  (end of this chapter)

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