Number of People

Chapter 1153: Geng Scroll Dynasty Affairs, Temples (2)

  Chapter 1153 Geng Scroll Dynasty Affairs, Temple (2)

  Qi Yongtai also remained silent, and said after a long time: "Ziqiang, have you reported this matter to Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang?"

"Not yet. Bo Xiaogong has been in poor health for the past few days. I think I should discuss it with Bo Xiaogong before making a decision." Zheng Jizhi is in poor health. Overworked the other party, "Qi Xiang, since Bo Xiaogong has proposed many times to be an official, should the cabinet determine the candidate for the minister as soon as possible, which is also conducive to handling affairs."

  Qi Yongtai also felt a headache. This was a game between Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, and he couldn't get involved.

  Ye Xianggao wanted Huang Ruliang to be the Minister of the Household Department, but he refused to make concessions on the selection of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

  Of course Fang Congzhe refused to agree, and the condition he proposed was that between the Ministry of Officials and the Minister of the Ministry of Households, the need should be shared equally between Fujian-Jiangyou scholars and Nanzhili-Zhejiang scholars.

  But for Ye Xianggao, he was reluctant to give up any position.

   But Fang Congzhe was also unhappy. As the second assistant in charge of finance, if Huang Ruliang was appointed Minister of the Household Department, given the close relationship between him and Ye Xianggao, his second assistant's control over the Household Department would be even worse than it is now.

In fact, Qi Yongtai is also very dissatisfied with the dispute between Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe. The two most important departments of the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households will be controlled by scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. It was Li Sancai, the cabinet minister who was famous as a scholar in the north, who still leaned towards Jiangnan. If it weren't for Ye Xianggao, he would be a relatively knowledgeable chief minister, and there would be more quarrels in the cabinet.

This round of personnel adjustment was not going well, whether it was the discord among the scholars in Jiangnan, or the struggle between scholars in Jiangnan and Beidi, Huguang scholars, or even between Beidi scholars and Huguang scholars. It also seems to be a bit incoherent.

  This makes this round of adjustments always feel like it can't find a matching point, which also makes Qi Yongtai very annoying.

   It seemed that he wanted to clarify some problems, Qi Yongtai waved his hand and suppressed the pressure: "Ziqiang, I plan to recommend you as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, you must be prepared."

"Ah?!" Both Cui Jingrong and Sun Juxiang were taken aback. This rumor has been spread for a long time, but it does not mean that it will become a reality, because every adjustment will generate countless versions, but Qi Yongtai's Generally speaking, it is undoubtedly a conclusion, Qi Yongtai will not say it without absolute certainty.

"Qixiang, it's settled?" Cui Jingrong made up his mind, he was mentally prepared, whether he was serving as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, or continuing to be the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Households, or even rumors that he would be transferred to the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials, he was not surprised .

"I just decided." Qi Yongtai said calmly: "If a few important candidates cannot be determined as soon as possible, the court will always feel like it is floating. Everyone's interests and grievances, don't bring them to the table to care about."

  Cui Jingrong laughed, "Qi Xiang, are you talking about me?"

  Qi Yongtai also laughed, "Of course I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about some people in our dynasty, some people are too personal, and some people care too much, including Ru Jun."

  Ru Jun in Qi Yongtai's mouth naturally refers to Qiao Yingjia, so it can be regarded as a very direct criticism.

  Qiao Yingjia is a close ally of Qi Yongtai and a leader of Shanxi scholars, Cui Jingrong is from Changyuan, Henan, and Sun Juxiang is an out-and-out Shanxi scholar.

   "Where is Brother Fu?" Cui Jingrong frowned.

Youfu is the name of Wang Yongguang. Wang Yongguang is the former head of Tonghui Academy, a leading figure among Shandong scholars, and now he is the left servant of the Ministry of Industry. If Cui Jingrong is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, he will be older than Cui Jingrong and both belong to the North He is a scholar, and Wang Yongguang, who is one subject earlier than Cui Jingrong, is not suitable to be Cui Jingrong's deputy.

   "If you have Fu, I will recommend him to be Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing." Qi Yongtai said carefully and carefully.

  "Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing?" Even Sun Juxiang was a little surprised, "Qixiang, is this suitable?"

"Youfu used to be the censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate for many years, and also served as the right servant of the Nanjing Military Department. He is familiar with the situation in Nanzhili. This time, I think the situation in Jiangnan is not very good..." Qi Yongtai didn't go any further. .

  Although Wang Yongguang is from Shandong, he has worked in the south for a long time after passing the Jinshi examination. He is very familiar with the situation in Jiangnan and Huguang, so he is a suitable candidate.

  This time Qi Yongtai is going to make concessions to the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River in the central court, but he is going to strengthen his intervention and control over the south of the Yangtze River, which can be regarded as an exchange.

  Nanjing Ministry of Officials Shangshu is directly in charge of the personnel affairs of the 15 prefectures and three Zhili prefectures in South Zhili. He has great power.

   "In addition, Bo Fu, I would like to recommend my younger brother as the right deputy capital censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate." Qi Yongtai said again.

Sun Juxiang hesitated for a moment, "This is a court affair, I shouldn't have interrupted, but Shuxiang has not been the magistrate of Jinling for long, right? And as far as I know, Jia Hua, the prefect of Jinling, is a cunning person, and so are Shuxiang and his colleagues. There are a lot of fights, if Shu Xiang leaves this time, I'm afraid no one will be able to restrain him."

"Well, it's been two or three years. It's almost the same. The officials in Nanjing are slack, and they have violated many laws and regulations of the court. They need to be strictly rectified. That's why I let Uncle Xiang go." Qi Yongtai rubbed his chin: "As for Jia Yucun. Man, it is indeed as you said, but this man is quite knowledgeable about current affairs, and I will arrange a suitable person to replace Shu Xiang when the time comes."

Qi Yongtai rubbed his temples. He had a feeling that the situation in the south of the Yangtze River was a bit weird this year. He didn't know if Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe were aware of it, or if they did it on purpose. Many officials were delaying the court's laws. Signs, this is not a good sign.

  Sun Dingxiang, the younger brother of Sun Juxiang, is stubborn but not lacking in flexibility.

  Sun Juxiang nodded silently. Qi Yongtai was born in the Ministry of Officials and was very familiar with the situation of the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Naturally, there is a reason for employing people. Of course, this must be discussed with Ye and Fang, and even a game transaction.

The Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate only has Youdu Yushi, Youdu Duyushi, and Youqiandu Yushi, and there is no left post. The Youdu Duyushi is actually the second person in the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate, and it is also a big challenge for Sun Dingxiang. Nice promotion.

"Self-improvement, during this time you still have to deal with the affairs of the Ministry of Household Affairs. In the land of Gyeonggi, during winter and spring, there will be absolutely no troubles, but the situation is very bad now, Bofu, please tell me." .”

  Qi Yongtai supported his forehead, a little tired.

"Well, according to some clues from Shuntian Mansion, the Ministry of Justice, and Long Jinwei, the White Lotus Sect in the entire Beizhi area is developing extremely rapidly, especially in Yongping Mansion, Shuntian Mansion, Zhending Mansion, Hejian Mansion, and Baoding Mansion. In addition, according to the clues fed back from Yongping Mansion, there are also many White Lotus believers mixed in the guards of Ji Town, and there is a tendency to breed and spread. Transformed into the development of the refugees in the northern part of Shuntian Prefecture,..."

  Cui Jingrong was startled suddenly, "Doesn't that mean that there are already..."

"It's not that there is such a sign, but that the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Shuntian Mansion have already found such signs before. Although they have been investigated and dealt with, it is still difficult to eradicate the root cause. It is like a wild fire that burns endlessly and regenerates when the spring breeze blows. It is difficult to eradicate it." Sun Juxiang said coldly. : "And every time there is a disaster, it is a good opportunity for the development of the White Lotus Sect, and its power will rise by a wave, which is extremely difficult,..."

  Cui Jingrong nodded, he somewhat understood Qi Yongtai's worry.

If the relief from the imperial court is not in place, the refugees from the five states and counties in the north of Shuntian Prefecture will become the best breeding ground for the development of the White Lotus Sect. Everyone knows that these people are the easiest to accept such demagogues when they are desperate. words.

"Qi Xiang, the Ministry of Household Affairs is negotiating with Haitong Yinzhuang for the turnover of money, but the amount is relatively large. Haitong Yinzhuang is still discussing. If it needs to be handled properly, I am afraid that the amount will be increased..." Cui Jingrong glanced at Qi Wing Tai.

Qi Yongtai shook his head slightly, "I will write to Ziying and urge her to help me out. At this time, all parties need to cooperate. In addition, I have another idea, um, it was also proposed by Ziying .”

"Oh?" Both Cui Jingrong and Sun Juxiang had dealt with Feng Ziying. Cui Jingrong had a very good impression of Feng Ziying, but Sun Juxiang didn't like Feng Ziying's too much limelight, and Qiao Yingjia liked him so much, so he had a bad impression of Feng Ziying. quite complicated.

"Shanshan Chamber of Commerce opened mines and set up iron factories and charcoal plants in Yongping Prefecture. Later, it also set up some factories for the production of sand and mortar. In the early stage, it was mainly the Qing army and cleared out hidden households. In the later stage, many local farmers were attracted. The work also aroused the dissatisfaction of the local gentry..." Qi Yongtai mused.

"In addition, due to the opening of Yuguan Port, there are more and more merchant ships coming from Jiangnan, Guangdong and Guangxi to Yongping and Western Liaoning. In addition, Shanshan businessmen want to further expand and build mines and iron factories in Yongping, so Ziying suggested Shanshan The businessman plans to build a sand-gray road from Lulong via Funing to Yuguan and Shanhaiguan in advance. Well, it is said that the road built with the kind of cement they said will not be affected by rain and snow erosion, and driving can be done in rain or shine. Even troop mobilization can benefit from this,…”

  Cui Jingrong and Sun Juxiang were shocked.

Although they don't like merchants very much, they can't deny that Shanshan merchants are an important support force for the scholars in the whole northern region, and road construction and other matters should be the government's business, even if it's work for relief. The government pays for the food, but now it sounds like Shanxi businessmen are willing to take the initiative?

  When did Shanxi businessmen become so obedient?

  (end of this chapter)

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