Number of People

Chapter 1208: The daughter of the gengzi scroll, named, the eldest princess

  Chapter 1208 The Geng character scroll got a girl, named, the eldest princess

  Feng Ziying rubbed her cheeks, Wu Yaoqing and the others are still investigating, but whether it is the White Lotus Sect or the Wenxiang Sect, it is easy to find clues, but it is not so easy to trace the source.

Many of these little bosses are powerful tribesmen with some power in the countryside. If we say that we are going to point to the powerful themselves, there is not enough evidence. Moreover, these people usually hide very well, and they have not had any other excessive actions. Many of them were even arrested. It is also resolutely not to admit it, but to cover it up in the name of believing in Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

Like the county and township governments, they often find it difficult. If they really want to investigate and deal with these secret societies, it will involve too many aspects, many of which have no real evidence, and will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the Bodhisattva and Buddha fools in the countryside. Even causing civil uprisings is undoubtedly an unpopular choice for local officials.

In this case, as long as it is not particularly obvious as a local official, they are more willing to make big things into small things, especially when some powerful gentry intervene or make peace. Easier to press down.

Wu Yaoqing also mentioned to Feng Ziying at the beginning that the White Lotus Sect is rampant in the northern provinces, especially in Beijing, but most of these White Lotus Sect members appear in the name of other secret societies, and there are very few who really claim to be the White Lotus Sect. Wenxiang Sect, Mahayana Sect, Hongyang Sect, Sanyang Society, etc. There are many different styles, some of which are related to each other or even come from the same strain, while some have their own inheritance and do not interfere with each other. In the name of the Bodhisattva.

   "Then, Wenzhao, what's your next plan?" Feng Ziying had already heard the meaning hidden in Zhao Wenzhao's words.

In this case, it is more difficult to search further, because no one knows the leader, but only knows that he should be a prominent figure in a certain club here in Yongping Prefecture, but such an illusory description is hard to find. Moreover, Zhenzi Town is a distribution center for supplies between Fengrun, Zunhua, Luanzhou, Lulong, and Qian'an counties. During the market, there are many people coming and going, and there are quite a few people from all counties, so it is difficult to say who this person is. Where did he come from? Now, it is undoubtedly difficult for Long Jinwei to quickly find out the identity of this person.

"My lord, the investigation will definitely continue. The criminal department also has arrangements, but this is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. It takes some luck. At this time, the other party will definitely hide himself when he knows the failure. It is not easy to find clues. The only hope It is because we suspect that the few Pan Guanying soldiers who fled with this person at the beginning, we are going to use this as a clue to slowly explore, but it will take time,..."

Zhao Wenzhao's words made Feng Ziying nod her head. It's not bad for someone to give such an answer. It's unrealistic for you to think about this kind of thing in a short time, and now he has a direction for investigation. I believe the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Long Jinwei. There will be motivation to continue the investigation, but the time will be slowed down.

  Feng Ziying is not the kind of unreasonable person, not to mention that Zhao Wenzhao is also an acquaintance. He can see the momentum of his prosperity, so he will naturally investigate diligently.

"Okay, Wen Zhao, I'll work **** you guys. I'll also say hello to Mr. Sun at the Ministry of Criminal Justice. They and your informants are not on the same side. They each have their own way. If I don't investigate this matter clearly, I won't be able to sleep well all day. ,..." Feng Ziying got up to bring tea to see off the guests, but went over to embrace Zhao Wenzhao enthusiastically, "We are all acquaintances, I won't say much else, if you need me, let me know in advance..."

  Feng Ziying's friendly attitude made Zhao Wenzhao a little flattered, and repeatedly expressed that he would try his best to investigate the case to the bottom.

   After Zhao Wenzhao was sent away, Feng Ziying immediately called Wu Yaoqing, "This is the situation, Yaoqing, what do you think?"

"My lord, I am inclined to Mr. Zhao's opinion. Our investigation is very careful, and basically we have no contact with outsiders. There are many branches of the White Lotus Sect, with various names in a mess. Many of them can't figure it out, even if someone knows about us. During the investigation, it is impossible for them to know that you are behind the arrangement, and the people selected are all returned from the capital, so this is absolutely impossible."

Wu Yaoqing replied with certainty: "So the biggest possibility is that your series of actions made some people feel in danger. As for why you chose to assassinate you at Guhe Ferry, it's really hard to say, but you recruited refugees to come to Yongping Many people know about this matter. Although your micro-service travel is very secretive, it is not a problem if someone wants to check your whereabouts. After all, you have to start from the government office or home, and you can know as long as you guard these two places. The terrain is complicated, the people are dense and there is no organization, once you succeed, you can take advantage of the chaos to get out, it is indeed a more suitable place to start,..."

Feng Ziying nodded, "I'm also inclined to this possibility, but I'm a little surprised that the White Lotus Sect in Yongping Mansion are so bold. If they don't have greater ambitions, why should they worry about my actions? Yaoqing, don't you Do you think this is a little too exaggerated?"

  Wu Yaoqing pondered for a long while before saying: "My lord means that these people have bigger plans. They are worried about being discovered or noticed by your lord, so they want to act first to avoid future troubles?"

"Besides this, what better explanation do you think?" Feng Ziying walked around the room with her hands behind her back, "There is no reason for me to check Bailian among the Qing army and the personnel who cleared out hermits and those who chose to enter the mine and workshop. Teaching these members of the club can arouse their hatred, and even take such a big risk to assassinate me, right? No matter how you look at it, it feels a little unreasonable. These people in charge of the White Lotus Sect are not fools. Even if there are some fanatics, they shouldn’t target me.”

  Wu Yaoqing also nodded in agreement, "What does your lord mean..."

"You don't have to worry about the investigations of Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Justice over there. Let them investigate. You continue here. On Ni Er's side, you write to Wenyan and ask him to ask Ni Er to find some people who have been working in the capital for a few years. People who eat, be reliable, and make more arrangements when you come back, I always feel that this is not that simple."

Feng Ziying's face darkened, "If you dare to assassinate me, you will have to pay the price. Besides, Yaoqing, during this period of time, I will focus on checking the situation in Leting and Changli. Since these White Lotus Sects are so active here, they are more or less There are still some entanglements with the gentry, isn’t the magistrate wanting to move the Huimin saltworks? We can also give him some reasons to make more troubles, and I believe the magistrate will use it well.”

  Everything is going on in an orderly manner, but for Feng Ziying, everything has been put aside for the time being. With the arrival of December and the big wedding is coming soon, he also needs to ask for leave to return to the capital city.

Dazhou’s leave system for officials is still relatively loose. Needless to say, funeral leave, Ding You naturally has rules, and there is also a one-month holiday for marriage leave. Of course, taking concubines is not counted. Give a certain amount of travel holidays in a humane way.

But to be honest, this kind of marriage leave is really rarely used. It is very rare that you have been an official when you get married. There are very few unmarried couples, and with the addition of a three-year political observation period, it will basically catch them all. Of course, couples like Feng Ziying are naturally scarce.

Zhu Zhiren has asked for leave, and the official department also needs to register, but the formalities have been completed long ago, and Zhu Zhiren's congratulatory gift has also been delivered, a pair of jade biscuits, the value is not light or heavy, about three hundred taels of silver, Just right.

  Officials usually don’t give too much gifts when they get married, but concubines and gifts are not too restricted.

  Accompanied by Feng Ziying's return to Beijing to get married, people like You Er You San, Jin Chuan'er, and Xiang Ling naturally all returned to Beijing.

  But the mansion prepared for the second bedroom has also been prepared, and the purpose of Yinger's trip was to inspect the mansion prepared for Baochai and Baoqin.

  At the beginning of December, Feng Ziying finally returned to Beijing.

  And if there is no accident, Shen Yixiu's delivery date will be just a few days away.

  When Feng Ziying returned home, Shen Yixiu was already really potbellied, and even walking was a bit difficult. Seeing her husband returning home, Shen Yixiu felt relieved all of a sudden, and the amniotic fluid broke that night, and she gave birth to a daughter.

   Regarding the birth of a daughter, Duan and Shen Yixiu felt a little regretful, but Feng Ziying was very happy.

Shen Yixiu, who was exhausted, saw her husband carefully holding the infant daughter, his face was full of excitement and joy from the heart, it didn't seem like he was forcing a happy face, he was quite curious, and of course he was also a little worried: "Mr. , I see that you don't care too much about my failure to continue the incense for the Feng family, and you even have a little..."

Shen Yixiu really felt that her husband's behavior was a bit weird. If it was said that he gave birth to a son and then gave birth to a daughter, then that's fine. It's unbelievable that the husband was so excited when the Feng family gave birth to a daughter while continuing the family tradition.

"Even a little happy?" Feng Ziying said nonchalantly: "Yes, being a husband is very happy, um, even happier than you having a son. This is your first child, which proves that you can have a child, and the second child is much easier. Now, many women have dystocia in their first child, and your first child is so smooth, which means that the second and third children will be easier, and there is no risk of danger. I just like my daughter, a daughter is a little padded jacket for a father, and basically they are daughters and fathers, sons and mothers,..."

  Feng Ziying brought out this point of view from her previous life, which immediately shocked Shen Yixiu.

"Msister, where did you hear this?" Shen Yixiu tilted his head and looked at her husband curiously: "How come I have never heard of this statement? I mean daughter and father, son and mother Speaking, as for the previous reason you mentioned, I am very moved,..."

"Okay, you and I are also husband and wife. I naturally hope that you will be safe and sound. As for the latter statement, our Feng family is quite special, and it is different from other families. Whether it is a son or a daughter, they are both father and mother. Precepts and deeds, Wan Jun, your literary talent is even better than your husband, in the future, the children in the family will rely on Wan Jun to discipline you, but your husband will also spare time to teach as much as possible,..."

  Feng Ziying prevaricated, it was obviously difficult for Shen Yixiu to let go, but Shen Yixiu could indeed feel her husband's special love for her daughter, which made her feel much more at ease.

  Looking at the slightly hairy and wrinkled little face in front of her, Feng Ziying's heart was also greatly touched.

  You actually have a daughter? Looking at his wife who was pale and asleep, it was difficult for Feng Ziying to describe the complex emotions in her heart.

  When he came to this time and space, he has been in a restless and impetuous state. No matter what he does, he has a relatively clear purpose and utilitarianism, and he is unwilling to think too far into the future.

Perhaps it is because I feel that maybe one day when I wake up, I will already be in another time and space, but I have not left any traces in this era, or it is a dream itself, but until today, looking at the lightness in my hand It was only when he was a baby that he really realized that perhaps he had driven a nail deep into the history of this world and would change this history.

  Now that I have a daughter, the coordinates of this time and space will be firmly locked, and it seems unlikely that everything will be empty when I wake up.

At least the birth of my daughter allows me to have a more real and specific goal for my future. It is for my daughter, and I should consider more comprehensive and long-term in my future actions, and for this one and myself. Those who have this inseparable blood relationship should think more about it.

  For a while, Feng Ziying sat in the room and thought about it, especially thinking of the thrilling scene at the Guhe Ferry. If she hadn't taken precautions, her daughter would have lost her father before she was born. This situation will definitely not happen again in the future.

  When Shen Yixiu woke up, he saw her husband still sitting alone on the head of his bed, resting his chin in thought.

  The daughter is not around, she must have been taken away by the wet nurse to breastfeed.

Shen Yixiu was amused by her husband's trance-like state. Normally, her husband slammed Fang Qiu and seemed calm in the face of everything, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly become a little restless and bewildered after having a daughter. Maybe this is why A transition period in parenthood?

The news that the Feng family got a daughter quickly spread throughout the capital. Although it was only a daughter, it was also a good sign. It meant that Feng's eldest wife had no problem with her fertility. It also meant that once Feng Ziying After going to the Xue family sisters, it may also bring hope for the continuation of the second room's incense.

   Soon people of all kinds came to the door one after another, or posted gifts, or sent gifts directly. Of course, these were mostly ordinary relationships, and those who were really close often came to the door in person.

   "Congratulations, Ziying, this is double happiness, right?"

  Feng Ziying was very happy that Lian Guoshi and Fang Youdu came together.

"Well, thank you Junyu and Uncle Fang." Signaling the servants to take down the congratulatory gifts, Feng Ziying greeted the two of them to sit down, "It happened to be in time, as soon as I came back, Zhuojing gave birth that night, and I was thinking about a good name Well, brother Junyu, do you have any good suggestions?"

In terms of intimacy among classmates, Lian Guoshi, Fang Youdu, and Xu Qixun are the closest to Feng Ziying. Fang Youdu's contacts with them are much less, but they have closer contacts with Chen Qiyu, Fu Zonglong, Song Shixiang, Ma Shiying and others.

"The name of the daughter of the Feng family is not easy to choose. Ziying has never considered asking Qi Shi or an official teacher to name it?" Lian Guoshi laughed. He knew that Feng Ziying's scriptures were not good, and his poems and essays were occasionally used. Naming this kind of thing I'm afraid it's really embarrassing him.

   "Well, there's no need to trouble the two of them with such matters." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Brother Jun Yu has a great talent, and you also know that my younger brother is lacking in this aspect. Why don't Brother Jun Yu choose a name for the little girl?"

Seeing that Feng Ziying is so solemn, it is really difficult to push off state affairs. According to the customs of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is also an elegant thing for such friends to name their children. Of course, this is usually only done by very close relatives and friends. This move, and most of the scholars have such a leisurely attitude, Feng Ziying's behavior also shows his trust and respect for himself.

   "That's right, brother Jun Yu is famous for his scriptures in Qingtan Academy. This Zi Ying daughter named it, and brother Jun Yu must find someone who is good at it." Fang Youdu also echoed.

   "Well, since that's the case, Brother Yu will not refuse. I wonder if Ziying and your Feng family have any particulars?" Although they are daughters, each family has its own rules, which are not the same, so it is natural to ask about state affairs.

"Well, my generation lacks gold in the five elements, so I need the help of gold characters, and the next generation lacks wood in the five elements, so Brother Jun Yu can use wood to supplement it." Feng Ziying also knew that naming this era is not a trivial matter, so he consciously I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to come up with a good name, so I might as well let Lian Guoshi, a master of Confucian classics among the younger generation, come up with a good name for my daughter.

"Auxiliary with wood?" Lian Guoshi thought for a while and said: "In "The Book of Songs Daya Volume A", the phoenix sings at the high hill; the phoenix grows at the rising sun. Zheng Xuan also said that the nature of the phoenix , it’s not the phoenix tree that doesn’t live there, and Feng and Feng have the same pronunciation, how about calling it Feng Qiwu?”

  Feng Ziying has not yet spoken, Fang Youdu has already clapped his hands and praised: "Wonderful, Junyu is indeed worthy of being a talented scholar in Confucianism, this name is a perfect match, and only such a name can be worthy of Ziying's daughter."

Feng Ziying didn't expect that Lian Guo's affairs could be found in the "Book of Songs" in an instant, and it could also be homonymous with her surname. , I'm afraid I may not be able to pick a satisfactory name if I scratch my head.

   "Thank you, Brother Jun Yu." Feng Ziying was also quite happy, and this also solved a big problem, "Feng Qiwu, um, yes, it's called Feng Qiwu."

  (end of this chapter)

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