Number of People

Chapter 1210: Jia Huan's Mysterious Confidence in the Geng Scroll

  Chapter 1210 Geng Scroll Jia Huan's Fantastic Confidence

Jia Huan looked very calm, "Third sister, you can hide it from others, but can you hide it from me? Don't mention me, I guess the servant must know it too, maybe sister Xue and sister Lin can read it too. Come out one or two, that is, you think you have covered it up well, but you are just deceiving yourself."

   Shocked by Jia Huan's words, his whole body trembled again. Tanchun blushed and then turned pale. He tried his best to keep calm, and said sharply, "Brother Huan, what did you say?!"

   "Sister, you and I are real siblings. Although I don't have much time to come back, I have grown up and I have my own people in the mansion..." Jia Huan sighed.

   I have to say that Brother Feng has had too much influence on me, so I consciously or unconsciously look up to Brother Feng.

Jia Huan especially admired Brother Feng's calm, calm and graceful aura, and behind all of this was Brother Feng's plan. Bogey, Brother Feng also often reminded himself that he was not worried that he would fail the Qiuwei and Chunwei exams, but he was worried that his character would offend others after he became an official. Jia Huan also realized this, so he always wanted to learn to imitate Brother Feng.

   "Brother Huan, what do you want to say?" Tanchun's face became paler.

"Third sister, I'm telling the truth, do you think Sister Bao and Sister Lin can't see it?" Jia Huan stared at his sister, "They are so smart, they live in the garden with you, how can they not see it?" ? An outsider like me can see a thing or two, so they don't feel it at all?"

   "Brother Huan, it's not what you said..." Tanchun felt that his rebuttal and explanation seemed so weak.

"Okay, they didn't hide their ears and steal the bell, and they didn't turn a blind eye, but did it deliberately. If this level is revealed, how will you sisters get along with each other? And what about the elders in the mansion?" Jia Huan looked very calm, " Don't they also worry that if they really make it clear, if the elders in the mansion have any thoughts, won't they be asking for trouble for them?"

  Seeing Jia Huan's calm and natural expression, Tanchun was also nervously thinking after being touched, and after a long time he said slowly: "Brother Huan, what do you mean by coming to tell me this today?"

"It's nothing interesting. You and I are siblings. I'm just expressing my feelings. The sisters of the Xue family are going to marry Brother Feng soon, but third sister, how can you be worse than them?" Jia Huan's tone was a little bit serious. Excited, "Some people will definitely say that we are concubines, but we are also children of the Jia family. The Xue family is just a declining imperial merchant. I don't understand why Brother Feng chose the Xue family!"

"Brother Huan, you are not allowed to say that about Sister Bao and the others." Tan Chun sternly said, "Brother Feng did not make a mistake in choosing Sister Bao. It is naturally wise for the Xue family to choose the Feng family, but it cannot be said that the Xue family is bad. Jia Shi Wang Xue and our four families were originally united, supporting each other,..."

"Third Sister, support each other. As for the current situation of our Jia family, has the Wang family ever supported us? The Shi family is making a lot of ugly appearances outside, has the Wang family ever cared?" Family matter, this has become a big joke in the capital city.

   Tanchun was stunned by Jia Huan's words and couldn't answer for a while.

The Jia family is still in debt outside, but it is not as urgent as when the garden was first built, but this kind of debt cannot be hidden from others, and it is also very bad reputation. I borrowed it, but they were all declined for various reasons. As for the historian, it has become a joke now. If the Xue family hadn't taken this opportunity to marry the Feng family, and Brother Feng's support and support, I am afraid that they would have disappeared from everyone.

At present, only the Wang family is the most prosperous among the eldest four families. From the Jingying Jiedu envoy to the Xuanda Governor to the Denglai Governor, Wang Ziteng has always been at the top, and the people around him are like crucian carp crossing the river. Teng is also far more run than Jia Zhenghui, and the Wang family is far superior to the other three in every aspect, and the Jia family is just holding the title of a duke of the state, in fact, it has long been an empty air.

   "Okay, let's not talk about these inappropriate things. Today I just express my feelings, but Sanjie, what do you think?"

  Jia Huan's words drove Tanchun to a dead end again. Tanchun closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Brother Huan, so what if I like Brother Feng, so what if I don't?"

"If you don't like Brother Feng, go and ask your father to arrange a good marriage for you as soon as possible before your father leaves. Don't wait until your father leaves and listen to your mother's random assignments. You will cry even if you cry If you don't come out, look at the embarrassing situation of the second sister, everyone in the Sun family knows that it is a den of tigers and wolves..."

  Jia Huan said in a deep voice: "If you really like Brother Feng, go over there and make it clear to Brother Feng..."

   "Speak clearly to Brother Feng?" Tanchun couldn't help raising his voice, looking directly at Jia Huan, "You want me to be so shameless and impetuous to say such things, what will Brother Feng think of me?"

   "Then what's the matter?" Jia Huan also raised his voice: "Sister Feng, don't you know how you behave? He likes your temperament the most. I know very well..."

  Jia Huan's words made Tanchun take a deep breath, "Brother Huan, what you said is out of proportion..."

"Third Sister, do you want the so-called propriety, or your own happiness for the rest of your life?" Jia Huan said bluntly, "I don't believe that if the Xue family sisters didn't have a tacit understanding with Brother Feng, Brother Feng would take the initiative to go to Xue's house. Proposing marriage, but how did they come to have a tacit understanding? How many times has Brother Feng visited our Jia's house? How are they better than you? If it is Sister Lin, I can barely believe it. After all, Brother Feng also said that he and Sister Lin We are friends in need, and we shared weal and woe together during the Linqing civil uprising, but what does sister Xue and Brother Feng have in common? I don’t want to slander or accuse anyone of their actions, and even I think sister Xue’s actions are more brave and worthy of admiration. But what about you, third sister?"

  Being a little confused by Jia Huan's words, Tanchun tried his best to stabilize his emotions, but Jia Huan's words were like nails deeply stuck in Tanchun's heart.

Brother Huan's words are correct. Sister Bao is almost the same as herself, and she has no special intersection with Brother Feng, and even less time to meet him once or twice than she might. After all, she had already known Brother Feng when she came to Beijing. , It’s just that everyone was still young at that time, and they hadn’t thought about it yet.

  Later, although Brother Feng came to Jia’s mansion for a little longer, everyone knew which Brother Feng came, and most of the time we were together, but when did Sister Bao and Brother Feng have a tacit understanding? What made Brother Feng finally choose to propose marriage to the Xue family?

  Sister Bao is three years older than herself, which may be a factor, but is there really no reason like Brother Huan said? Tanchun was a little uncertain.

Tanchun finally calmed down, let his emotions calm down, and his tone returned to calm: "Brother Huan, I understand your kindness, but you must know that marriage is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. We need to pay attention to the right family, let’s not mention the situation between me and Brother Feng, but Brother Feng is now in the same family, and the sister of the Shen family will not mention it. Sister Bao and Girl Lin are already engaged to him. There are only 20 days to marry, and Miss Lin is also delayed because of the filial piety, what do you think I can do in Brother Feng's current situation? I eagerly beg to come to the door to be a concubine for Brother Feng?"

   Tanchun's last sentence stopped Jia Huan from asking.

In fact, he also knows very well that his third sister has no chance. It is impossible for Brother Feng to regret the marriage, and even if he regrets the marriage with Xue Baochai or Lin Daiyu, it is unlikely that he will marry the third sister. Girls are no better than boys. Studying for the imperial examination can change one's destiny, but if the third sister wants to become a concubine, she can only choose among those poor scholars.

  But how many talented and poor scholars who are expected to pass the scientific examination and become an official are willing to marry a concubine daughter of a declining Wu Xun family?

  This is not the Yuanxi years of decades ago. Wu Xun's influence is shrinking sharply. He can't improve his personal connections through his family status, and he may even suffer some negative effects. Who would want to? If it is a purely ordinary family, with the third sister's heart, how can she be willing?

Jia Huan lowered his head sullenly and thought for a while, and finally raised his head, his eyes still insisted: "Third sister, I still say the same thing, if you really like Brother Feng, you should at least give your heart to Feng. Brother knows, as for the final result of Brother Feng and you, I really cannot predict, but I am thinking, if Brother Feng is interested in you, he will definitely make an arrangement for you. What I admire most in this world, Jia Huan, is Brother Feng, I believe he can find a way to solve this matter."

   Tanchun was also amused by Jia Huan's blind worship of Feng Ziying, "Brother Huan, what else do you think you can do now? You think I can only be a concubine for Brother Feng?"

It's not that Tanchun never thought about it. If the elder sister didn't enter the palace but was married to Brother Feng after a few years of female history, he could marry Brother Feng as a concubine like Xue Baoqin or Miaoyu. It was impossible for him Married to Brother Feng as a regular wife, but as a concubine, Tanchun also felt a little unwilling.

   Jia Huan was also speechless, both were from official families, and the others were concubines. How could he not know how different this concubine was from his wife and concubine before?

  No matter how much he admired Feng Ziying, he still felt that the third sister was wronged by being a concubine for Brother Feng, but this opportunity was such that Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu had already taken the lead, and his third sister was a concubine, so what?

  But brother Feng's reputation is in full swing, he is only twenty years old, who can predict what good fortune he will have in the future? He felt that Brother Feng had an inexplicable appreciation and love for Third Sister, so he had a kind of self-confidence, and believed that Brother Feng could give Third Sister a satisfactory explanation.

   Still adjusting and pondering, so I need a little less, and strive to get out of the bottleneck earlier.



  (end of this chapter)

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